Dancing Classes

I was just wondering if anybody here takes dancing classes. If so.. what dancing classes do you take? I wanted to see if anybody could guess what dancing classes i take. I'll give the person who gets it right.. a big HUG!! =)
August 21st, 2007 at 08:07pm

Some1 please give me a good story to read!

I know alot of you out there are going to disagree with me but.. Frerards are taking over Mibba!! Im tired of reading about Gerard sleeping with Frank. is there any1 who has a good story about Gee and a female character? please let me know.. i just want to read a story.. sorry to those who love Frerards, i mean no offence.
August 16th, 2007 at 05:52pm


me and my friend are pranking this girl that hates us. we've invited her on this cellphone chat thing.. and our name is Stud_18... we're 18, blond, blue eyed,tall, well built,.. we surf and model part time.. and our name is Zac. she actually believes we're an 18 year old guy. we've been flirting slightly with her and i can't believe what a slut she is! she told 'Zac'that she speaks swiss and...
August 9th, 2007 at 07:11am

Is he happy?..

*ok before i go on with this i want you all to know that i realize this is an old subject (the whole Gee and Eliza thing) but i want to know what you guys think* Everyday i think to myself.. i wonder if Gerard is happy?..I mean truly happy. I know he's no longer engaged, so i wonder how he is doing. Is he happy single? or did the break-up really affect him more than he lets people know? I still...
July 27th, 2007 at 05:39am

MCR Day!

Its MCR day!!.. I hope you're all blasting that music!!... im busy listening to Cemetery Drive at this very moment... GO MCR!!
July 23rd, 2007 at 03:54pm

F*cking Reporters!!

I went into a store today and found a 'Rock Sound' magazine with MCR on the cover.. so i opened it and read an article about them. I was so angry at what the interviewer said! They said its amazing how Gerard can control the crowd with just a wave of his hand but it shows that all this fame has gone to his head! HOW DARE THEY!! Then they started talking about how Gerard must be from some evil...
July 13th, 2007 at 06:30pm