ciao bella. / Comments

  • I swear he has a case of bad luck with friends, since I commented you another friend has been a car accident and lost use of his legs =/.
    Yeah a B is very good actually so never worry about B's.
    Oh my, yeah I'm exactly the same I'm great with spelling and grammar.
    But the rest, like verbs and stuff I'm like what?
    But yeah I know the form they should go in and stuff but anything else I'm like yeaaaaaaaah okay ha ha.
    It's funny I've left school for the year and I'm now realising how silly all my worries were.
    As long as you are good at the things you like just focus on them and you'll do fine.
    I want to be a writer so obviously I focus a lot on English all the time :).

    Ugh I hate teachers that do that!
    In my last school only a few of them did it and I happened to have one for maths one day.
    I think she was just filling in for my teacher from what I remember but she gave us all detention if we didn't get like 80%.
    She was so annoying, I get why they do it but it isn't fair to make people feel worse by giving them detention.
    Oh teachers, I'll never like them I don't think.

    Oh awesome, well Happy Birthday! :D
    Really? That's weird, although I'm almost sure they do the same in Ireland......I don't really get why though.
    Awh lame *Big air hugs from Spain*
    I think if your in a bad mood already the slightest thing can annoy you so I just tend to like lie in bed or read, something that can't really go wrong ha ha.
    November 14th, 2010 at 02:54pm
  • Ah it's just his uni has told him he isn't in his second year but his first so all the work he's done so far isn't going towards anything.
    He just found out last night a friend of his has cancer too.
    I hope things get better for him soon, they will he'll be over christmas with me yay!
    I know I was terrible at history so I crammed and I think I got like a B.
    I was kinda shocked ha ha ha.
    That makes one of us who is okay at Spanish, I live in the country and I'm terrible ha ha.
    I don't know as I said.
    Just focus on what you are good at and what's important.
    Like obviously maths is important for some silly reason so I did try to understand it atleast a little but I really did focus on English and History.
    English is my favourite subject so I didn't even have to study long for it because it just came to me.
    Just don't stress out about it, relax and focus on your good subjects and maths.
    Then you'll be fine
    November 11th, 2010 at 06:14pm
  • Sorry accidently clicked send.
    My boyfriend is a little stressed in uni so I'm trying to cheer him up a lot lately.
    So things aren't perfect but I'm trying to keep my chin up, I've been through worse ha ha.
    x x x x x x x
    November 10th, 2010 at 01:07am
  • Ah that awesome I guess =).
    Awh that sucks, in school (I'm taking a year out) but I always tend to focus on Maths, English & History.
    I love English (obviously) & History and I guess Maths is important so as long as I did okay in them, I convinced myself I was fine ha ha.
    I'm pretty good thank you.
    I'm living in Spain & I would much prefer to live in Canada, but can't for another 2-3 years so I'm trying to occupy myself with good things and writing etc.
    November 10th, 2010 at 01:06am
  • I might when I get money to do it he he.
    I will you shall see muhahahaha.
    So how are you today?
    What you up to?
    x x x x x x x
    November 9th, 2010 at 12:53pm
  • Ha ha good I'm not the only one then.
    Oh my god!
    Or rainbow hair!
    Like neon rainbow hair!
    Hehehe sounds fun!
    Yeah it's really lame, ha the one in Spain did look dark brown but turned out black thank god.
    It looks great but because I had to bleach my hair to "attempt" to dye it light blue I had to use a lot of the dye to get the blonde out so parts of my hair are slightly brown and redish from mixing ha ha.
    It looks redish and black at other parts.
    Probably very odd looking.
    x x x x x x x x
    November 8th, 2010 at 02:30am
  • I actually have no idea, some dyes you have to like leave in longer or if your different hair colour it might need like two bottles.
    I don't know it's pretty weird, like it looks black but compared to the dye I got here in Spain, I'm like "Wow my hair is jet black" and it looks different.
    It was funny when I dyed cause I was kinda thinking, like why does it look so different I always dye my hair black but its just blacker?
    Ha ha ha I tried to convince myself that doesn't sound weird but it does.
    I am blacker than black ha ha
    x x x x x
    November 7th, 2010 at 05:47am
  • Yeah well same here.
    It's started to get longer.
    I think I'll just keep dying it black for awhile.
    Ha Cause the Spanish hair dye makes it go jet black and not like dark brown so yay!
    x x x x x x
    November 6th, 2010 at 05:56pm
  • Yeah I checked it out.
    I even asked my mom about selling it in our store so we shall see ;).
    But yeah blue is such a pretty colour for hair if its done right.
    Like that light blue sky colour ahhh the excitement!
    November 6th, 2010 at 02:51am
  • Yeah I was thinking really light sky blue like?
    Oh excitement kicking in.
    Is it too much to say I love you?
    I've been searching for a hairdye that will actually do the blue I'm looking for and this looks to be it.
    Living in Spain now is hard because I don't know anywhere that would do the proper hairdye and not the wash out stuff.
    *Gives excited hugs* Woo!
    I think blue hair would just look awesome he he he.
    x x x x x x x
    November 4th, 2010 at 04:27pm
  • Ha ha I'd do it if I had the money to get lots of wigs.
    Oh it would be fun, we'll see he he.
    I love dress up far too much.
    I know it's freaking right?
    I think I'm always right about my hair now.
    I wanted to dye my hair black and everyone said it would look awful and they all loved it.
    I wanted to dye my hair blue, I tried a wig on apparently it looks great.
    Same with purple.
    So now my mom is actually thinking of letting me bleach my hair to dye it some ridiculous colour yay!
    November 3rd, 2010 at 02:25pm
  • He he thank you.
    Yeah you should, I'm totally wearing my wig most of the time now haha.
    Someone said to us that we should all wear our Halloween costumes as joke every day in our new age shop.
    My mom went as a witch, I went as a pixie, Our tarot reader went as a old gypsy fortune teller and my stepdad as a jedi.
    Ha ha ha would be funny walking into a shop and seeing that.
    I can't even remember how expensive mine was but I might buy more :P
    November 2nd, 2010 at 03:32pm
  • Yeah only Christina Ricci can pull it off and she isn't actually as pale as she is in movies.

