HorseyHeather / Comments

  • @ clint barton.
    Hey! I’m so happy to hear that you’ve updated Dru! It’s one of my favourite stories on here. Definitely keep up with the he updates, especially because of isolation. Smile Smile
    May 5th, 2020 at 11:43pm
  • Hey love! This is super overdue, but I just wanted to say thank you for commenting on my story, Dru! I really appreciate it, and it especially helps to know that people are actually still enjoying this story (since, like, all of eight people read the last update anyways haha).

    I've just posted another update, and I'm hoping to have the next one out shortly (it's almost completely written and everything, and for the first time, will feature a scene from Nikolai's perspective!). I want to apologize for the delay up until this point, but I think I'm finally past the sitting-around-in-self-pity-because-stay-at-home-orders-are-depressing-and-isolating phase and on to the okay-maybe-I-can-actually-write-now-that-I'm-trapped-at-home phase.

    Thanks again for your comment and for reading in the first place! It really does mean the world! (:
    April 16th, 2020 at 08:27pm
  • Thank you for the comment on Blood Sacrifice! I'm super glad you found my story and I'm doubly glad that you enjoy it!
    June 12th, 2016 at 07:07am