Yet another random Thought

On the end of each chromosome (coils of DNA) is a long pattern of repeating DNA that does not partake in programming protiens that make up "you". As you age this length on DNA slowly deteriorates. Vampires most desierable quality is immoratlity, along with invinciblility, strenght and others. The immortality, unlike the others, can be easily and logically explaned.The first vampire- or perhap...
October 10th, 2008 at 12:50am

Another Cpnfusing Thought (2)

well i'm just gunna rant:Ok, so last night I was watching Anime, and during a commercial during InuYasha it started to pour, so I went outside to stand in it. Don;t ask why, my brain confused even me sometimes. But anyway, I was standing outside in the pouring rain at one in the morning, when I realized; Humans are weird. And awful but really wierd. I mean... what other animal drinks other animals...
June 15th, 2008 at 06:06pm

Another Confusing Thought

Here's a new theory I made up:Our lives on what we like to call earth are actually dreams. While we exist in this reality, our true selves are actually in our sleeping state. This would make this the "dream realm", or something very much like that. This dream state, our mortal lives in short, would last until a person is born until they die. Short lifespans could very well be the result of someone...
April 8th, 2008 at 12:59am