trishO_o / Comments

  • And what exactly is this name you have fallen in love with?
    I'm going to be shattered tomorrow i need to finish this work before i can go to bed -.-
    September 7th, 2011 at 11:53pm
  • Oh yeah I forgot about you and your thing for the name 'Zach'
    I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about the top 5 boys and girls names who cause trouble in schools XD
    The first name I thought of was Chelsea... and it wasn't even in the top 5! But Courtney was which I also expected. But Adam was for boys which I didn't expect because I don't know any Adam who cause trouble in class :L
    September 7th, 2011 at 11:07pm
  • :O
    Are you serious?!
    I don't think you actually know how much I just smiled! :L
    What did you think abut if it was a boy?
    And I was going to come and visit anyway... but now I am triple coming to visit XD
    September 7th, 2011 at 08:20pm
  • I'm the same.
    When my parents are here they'll do everything and I'll let them but them they will moan at me for not doiung anything around the house and say tht I will never survive on my own when i want to move out but when they're not here i'm like yeah.. i own this place i'm gona wash and buy food and cook it myself and all kinds of things. I'm WAY more confident when my parents aren't around Which applies especially at karting, my dad is a horribly negative person, so instead of you should eb happy with that yu were matching other peoples times mostly and you drive well its.. oh well, you were a few tenths off a 23 which i get because i'm already thinking it... and before i go out he'll say you have no slack, they'll all be expecting you to be as fast as them now. but they don't and i know they don't because it's only my third race and i've only been doing it for 6 nmonths whereas they've all been doing it for up to 18 year in some cases... in fact more than that for some of them. vso yeah... i know all the negative stuff... i'm already thinking it because i want to be better than everyone all the time... i don't really need my dad piling on the pressure and telling m i'm not good enough, i'd like it if he was supportive for once.

    *rant over*

    4th tonight by the way. Our driver got knockd off on the first corner and put us last of 9th but then orked us up to 3rd before driver change for me to go into the kart i then over took te guy in front because he was blue flagged, he has to let me through... but obviously... i'm a girl, and i'm not supposed to be fast and i'm for sure not supposed to overtake! so he tried to come back passed the corner after and knocked me off. then a bit later, the guy infront spun off and i ran straight int the side of him so i think i will be bruised tomorrow. if we hadn't been knocked off those 3 times i think we definitely would have been higher. last sppot on the podium at least.
    September 6th, 2011 at 11:51pm
  • :O
    Well my mum has washed all of my racing clothes today... then i got a call saying I have a race tonight... so everything is wet and i can't tumle dry anything either -.- so everything has been on the radiators, i just hope it's all done and dry because i'm not sitting through an endurance race with wet clothes... it's going to be straining enough as it is without having to freeze to death as well! :L
    September 6th, 2011 at 06:15pm
  • good god woman. an actual sausage?

    tell you what, i'm freezing up here on the computer, the autumn is definitely on it's way. i've spent most of the day outside doing activities i wasn't actually allowed to help with because i'd done them the year before and i actually knew how to build a bridge and how to get a plastic bottle out of a circle without going into the circle at all or dropping the bottle.

    Thankfully my old psych teacher let me off last session because it was just her talking about things like you here to work and all that kind of thing and i've already done a year, so while the yr 11's had to sit there listening i got to leave so i came home :L

    and i now have a race tonight which i didn't know i had... which was nice to find out but i could have been told a little earlier. -.-
    September 6th, 2011 at 05:03pm
  • No you know what it's like to be me! I'm terrible with spicey food. Really bad, I can't even eat spicey flavoured crisps so curry is for sure off the agenda for me!
    Went into college today because i've changed subjects i'm now back in a yr12 form o.O with the dreadful yr11's... well yr 12's no but they're still yr 11's to me. I'm sorry but nothing will change that!
    September 6th, 2011 at 12:49am
  • I only have one recurring dream now, and it only happens when I am ill, so if I have that dream I know that it's a bit more than just a cold :L
    September 5th, 2011 at 12:11am
  • I'm usually not, it was just those dolls freaked the shit out of me especially because I have a huge wardrobe and I was just like crap... one of those puppets is going to walk out of my wardrobe and turn me into a plank of wood.
    But I used to have a nightmare when I was little that my mum would suddenly stop and I would watch her slowly turning into a tree from the feet up, like the roots would grow up around her legs and then just take over and then by the end it was just this big green tree. So the whole thing about them turning them into wooden dolls especially scared me, but the faces on them mostly scared me.
    September 4th, 2011 at 11:24pm
  • I got fed up of work... so I'll do some more tomorrow, or later on tonight probably.
    I'm really tired and coldish. I watched Dr Who last night at 12 all alone in my room and good god... did I regret it!
    It was terrifying! I watched it from behind my pillow and had to read some of my book before I could even think abut turning off my light and going to sleep!
    September 4th, 2011 at 04:46pm
  • Quite well thank you for asking.
    However I must work for the remainder of the day.
    Distressing, I know.
    September 4th, 2011 at 01:21pm
  • Good day dear lady.
    How might you be this fine day?
    September 4th, 2011 at 12:49pm
  • Well I'm still here! And I'll probably check again before I go so send me a private message about it when you get back!
    August 19th, 2011 at 03:34pm
  • XD Nothing wrong with flying alone lol
    I love travelling cars, trains, planes, boats whatever I don't care love it! my brother is the opposite, honestly if he's away for either home or my parents for like an hour he starts to breakdown :L
    and good to hear about Lewis lol had to come back down to earth at some point XD

    August 19th, 2011 at 12:17pm
  • Decided to come on here this morning anyway, got bored though I still need to finish packing!
    I've decided to use the smaller suitcase because the bigger one my mum bought is just horrendous.
    It's purple, with bits of pink blue and green and it's got flowers all over it and I just can't pull that through the airport I'll die of humiliation!
    So I've just got my one that I've always used which is just plain blue and red. Which also matches my Red Bull jacket so I'll look awesome XD

    August 19th, 2011 at 11:12am
  • And my braces stopped hurting which is even better!

    This time tomorrow night I will have landed in Germany! :)
    If i don't talk to you tomorrow then I'll get back to you in a week and I will miss you! And send me a message about how the appointment goes I'll try and read it while I'm in Germany if not then I'll read it as soon as I get back :)

    LOVE YOU!!

    August 18th, 2011 at 11:55pm
  • German - D
    Art - C
    Psychology - B
    General Studies - B
    English Literature - A

    Good eh?!
    August 18th, 2011 at 09:57pm
  • It's awesome simply because they all look stupid but think they look amazing :L
    I just bit my tongue not good... going down for my results a bit later, not really fussed about them as much as I should be.
    And I've just looked at the work I've got to do before I go back to College for my new subjects and SHIIIIT. I should have started it a couple of weeks ago XD
    August 18th, 2011 at 10:05am
  • XD Just shock then lol
    I'm watching snog marry avoid and this girl goes out in just her underwear!
    I'm WHAT? surely that's got to be illegal or something
    August 17th, 2011 at 10:49pm
  • at least if he goes with you you can talk about it and he'll be able to like... really get used to it i suppose
    August 17th, 2011 at 07:31pm