30 Day Blog Challenge (Day 2)

Day 2- Something You Feel Strongly AboutI'm never shy when it comes to being questioned about my sexuality, I'm not ashamed of it, and it's indescribably upsetting to see people who ARE ashamed of their sexuality, regardless of what it is. I personally have been open about my sexuality (with everyone other than my family due to uncertainty regarding their reactions, as I'm at an age where being...
July 22nd, 2014 at 02:44am

30 Day Blog Challenge (Day 1)

Day 1- 5 ways to win my heartThere are a lot of different things that a guy (or a girl) could do to win me over, and having a limit of 5 will certainly shorten this blog and make it easier to write!First of all, I would like to make sure that everyone is aware that these are five ways to win MY heart, and I do not expect everyone to agree with me, so if you don't agree with one of my five, please...
July 16th, 2014 at 11:29am