ecto gammat. / Comments

  • Thanks! I’m currently in my final year of my undergrad for honours communication studies with a focus in public relations and marketing, and then I hope to get my master’s at ASU in communications next year. Essentially on the path to becoming a professional student for the rest of my life. I can totally relate to your high school experience because my teachers always treated me the same way. At the last possible moment I got my shit together and got accepted to a pretty decent school, but then I went back to my old high school in my first year of university to see one of my friend’s younger siblings in a play and ran into some of my old teachers. When she asked me where I was going to school now she literally replied with kind of an “oh, I never thought YOU would make it there” and it was just kind of this shitty moment where you realize this person who was supposed to be there to help you never really believed you’d amount to anything. So I guess in that sense it’s nice to know there are people in your corner rooting for you, stranger or not hahah.

    Did you do special effects make up? Watching YouTube videos where people do, like, zombie makeup or like complete transformations like that is literally my favourite way to procrastinate doing things. I always thought it was so cool, but I lack any kind of art or drawing skills to do something like that. You should just send an email to 8123 and let them know you’re available for any album covers in the future.

    Oh, I don’t doubt at all that Harry is drunk throughout the concerts. Especially when he starts trying to tell jokes to the crowd. It’s all part of his charm, though, and make me love him that much more.

    I think the security guards are always just on power trips, honestly. Not exclusive to One Direction concerts, either. When I went to see the Maine in May on the American Candy tour the security at the venue kicked everyone out immediately after the show ended. So I was upstairs where the Technicolors had all of their march set up and I’m in the middle of talking to Sean (who technically was still part of This Century at that point) and security tells us we have to leave and starts trying to push the both of us out. And Sean starts yelling being like, “I’m in the fucking band” and security wasn’t having any of it. So I went outside and purely by accident ran into John and this mob of girls comes over while we’re talking and security comes over and starts pushing John back onto the bus and telling the girls they have to leave. This calm and peaceful group of girls instantly went crazy and started yelling at security as they kicked all the members out. Then the cops showed up and made the band leave. Like, literally just chill and let us all calmly talk to these guys for a second and there won’t be a problem. It’s when they try and act all high and mighty that things get out of hand. A group of angry fan girls is a scary thing.

    I had a Quizilla account where I wrote a store about Kennedy in, like, 2007. I wish it was still up so I could go back and read it somehow. I’m sure it’s absolutely awful, but I think it’d be hilarious to get to see it.

    I feel you, though. I’ve always written short stories and things ever since I was young, granted my writing was probably a lot more up beat and optimistic once upon a time, so I just use fan fiction as an excuse to have people read the words I’ve written. I always try and use plots that would still be interesting as an original story. Like, if the main character or whatever wasn’t a celebrity would the story still be interesting or worth reading.

    Ok, this was literally an essay and I’m so sorry about that. :)
    September 29th, 2015 at 06:53am
  • Yes, Arizona State! That is, if I can get my grades up and stuff before the end of the year. I’ve wanted to go there for so long, but I’ve always passed it up in favour of staying local and playing it safe, but I figure if I don’t do it now I’ll literally never do it. And as much as putting myself out of my comfort zone terrifies me, I don’t want to seriously regret it down the line, ya know? So I’ve applied to start my master’s degree there next year.

    I’m kind of a social media addict, but I know what you mean. Like, I see people on this website posting actual photos of themselves and using their real name and I’m like what if someone you know sees that?? Maybe that’s just because I studied social media at school as a big part of my undergrad degree so they spent years driving home the message that anything you post on the internet is there forever. So if your name is going to be attached to it, you better be ready to commit to that following you forever. A bit of a scare tactic, and that probably doesn’t make you feel any better about social media. Sorry about that, hahah.

    The first time I saw One Direction was at the Molson Amphitheatre and the security guards kept yelling at us and threatening to girls out because we were all standing on the chairs. My seats in August were in, like, the second row of the 200’s section so there weren’t any security around to yell at us. But Harry falling during where do broken hearts go might be the highlight of my life. Or just the fact that he kept going on about how much they loved poutine every time he mentioned Canada.

    Mibba is okay, but honestly I preferred Quizilla when that was still a thing. I don’t know if you ever wrote on there, or if that’s just me making myself sound old. Sometimes I think I’m too old to be doing this, and I should get a different hobby, but then John did an interview where he talked about fan fiction. I don’t know if you’ve heard it (and I honestly can’t remember who the interview was with to refer you to it if you haven’t) but he talked about how cool he thought fan fiction was. Like, the fact that fans were getting so creative with story lines and it like built a community amongst readers and fans. I was thinking about giving this up, but then I heard his thoughts on it and said fuck it and started writing Lovely Sad.
    September 21st, 2015 at 03:25am
  • My grandparents actually used to have a vacation home in Arizona just outside of Phoenix, so my mom grew up spending her summers and like every holiday there. But they sold it just before I was born so I’m the only person in my family who’s never been and I’m bitter over it hahah. But if my grades allow it I’m thinking of going to school there next year, so fingers crossed I can pull that one off.

    It’s so weird because, like, when I saw your profile it said Brazil so I just assumed you were actually from there, rather than here in Toronto. That could just be me being dumb, though.

    When what makes you beautiful first came out I thought it was a pretty catchy song, but I tried so hard not to like them. Then my friends and I ended up going to see them in concert and it’s been downhill ever since. Then overtime tickets would go on sale for their shows I wouldn’t buy them because they’d go on sale so far in advance I kept saying I was too old and I would be over them by then. And then this summer I finally caved in and got tickets and actually had the best time. I’m jealous you managed to get floor seats for it, though!

    Wattpad freaks me out. Like, people are on there posting full on novels and I just don’t have the time to dedicate to that much writing. Apparently stories posted on there have gotten actual book deals and been published which is just crazy. As for tumblr, there isn’t really a system set up to receive feedback from people who read your writing on there, so mibba definitely still has it beat in that sense. Maybe eventually users will return to mibba and it can be as active and you can get as much feedback as stories once got. I don’t know, maybe I’m just being blindly optimistic about it.
    September 15th, 2015 at 11:14pm
  • Monday’s show was SO hot. Probably the best night I’ve had in awhile, but it was so sweaty. I was talking to Pat after the show about how hot it was and how he should be able to handle the heat because he’s from Arizona. But he insisted it was the humidity that got all of them, and then he rambled on about how Arizona is a dry heat so it’s nice.

    That’s crazy that you were there too, though! It’s like we’re living parallel lives, going through the same stuff at the same time and even being in the same places and having no idea.

    Your assumption is correct, though. I love Harry and pretty much everything to do with one direction. Like, a lot. It’s borderline embarrassing at this point haha.

    I totally feel you on the whole difficulty of getting readers/subscribers/comments on stories these days. I feel like there’s so many more silent readers on this website. I thought about moving my writing to tumblr because there seems to be a large collection of fan fiction writers on there, but I wouldn’t even know how or where to start in terms of gaining an audience on there. I’ll probably just stick it out on mibba and hope all these users come back around eventually. Plus, I find my writing to be more therapeutic for me so I’m not too torn up over the lack of readers now. Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.
    September 12th, 2015 at 11:50pm
  • I can't even lie and say I didn't freak out a bit over that comment you left me, saying not only that you recognized me from my previous account (that I also got locked out of lol) but that you had actually read anything I've written. I'm probably making it weird, but you're like one of my favourite writers on here so I feel as though I'm entitled to a brief fan girl moment. :)
    September 11th, 2015 at 03:24am