It has been a while...

Wow, I can't even remember the last time I got on here. Though I do have various messages which can give me the answer to that. Funny how sitting here half awake and bored, can lead you to remembering a site you so often, and easily, forget about.As most of your read back in 2008, my sister went into the Hospital and was diagnosed with Cancer. It was partly the reason I stopped getting on so...
September 21st, 2011 at 09:11am


Heh, it seems like forever sense I've been on Mibba. I wonder if anyone even remembers me anymore. Probably not, most of the people I know don't get on anymore. Most say it's because Mibba is "to uptight" or something along those lines. I agree on come cases, but not many. At least Mibba managed to keep the angst down to a minimum...I think...? I haven't really...well...looked. Ha-ha, who knows....
August 4th, 2010 at 04:47am

One of my WORSE fears.......aparently.........

Okay,so I went to the doctor on Wednsday,to get my blood taken so they can see if it matches my sister,which is in the hostpital with cancer. Well,I watched as my sister got her blood taken,BUT I didn't see the needle,I looked away both times for the going in and out of her arms. Anyways,when it was mine turn,I was fine. I didn't see her put it in my arm,my sister was distracting me by talking. I...
November 14th, 2008 at 09:06am

Simple Bordom

Okay so today I joined this online game called Grand Chase. First it took me an hour to finally get it to let me sighn in......and NOW it refuses to LOAD! The danm thing is all together a BIG and IRIATATING thing to sighn up for. I cant wait till I finally get to play the game so I can see if it was worth it. In other dog disapeared! I looked for her all day yesterday and couldnt...
March 15th, 2008 at 02:00pm