Vampire's_Addiction / Comments

  • PuRpLe-rAiN

    PuRpLe-rAiN (100)

    United Kingdom
    June 11th, 2008 at 07:26pm
  • PuRpLe-rAiN

    PuRpLe-rAiN (100)

    United Kingdom
    thats a pain in the ass...
    hope u do okay hun...
    : )
    June 11th, 2008 at 07:15pm
  • PuRpLe-rAiN

    PuRpLe-rAiN (100)

    United Kingdom
    im okay thanks...
    just passed my drivin theory...
    so im pretty happy...
    what about you?
    June 11th, 2008 at 06:52pm
  • PuRpLe-rAiN

    PuRpLe-rAiN (100)

    United Kingdom
    no problem...
    and again no problem...
    : D
    June 11th, 2008 at 06:28pm
  • PuRpLe-rAiN

    PuRpLe-rAiN (100)

    United Kingdom
    thats okay...
    i think its totally brilliant...
    : )
    June 11th, 2008 at 06:19pm
  • capturingme

    capturingme (100)

    Hey thanks!

    I dont know it ill be updating soon because i have a lot of work and stuff atm. lol

    I might read some of your when i get a chance.

    How are you?

    June 11th, 2008 at 12:51pm
  • H i s W i n o n a-

    H i s W i n o n a- (100)

    Yeah, it's horrible! Oh no, you're kidding? Blah! And Zac Efron? Pfft, yeah, sexy...for whimps! Gawd, the songs are so corny and mean nothing! They should be banned! And the acting's horrible. I can't believe any of it.

    Aww, well that's good! I like the plots, so you have not much to improve on! Please tell me there's something wrong with my story! I feel so bad...

    Yeah! Lol, you do that, and it will make my life! Haha!

    Oh! I'll look at it in a moment! Thank you for alerting me! I haven't been on there in a while, so it'll be good! ^.^

    Yeah, a lot of people complain about how they don't look like they should, but we all have this different image of them, I guess. And, I think the main purpose of the movie is so we can see the plot, and not the characters. I don't know, but I guess that the actor's are just a...representation! And not an image.

    >.< No! They can't fly! Bwahh! I feel sorry for Stephenie; she must have been a bit annoying for her. I probably would have told them to stop the whole movie if they were going to do that to my book! Lol, me being melodramatic! No, not a rant at all! Useful information! **Taps side of nose**

    Yeah, she's an amazing author! Like, wow. I want to know how her brain works! ^.^

    Well thank you! Aww, you're so nice! Hehe! You're happier? Yay! What was bugging you before, hon (If ya don't mind me asking!)? But, it's good you're happier!

    Hehe! My friends do that WITHOUT me getting vampire books! >.< But, I know they love me!

    Yeah, they're sweet without trying to be! Unless they bite their lover...than they're scary!

    Yeppers! I'd be a vampire! v=v (S'posed to be vampire teeth) But, I don't think I'd live long! I don't think I'd drink blood!

    Yeah! But, it's a bit icky whenever he slices the throat! I love the songs, too! Did they really sing them? Hmmm...

    YES! Lollums, I love Pirates Of The Carribean! (Sp?) He acts so funny all the time and drunk! ^.^ It'd be awesome to still have pirates, too!

    Yes, you make it hard to kill people...LMAO! But, you'll like it all, 'ELSWOB' and the sequel.

    Yeah, that's sort of a fear with mine! 'Cause, when I read something that's just over the top, I just close it and stop. Well, I can still get everything, so you don't have to do too much!

    Yay! I can't wait! I'll be the first!

    Yeah, good! I'll do that in a second! ^.^ Yeah, well thank you! Hehe, don't worry! I only just worked THAT one out, so it's okay!

    -Mail as a private message? Yes! Of course you can! I was hoping you would, so you didn't have someone stalking you! That'd be scary...Okay, I'll add you!

    ^.^ Oh, Brent? Alex's brother? Well, in chapter three, I introduced him as her ex boyfriend whom she it so you know the reason!

    Pch'year! I'll do that from now on...I'll edit that into them now! I'm sorry for the confusion! I'll put this in: ~*~ and then you'll know! Don't say that! You couldn't possibly mean that! But, thank you so much! ^.^ You make me want to write!

    Don't worry about not replying earlier :):) It's fine hehe! I was probably having breakfast anyway! Hehe, very weird! the time difference's are so kooky! I get freaked out a lot! One again sorry for the reply, time differences and stuff!

    Teehee! You said 'Blooming'! That's so cute! I mean, that a stereotyped English uses those words and it's just gorgeous!
    June 11th, 2008 at 09:38am
  • H i s W i n o n a-

    H i s W i n o n a- (100)

    Well, I do it a fair bit as well. I really don't know why I pointed it out! Sorry...Oh, okay! Well, it's still good, and don't we all! I mean, have you seen High School Musical? Hopefully I'm not offending you, but it's horrible! So cliche! Musicals are fabulous, but that one shames them all...

