
United States
Joined date
March 6th, 2008

not your average girl....

There isn't much to say about myself.
I am a girl without a story.
A girl who lives a normal life and has things worth living for.
There hasn't been a tragedy in my life, and I've never had to deal with the pressure of moving houses, because i've lived in the same house for 16 years.
I am neither rich nor poor, i am always caught in the middle.
So let's just say that there isn't anything in my life that i can learn from, but i see what others go through every day, and i thank whoever made me for blessing me with a normal life.
However, i sometimes want to have struggles, so that i can have a story.
But i don't have struggles.
My parents are happy with each other, i am treated as a girl should, and my friends don't betray me.
I await the day for when i will have a story to tell my grandkids.
Until then, i will make up my own stories on this wonderful site called Mibba.