hogwarts will always be there
Thanks for stumbling onto my profile! People call me Mickey. I am a hard core Harry Potter fan. So yes, 99% of what I write will be Harry Potter Fanfiction. Not because I can't write any original stuff, because I want to be able to escape from school papers and school reading assignments. I want to write about something I love. So if you have a Harry Potter fanfiction and want a new reader, please just ask! Also if you want a critique on a original, send me a private message and I'll get back to you!

link 1 | link 2 | link 3 | link 4

Roxanne Weasley | Are You Willing to Listen?
type: fan fiction
Status: In progress
short: Everyone has a story of their survival of the war. This is the story of Roxanne Weasley and the betrayal that caused her survival.

story title
type: fan fiction/original fiction/true story
chapters: ?/?
short: short description

to welcome you home
This theme was made by India at Layouts From Mars.
Image found on Imgur.
Quote from JK ROWLING.