    No prob! I'm sorry I did...I'm glad you didn't mind! I was worrying you'd be upset and not talk to me!

    Yeppers, it does! Lol, when I heard that you laughed, I think I cried! Good that you don't like her, I thought she was based on a friend and I was imagining how you would go about telling her that if she came to Aus, she might have to change her name! That'd be funny! If you make your character have a fight with her, you could tell her that her name means 'Balls' here in Aus! OMG, that'd be great!

    OH YOUR GOD!! WHERE DID YOU SEE IT? Gah! I wanna see! I wanna see! I've seen the trailer, and that's beautiful.Hopefully it doesn't give the book a bad name, because that's happened with Harry Potter. I mean, you don't know which part is book and which part is movie! And I don't even really like the Harry Potter Saga!

    LMAO, I wanna read it! Is it on her 'site? I'm going to get the newer edition of 'Eclipse' soon so I can read it! Hehe, yeah! Midnight Sun! I've read the first chapter on her 'site, and it's great! I love how he plots to kill them all...have you read it?

    Yay! I'm not the only one! Almost everyone hates me because of that!

    Well, I'm sorry! I updated a bit before, and it's up now! But I presume you've already read it? Lollums, I think I might dedicate it to you! The whole story, I mean! You've been making my nights and days happy! I go to school with a smile! And that's creepy...

    Well, then you're in! When I get to writing it, I'll ask you a lil' bit 'bout yourself, if that's okay.

    Ha, same! I went to the Library this arvo' and I was looking for a vampire series I've been reading, and my friends were just shaking their heads...

    Oh, only me then! LMAO! Yeah, I guess I'm so enticed because how the author explains them. But if they make it cliche I'll try so hard not to scream. Yeah, something about being mysterious and scary is compelling! And the fact that they's be dangerous is another thing. Wouldn't it be great if they were real? But not so deffinant on sucking our blood...then I'd be good!

    Yeash, people love them now! We must've been pretty sick with the whole 'Vampire = Demon' thing!

    He is! He's one of the best actors I have seen! Have you seen Sweeney Todd? It's my fav movie, and it has my two fav actors! It's so well done, hey? And he looks gorgeous in it! He captures his inner Sweeney well...Well, maybe you and me will try to meet him and not faint, huh? Teehee!

    Yay! That's good that you do. So, it's a yes to a sequel? Even though you haven't read the ending! Lollums, Well, I'll do it then!

    I liked it! It's comedic and sweet! Okay...critism...uh. Well, maybe a tiny bit more details into scenes and rooms and people, but it's rather well done! The dialogue is cute and witty and also when a few of the vamps speak, it's like a more older style, which is good! I'm trying to posess that myself...and failing! Gah!

    Good, I will in a min! I may as well recommend the two of them, ey?

    So, we can make it a joint? Sweet! How will we go about doing that? I'm not too sure how it all works! Do you have MSN? It might be easier to talk on there...

    Aww, I'm not that good! Did you read the update?

    Sorry 'bout not replying earlier! I was having dinner, and had to do some homework! >.< Can you forgive me?

    Hear from you soon? XX's and OO's 'Nother long one! ^.^ It's been great talking to you!
    June 10th, 2008 at 11:56am
  • H i s W i n o n a-

    H i s W i n o n a- (100)

    Oh, I loved 'My Annoying Vampire'

    You know, is the joint-story thing-y still open?

    If so...we may have to chat about that! ^.^
    June 10th, 2008 at 09:48am
  • H i s W i n o n a-

    H i s W i n o n a- (100)

    Wow! You reply in long dialogue! I LOVE YOU! I do it all the time, and it seems like you were listening! Yay!

    Well, it may just be what you want to do, but with the little Point Of View change you put in there, was that intentional? (For the first chapter; all I've read so far!) And, I'll read some of your more recent stuff, but you don't have too many 'feelings' in there. I mean, neither does mine, so don't worry! But, we'll both try to up ourselves in the emotion dock, hey?

    Heh heh! Do you know what 'Gonads' are? Well, I'll explain anyway! They are what I guess you'd call a man's...downstairs (The supposed round area...or the nuts, I guess). So, a short term is 'Nads' or 'Naddie's' see where my laughter is? Lollums, that's here in Aus anyway! So, don't change it!

    Haha, I drive my buds crazy talking about it! I go like "One month and twenty-eight days till Breking Dawn's out!" And they they tell me to shuddup! >.< Lol, even I've driven the other "Twilightened" to telling me to shut up! I'm quite scary with it!

    Well, I shall be updating today! Then, you may have to wait a lil' till I finish writing the seventh. But, probably two days max. Is there anything you want me to improve on? I'll do it, I promise! And, if you want, I can get you a part in the sequel! Not to ruin too much, but a certain special girl needs only one bestfriend, and she needs to be a vampire! Do you wanna be that vampire bestfriend? So, if you want in, ka-ching! But, if you want to keep yourself private, I won't put you in. Only if you want to! ^.^ But it won't be out till 'ELSWOB''s finished, so it may take a lil' while!