    Oh my god I know me too.
    In fact I'm starting to think it would be so much easier to get a wig ha ha.
    I want to dye my hair blue but obviously don't want to ruin it by bleaching it blonde etc.
    So a blue wig would be awesome.
    I don't know it really depends on what stuff its made from, & if its easy to take care of and doesn't shed like cheap wigs usually do.
    Damn I love wigs ha ha ha
    October 27th, 2010 at 04:05am
  • Well yeah, as I said I use to be blonde and apparently it looked great blonde and when it went brown looked great.
    But I always wanted black hair and because I'm pretty pale but not like extremely, it fitted well.
    I'm wearing purple wig for Halloween :P
    October 27th, 2010 at 12:09am
  • Hello!

    I'm organising the first Coven Secret Santa and I was wondering if you'd like to take part? It's for members new and old as we are all a part of a family Arms

    Here is the link, reply to the thread if you're interested! <3
    October 25th, 2010 at 11:45pm
  • It's fine if you can move your shower head to get it off the walls etc then it's fine.
    That's the only real problem, with black and peroxide mainly, it gets stuck on sides of shower or bath so best to wash it with shower head etc.
    October 24th, 2010 at 11:18pm
  • Ha ha ha ha I want to dye mine red, I'll have to think the same cause I do the same hahaha.
    Sure I went crazy first when the water went black ha ha ha.
    x x x x x x
    October 22nd, 2010 at 03:49pm
  • Ha ha yeah I'm 16 and my mom still dyes mine for me.
    I'd get it everywhere if I did it.
    Although my mom got loads on my forehead so I've been trying to get it off for days ha ha.
    I want to grow it long and have it black with two like white streaks in the front.
    I think it would look awesome!
    October 22nd, 2010 at 04:24am
  • Yeah right now my hair is dark black again.
    But because I had streaks of blonde from when I tried to dye it blue, I was more focused on getting that out so my hair is slightly brown and whiney colour.
    I feel so old when I think back to when I had long dark brown hair ha ha.
    October 21st, 2010 at 04:38pm
  • I'm blonde originally ha ha.
    I dye it black ha ha.
    October 18th, 2010 at 11:27am