CrazyGirl Likes Pie / Comments

  • Yeah. no pressure eh? I saw Mum afterwards and she asked why I didn't get the English prize. Uh...I am a slacker? And useless? I told her Mel deserved it. Which she did. I saw you and I don't know if you saw me, but I was totally watching you. OoO

    YOU ARE GOING AWAY? Okay, now I know not to call you and invite you over before then. But there is now a distinct lack of cellar/basement for you to stay in. Instead we have a loft. There is a pull down ladder and light switches and two rooms. And it's way warmer than a cellar would be. Fair deal, eh?

    At least you applied for a job... I guess the best thing to hope for is to beg for mercy if they accept you. They should hire you. If I needed someone to work for me I would totally hire you. And pay you heaps, if I had money. Plus Christmas bonuses and holidays whenever and all that jazz-razz-a-mah-tazz.

    I'm sure Maccas have had way worse people apply though, they should just be lucky you want to utilise your talents on their premises. :DDD
    December 9th, 2009 at 10:57am
  • Heh, "eyeing it up". You have strange taste in eye candy. Be a lovely girl and give me con-crit? Even if you hate it, I would like to know so I can improve in the future.

    Yeah, quite a bit has changed. Dujo says the new Mibba is a girl, which is interesting.

    Oh, people are yelling on our TV. The only place the router works is right by the TV. Literally, I have the laptop on my left knee and the router on my right knee. My sisters are watching The Karate Kid - it's noisy.
    December 9th, 2009 at 12:16am
  • Well, that was a surprise. Yes, I do not post personal stuff anymore - a little more of that goes on LJ, but mostly it stays in my head. And thank you for respecting me enough not to read my stories and whatnot.

    I thought about it though and if you want to look at them, I will not object. There is a lot of fan fiction though - ye be warned, since I know your feelings on the topic. But if you fnacy crazy people being crazy...

    Thank you, have a nice evening (even though there's only a hour and six minutes left).
    December 8th, 2009 at 10:55am
  • thanks for the story comment!
    October 6th, 2009 at 07:27pm
  • hey
    thanks for the story comment :]]
    noooo one comments on my stories
    it means a lot to mee :]]
    September 15th, 2009 at 11:55pm
  • you still use mibba?
    September 13th, 2009 at 01:28am
  • It wasn't really intended to be a whole story. It was just what came out, kind of drabble I suppose. I'll miss you! I won't see you till after China, so that's going to be about a MONTH. :-(
    July 1st, 2009 at 10:04am
  • ha! I'm Pyromaniac too, but a different one *chuckle*

    oh well, what have you been up to lately? ive just been writing and going to school, though a school tie around your head, indian style, makes the uniform look a lot cooler than I first thought x'D
    February 27th, 2009 at 04:05pm
  • Oh... cool! Lol. Paying people back with food huh? Good idea. ^^
    So, what's up?
    February 27th, 2009 at 10:49am
  • well i truly hate the fact that we have to grow up, it's unfair don't you think?!

    you know, i looked closer now, and I saw the little heart formed by the flames in your avatar... i feel so silly for not having seen that detail before *chuckle*
    February 16th, 2009 at 07:07pm
  • Cool. Cleaning rooms huh? I'm pretty bad at that too.. I tend to either focus on one thing too much or end up throwing everything in one corner... Lol.

    Drawing huh? Cool. Well... I enjoy watching movies or the tv, listening to music of course, reading a good book or writing, or just photoshop...
    February 15th, 2009 at 03:44pm
  • What I gave you was it all. But if you want to go and read it it you can. See the layout or whatever.
    February 14th, 2009 at 06:27am
  • I'm from Portugal, NZ antipode x'D if you dig a hole through the center of the earth and keep digging until you find the surface again, you might find me *chuckle*

    so, all those places in the movies are, like, totally real?!
    February 12th, 2009 at 12:32pm
  • I would be so happy if you want to try! And I wouldn't get pissed if it flopped. I've never done anything successful like this. But if you want to try that would be awesome.

    And thanks for not reading the stories. I appreciate that. ;-)
    February 12th, 2009 at 10:14am
  • Biatchy comment?

    Five... sh*t. I'm hoping you have credit, since I can text you now.

    Heh, like the "oh em gee!"
    February 12th, 2009 at 10:12am
  • Oh... Lol. My bad... Well, the only reason I could get my hands on some of the bands is because of the great invention of the internet. Without it I don't even think I will discover some of them.

    Well, the lazyness is going pretty lazy... I just got up around 10.30 am and I was like cooking breakfast for myself, watch some tv... now online... lol. No life... haha.. How's your day?
    February 12th, 2009 at 06:00am
  • Thank you. It's really nice of you to let me do that. (Funny that I'll see you before you see this...) And yeah... name changes are okay though. But yes. I can see why!
    February 11th, 2009 at 06:40pm
  • actually, i have crushes on two pairs of legs, i must change that XD

    and i have that many crushes because i'm addicted to TV series, and to movies, and to actors, and to characters, etc etc etc i watch one TV series each day, it's unbelievable how i know all those stories *chuckle*

    well, about NZ i've only seen sceneries like in Narnia movies and stuff, maybe the lord of the rings, but it wasn't one of my favourites movies. i prefer the books. i've also searched for pics online, and other information, for a school project i did a couple of years ago... i don't remember much though Lol i should do more research then, right? ^__^
    February 11th, 2009 at 02:07pm
  • Lol. Well, I was born in Aussie but I'm a full chinese, both my parents are from Malaysia itself. They just happened to be in Aust. when I was born. Lol. Don't worry about the all- girls school, I was in one for primary school, as well as half of my secondary school life. Lol.

    Censored? Now what were we talking about there? I'm like lost the convo... lol.
    February 11th, 2009 at 10:59am
  • I thought it'll be good to have a break too but it's worse. Especially when your parents just bugs you 24/7 about the fact that you're wasting your life away, doing nothing whatsoever except for watching tv, going online, sleep, eat. But I do help them out with the housework. But apparently not good enough. I can't blame them, I feel useless myself.

    Well, there are but not the state where I live. It's on the other island of Malaysia, they do have sorta tree houses but not really... it's more like long house where a few families live together in the wooden house. And yes, I live in a normal house, with normal stuff like plasma tv,etc.
    February 11th, 2009 at 10:03am