    Yeah, I get addicted to many vamp stories. It's okay! Lol, my friend's are constantly asking me "What vampires are in the book, Caity?" Without me telling them I got a new book! So, I am quite obsessed! They are romantic, ey?

    Oooh, well thank you for searching!

    Yeah, Johnny's great! He'd only have to say "Yep," and then I'd faint! He's just an awesome actor...and his B'day was yesterday (For us)! And mine's in eight days...whoa! Well, he's a Gemini, and so am I! You were already my favourite person, so it's all good! Teehee!

    Yeah, I think most of 'ELSWOB' will be in Mega Mortal (What I refer to TBP origin as) and then the sequel (I'll tell you the titleage..."Joining The Black Parade Means Never Living...Will You Risk It?" What do you think? Too weird or nice or what?) Will pretty much only be about The Black Parade.

    Aww, I didn't really want you to go, anyway!

    Well, it seems a few people like 'My Annoying Vampire', so, I'm off to read! Cheerio! (Don't get offended by the critism, please! Your story is still really good, and is better than a few other people's I have read, but I thought I'd just let you know You don't have to take me seriously, I'm a major amateur)

    And, if it's okay, am I able to recommend your story on the 'Pimp and Reccing' thread in the 'On Writing' forum?

    Have fun deciphering and reading this! If you need help with what I've said, pull up the comment you left me and base it on that. It's basically in the order you wrote.
    June 10th, 2008 at 08:36am
  • H i s W i n o n a-

    H i s W i n o n a- (100)

    Okay, well just read 'Welcome to The Black Parade...Outcasts and Music' and I LOVE IT! **'scribes** I laughed, too, which was good. If you don't mind a little (Nice) critism, I'll tell you something about it tomorrow (If you reply before then).

    But also, is 'Naddie' pronounced 'Nad-hee' or 'Nayd-ee'?

    **Yawns** 'night, love. Have fun reading this long comment chain!
    June 9th, 2008 at 03:42pm
  • H i s W i n o n a-

    H i s W i n o n a- (100)

    AND you like Twilight? **Dies again** YOU ARE WONDERFUL! Gah, I can't wait either! For both! We rule!
    June 9th, 2008 at 03:35pm
  • H i s W i n o n a-

    H i s W i n o n a- (100)

    Thank you for the comment love! Made my day (Well, night now!) and I instantly love you forever! ^.^

    You like it? Good! Good! Yay! A fan! Lollums, I see you like a lot of vampire culture! Gah, you're too awesome! I'll read your stories tomorrow, 'cause here in Aus it's 11:30 p.m. and I've got school tomorrow >.< But I promise I will!

    Aww! Well, sometimes, to get a good start, you need to begin where it all ends (on you not wanting her to die)...I'll have a sequel which I think I'll place in 'The Black Parade' theme. I haven't seen too many which are themed like that on here, so it shall be good!

    Well, my ego has been boosted too much for one night! **Dies from your loveliness** And thank you once again!

    Wait, you suscribed? OH YOUR GOD! I LOVE YOU! **Huggles** Lol, I'm really scared at how easy I love someone! ^.^ But, another thank you! Gah, you're too awesome, really! No, you're awesomdifferous! Heh heh!

    Being curious, how did you find my story?
    June 9th, 2008 at 03:34pm
  • Vampire_x_Popsicle

    Vampire_x_Popsicle (100)

    United States
    I seriously hope you are going to update My Annoying Vampire soon...LoL I know you updated yesterday but I am going CRAZY on to see what happens next. I mean does she end up with Jace, Damien, or Damien's best friend???? Ahhhhhhh LoL.

    June 9th, 2008 at 03:17pm
  • Night Hunter

    Night Hunter (100)

    United States
    I love My Annoying Vampire!!! It is so funny and amazing! Keep it coming!
    June 7th, 2008 at 09:40pm
  • kariajaderose

    kariajaderose (150)

    United States
    i so love my anoying vampire it rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    June 7th, 2008 at 05:09pm


    United States
    really good ANNOYING VAMPIRE story, I luv it!
    June 7th, 2008 at 04:33am
  • Girlyrays

    Girlyrays (100)

    United States
    My Annoying vampire. Can u update on that story?! really that story is the best out of all the ones u've made and i love it! please update soon.
    June 6th, 2008 at 02:41am
  • laskater87

    laskater87 (100)

    United States
    hi um what two stories are u going to be workin on cuz one of the 2 u mintuned in ur story is not up? just wonderin
    June 5th, 2008 at 12:50am
  • BeTTie Venin

    BeTTie Venin (200)

    United States
    haha half of the things I write in my stories just pop up in my head. I usually have all day to think about a chapter. currently I'm up to 40 chapters of this story. Quite, honestly I don't really want to end it. But I have a new story in mind.. So I'm going to keep writing this one until I am finished. The best news is that tomorrow is my last day of school so I'll have more time to work on my stories and be on mibba.
    June 5th, 2008 at 12:25am