whenitsallover / Comments

  • aubree james.

    aubree james. (300)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    Oh. Sorry, I'm trying I just really am very busy.
    January 8th, 2010 at 11:22pm
  • catastrophe.

    catastrophe. (100)

    United States
    I dont know if you are interested, but Miranda(Twilight Catastrophe) is posting again, technically, if you were still interested in her story Wake Up. It's amazing.
    July 1st, 2009 at 07:02pm
  • Burn Out Brighter

    Burn Out Brighter (100)

    plus, killing main characters is fun. people are all WHAT THE EEEEF? and you're just like HEHEHE
    September 4th, 2008 at 01:39pm
  • Burn Out Brighter

    Burn Out Brighter (100)

    thanks for the story comment, haha.
    when i first wrote the first chapter of the first part of the story, i knew i didn't want this to end a happy story like almost all the other stories i've read.
    September 4th, 2008 at 01:39pm
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    I'm never good at coming up with excuses though.
    And I've normally got like a vitamin water in my hand.
    So I can't really make that excuse, haha.
    So normally I'm just like...well, I guess I'll go, bye!
    And then walk away before they can say much of anything.
    August 17th, 2008 at 06:31am
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    My friend was like, If you don't like them just ignore them.
    And I was like, I can't do that I'm a nice personnnn.
    So I ended up saying hi to everyone I've never liked, haha.
    It's not too bad, just a little awkward sometimes.
    August 14th, 2008 at 08:21pm
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    Yeah, it wasn't too bad.
    This carnival is really lame though.
    It's got a total of about three rides.
    And two stands to get food, plus a place to get lemonade.
    I'm surprised we stayed for the fireworks though, because we were completely bored up until it.
    You just get to walk around and talk to different people, most of whom you don't like or they don't like you.
    August 11th, 2008 at 08:47pm
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    Haha, alright. (:
    I was really confused there.

    Eh, okay I guess.
    Kind of lame actually.
    I went to this carnival with my friend on Saturday.
    We stayed and watched the fireworks too.
    And then today I was stuck at home cuz my mom got called into work.
    So nothing really exciting going on here, as usual. -_-
    August 11th, 2008 at 07:29am
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    Awww haha.
    Well, that's still cool.
    So wait, I'm confused.
    There are or aren't waves big enough to surf in the lake?

    And how was/is your weekend?
    August 10th, 2008 at 11:25am
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    Oh my gosh, that's so cool.
    I live in Illinois.
    So the closest we have to a body of water is the lake.
    Which is disgustingly dirty. /:
    August 9th, 2008 at 12:13am
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    Eh, you just have to keep it from getting to you.
    Everyone has their problems, it's all in how you deal with them.
    But enough about me, how are you doing today?
    August 6th, 2008 at 10:36pm
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    It's really not that bad.
    I just can't skip a lot of meals or anything.
    If I do I get really dizzy and run a higher risk of passing out and stuff.
    And anytime I loose a lot of blood I get really sick.
    August 6th, 2008 at 08:10pm
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    A little over a year now I think?
    Yeah, it started last summer so that has to be right.
    Give or take a month.
    I've never really liked meat though, so it really wasn't hard to give up.
    I have to take a lot of vitamins now though because I'm anemic and giving up meat made it worse or something?
    I don't know, my doctor told my mother all this. -_-
    I don't really listen all that much, I just take the vitamins my mom lays out for me.
    August 6th, 2008 at 04:22am
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    It was really fun. (:
    I thought so anyway.

    Thanks. (:
    I really wish I could be vegan, but I don't have the willpower.
    And any little step counts, and pretty soon it'll get so easy to avoid those kinds of meat that you'll be able to try straying away from other kinds too.
    So I wouldn't worry too much about it.
    We all just do what we can and have to look at how our combined efforts affect things.
    August 5th, 2008 at 09:19pm
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    Well, I'm going to give you the condensed version of my day. (:
    I've typed this all out so many times, haha.
    I basically went to Warped to see Sky Eats Airplane and All Time Low.
    There were more bands I wanted to see, but those two are my absolute favorites.
    That and they play such different music that they're never going to tour together again.
    At least, that's my guess.
    But, I got front row for both of them, which was seriously insane.
    I had to fight and claw my way to both, but it was worth it. (:
    I saw:
    - Cobra Starship
    - Pierce the Veil
    - The Briggs
    - Alesana
    - Oreskaband (hahahahahaha).
    - Sky Eats Airplane
    - Ludo
    - Evergreen Terrace
    - Set Your Goals
    - Mayday Parade
    - Shwayze
    - Automatic Loveletter
    - Family Force 5
    - The Devil Wears Prada
    - All Time Low

    The only band I got to meet all day was Sky Eats Airplane, but I had such a good time with them I didn't even care.
    I'm going to put the pic I took with them up once I get it from my friend. (:
    Oh, but I did meet Fred from the Color Fred out by his tour bus.
    It was really awkward though and we were just talking about being vegetarians.
    August 5th, 2008 at 08:40am
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    Aw, my mom is going to take me the day of.
    I got a waier during driver's ed which means all i have to do is go and get my picture taken.
    So, she's pretty okay with me just getting it.
    Tell me all about it.
    I want to hear EVERYTHING. (:
    Gaha, mine is Saturday (tomorrow), and I'm already excited about next year too.
    August 1st, 2008 at 09:05am
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    Yeah, I've been sixteen for a while now and it's really not that great. /:
    Especially with that nine month rule for driving permits.
    I have to wait until October to get my liscence, but my birthday was in May. >:|
    I'm doing great actually.
    Warped Tour is in two days, and I'm stoked and ready to go! (:
    What about you?
    July 31st, 2008 at 08:29am
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    Aw, that's cool. (:
    Yeah, I don't know.
    I'm not really big on nicknames.
    I HATE it when people call me Sammy.
    I used to only go by Sam, but I grew tired of that too.
    So now it's just plain old Samantha. (:
    How are you doing today?
    July 27th, 2008 at 11:55pm
  • chicago soul

    chicago soul (100)

    Hey, thanks for the story comment.
    I'm really glad you like it.
    I hope the next chapter doesn't disappoint.
    My name is Samantha, by the way. (:
    July 26th, 2008 at 11:16pm
  • Sarah!!!!

    Sarah!!!! (100)

    United States
    thank you for the comment!!
    ill hopefully be updating again soon.
    im sarah btw. =]
    July 3rd, 2008 at 01:35am