Poppette / Comments

  • Poppette

    Poppette (100)

    @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    Hahahah picturing a kangaroo with shoes on made me laugh so much! They're actually just these little plastic things you put on the front bumper of your car, when you drive the air whistles through them at like a super high frequency that only animals can hear and it scares them off and away from the roads.
    Sadly, I don't think I've ever seen KangaROO Shoes haha, a pocket in your shoes is.... handy? haha!
    I'm so jealous!! I would LOVE to have deer everywhere! Non-sewer possums that will rob you if you walk late at night through a park with some food you mean!
    July 28th, 2014 at 10:01am
  • LivE.LiFe.RanDoM

    LivE.LiFe.RanDoM (100)

    United States
    Roo shoos? I'm not entirely sure I can picture this. At first I had a wicked mental image of kangaroos with massive shoes... and then I thought about KangaROOS Shoes (disclaimer: I actually had to google that for the correct stylization. No, thank god I'm not that lame). Do you have those in Australia? They're sneakers with little pockets on the side. I think I had a pair when I was seven.
    Really? There are herds and herds of them in my backyard. I would definitely swap with you. I wouldn't mind seeing me some kangaroos and cute non-sewer possum.
    July 28th, 2014 at 03:23am
  • Poppette

    Poppette (100)

    @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    A few week ago my boyfriend and I were driving home from interstate on a rural highway and we had about five huge kangaroos jumping along side the car. It was so scary hahaha thank god someone invested 'roo shoos' so instead of jumping in front of the car they crossed to the other side of the road!
    I'd love to see a deer!!!
    Hahaha yeah, it's pretty much the most common possum. I've been chased by them for food though!!
    July 27th, 2014 at 11:40am
  • LivE.LiFe.RanDoM

    LivE.LiFe.RanDoM (100)

    United States
    I totally agree with the kangaroo thing... except with not kangaroos. I've got herds of deer instead... and cyclists, which are absolutely tiring.
    I have no idea what a brush tail it. Oh, I googled it. It's a possum! And it is cute... the possum I have here live in the storm drains. That's a stark contrast from trees.
    I wanna come to Australia soooo bad. ahaha. Then I can really compare.
    July 27th, 2014 at 05:27am
  • Poppette

    Poppette (100)

    @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    God I have a semi-heart attack whenever I'm driving and a kangaroo appears on the side of the road, let alone having a possum flying around my house haha! Although I used to have a brush tail that lived in a tree in my backyard and we'd hand feed it bananas, it was very cute!
    So true!! I find it fascinating how two places can have so much in common
    July 26th, 2014 at 09:33am
  • LivE.LiFe.RanDoM

    LivE.LiFe.RanDoM (100)

    United States
    I hear ya. Home is definitely a wonderful place.
    They let them fly around. Looking back I'm super grateful for my parents saying no. What would I have done with a wild Australia animal?
    I seem to totally forget that Australia and the US are comparable in size. It only makes sense that there'd be discrepancies in weather depending on where you are. So while it can be so wild how different two places can be, it's also mind-numbing how similar they are all at the same time.
    July 26th, 2014 at 07:10am
  • Poppette

    Poppette (100)

    @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    I guess it'd come down to what climate, demographic, culture and how big of a place you'd want the city to be. I love NSW and QLD but nothing beats Melbourne, though I'm probably bias from living here my whole life haha.
    In the mall? That's insane haha!!!
    You can't buy cats or dogs from a pet store, it's to try and force puppy mills and factory/backyard breeders to shut down.
    It doesn't snow up north, they pretty much only have two seasons up there rather than four. But down here in the south east we get snow in quite a few places.
    It definitely is!! It's so bizarre how different two places can be haha
    July 25th, 2014 at 08:24am
  • LivE.LiFe.RanDoM

    LivE.LiFe.RanDoM (100)

    United States
    Any suggestions? Australia is like a whole different world to me. I've never been and I really don't know much. Though I will probably end up in Sydney.
    But it's not like they're even sold in pet stores. People sell them in the middle of malls. It's so strange. I've got a cousin from Australia and she said its the equivalent of having a squirrel for a pet. Really, no pet stores?
    Okay... That's cold... And hot. Ahaha. I had no idea it snowed. It doesn't even snow in parts of the US and it snows in Australia. Hmm. Who knew?
    Yep! It's so weird the seasons are reversed. It makes sense but it's like culture shock.
    July 25th, 2014 at 07:22am
  • Poppette

    Poppette (100)

    @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    I'm from just outside of Melbourne on the coast haha, all three of those places are fantastic, if you did pick it all just depends on what kind of city you'd like to live in I guess.
    You can buy sugar gliders as pets??? That's so bizarre!! Although, where I'm from we don't even have any stores where you can actually buy an animal from.
    Every morning this week has been about 0 Celsius or less which I think is about 32 Fahrenheit... And now it's snowing just an hour away from where I live. It probably doesn't seem that cold considering but all this opposed to our summer where the weather was up at about 45-46 C during the day (about 113 F) and 37 C (98 F) over night this is a HUGE change for us haha! Plus we are the place renown for having four seasons in one day ha.
    I can't believe your have summer vacation in the middle of the year.. And school starts in September??
    July 24th, 2014 at 04:55am
  • LivE.LiFe.RanDoM

    LivE.LiFe.RanDoM (100)

    United States
    I think the summer program is based in Sydney. Otherwise I have a pick between Macquarie University and Melbourne or Queensland. I literally don't know anything about Australia... except that there are kangaroos and sugar gliders aren't sold as pets like here in the States.
    What's freezing to you? I'm from the northeast so cold is like 10 degrees... but I guess you use Celsius so... the negatives. Ahaha. I still can't believe you guys have Christmas in summer!
    Oh. So kind of like me. I've my account for years but just recently started using it regularly.
    July 24th, 2014 at 12:32am
  • Poppette

    Poppette (100)

    @ LivE.LiFe.RanDoM
    You're incredibly welcome!
    Do you have an idea of where you'd like to study?
    It's the middle of winter here right now, and it's absolutely freezing haha!
    Yeah I guess I kind of am new-ish, I started an account a little while back but very rarely logged in and never really liked anything I'd written until recently, so I'm kind of just getting into the swing of things.
    Thanks so much for your lovely words too!!
    July 23rd, 2014 at 04:52am
  • LivE.LiFe.RanDoM

    LivE.LiFe.RanDoM (100)

    United States
    Hey! Thanks so much for your comment. It really means a lot to get feedback, especially such nice feedback. I actually just read the summary to your story and it seems really interesting. I'm looking forward to checking it out. And I also see you're from Australia. I'm looking into studying abroad there next summer... though I guess it's technically winter in Australia... ahaha. Are you new to Mibba? I'm honored to be you first profile comment, but I digress, thanks again!
    July 23rd, 2014 at 02:55am