Entry: #2; Cheating, Banana Bread and Inspirational Speeches

Hey my lovely readers! I'm in a fairly good mood today.The day before yesterday I dumped my boyfriend (we didn't even make it to a full month, what even???) because he cheated on me... multiple times. One of the girls I actually considered a friend, haha, when you think you know someone, am I right? I haven't cried or anything because I honestly like to look at these type of things as a learning...
July 15th, 2016 at 10:51pm

Entry: #1

I missed this site and all it had to offer. It's therapeutic potential kept me slightly sane...slightly.Do you have the time?To listen to me whine?Because this blog will be my... diary, if you will. My sort of vent when I am bothered. Emotions are those things that can make or break you... Maybe this time I'll be made instead of broken. It's funny, when I had a profile on this site a few years...
July 15th, 2016 at 12:07am