Grr. Where to end?

So, I'm not really sure where Hidden is going.I'm always just like, my mind is on the next chapter, and that's it.I don't know how I want it to end it. I don't even know if I'm at the middle yet.I hope I am, but I don't know.Is this uncertainty bad? Does it mean that I'm a poor writer?Gah. I know that I have so much to improve on.But I don't know where to start.Or where to end, for that matter.So...
March 31st, 2008 at 05:21am


Okay.I WANT to write a one shot. So badly.But I'm one of those people that has to continue stories, to see where it goes.Sigh.Maybe I'll make a 'story' in which all the chapters are one shots. Or just the random little story tidbits that wander into my mind.O.oI dunno what I'll do. Hopefully it'll all work out. I surely hope it will. Because I don't like failing. Even though I write about it a...
March 27th, 2008 at 12:44am

Your voice was the soundtrack to my summer

Exhileration courses through my veins, deadly but sweet, encouraging the adreneline to move swiftly alongside it. It needs little stimulation before it's up and racing apace with the hurried beat of my heart. My harried pulse is just a drop in the bucket, the part of my tithe that has no meaning, no end.I feel the thunder beneath me, hair streaming out like a thick brown banner behind me....
March 12th, 2008 at 02:46am

I can see your star

Okay. Maybe I can't...I mean, it is only 3:48 in the afternoon, but still. A girl can dream, can't she?I dunno what to say, really. I'm just a regular type girl.Okay. Lying on the first entry can't be good luck. Or whatever. But I guess I'm not really normal; 'normal' girls don't write poems about suicide and anguish. 'Normal' girls don't write 276 page stories and then not let anyone at home read...
March 11th, 2008 at 09:56pm