trishO_o / Comments

  • I'm feeling so sh*tty today.
    I just seriously... urgh. Wanna cry or hit something i hate it. You know when you feel crap then you start creating problems that aren't really there and make yourself feel even more shit?
    Yeah... I'm at that point.
    October 16th, 2011 at 05:26pm
  • Yeah... I thinking the shower is like the WORST place that you could collapse... other than like a knife factory or something but I don't really know why you would be in one of those!
    I had to be tested for anaemia and diabetes ro to see if the symptoms were being caused by stress... which it turns out they were! So apparently I stress that much it makes me physically ill... but that was a couple of years ago I haven't stressed that much in AGES.
    Actually... I've turned into quite a relaxed person, which is good from a health aspect XD But it also means I don't care about some stuff quite as much as I used to which can be a down side when it concerns college work :/
    October 16th, 2011 at 12:06pm
  • You keep going for now. Come on you were doing so well?!
    But even if you don't... you can still do childcare anyway there are ways around it so as long as you work something out I'll let you do that XD
    I feel like your mum that was so harsh of me :L xx
    October 14th, 2011 at 06:30pm
  • Never ever?
    You going to tell them you're hiding a football down your shirt and if you take it out the pixies will come and eat you? XD
    Ooohhh do that!

    October 13th, 2011 at 10:27pm
  • XD
    So do the College know about it now?

    And awww!!
    I so want to bad so so so sooo bad!!
    October 12th, 2011 at 06:29pm
  • I should be able to, but it sucks because I actually like the teachers that I have so it will mean having different teachers but what can I do?
    I mean if it totally fucks up my timetable i'll just stay where I am, becaue I'm fed up of being messed around by the college it's doing my head in and its stressing me out
    October 10th, 2011 at 10:13pm
  • Awww... it's so sweet :)
    I've just discovered that I've been put into a statistics class instead of a mechanics class which is a BIG problem because there is no waqy I'm going back there... it's stressed me out enough already in yr 10 I don't need that again now.... or ever in fact.
    Plus I need mechanics for my course! stupid college can't do anything right
    October 9th, 2011 at 11:45pm
    Finally I can tell you of my undying love for you.... it's been bursting to come out. XD

    And awesome!! you are going to show me a picture when you get a picture, i want to see a picture!

    October 9th, 2011 at 10:44am
    13 The Avenue
    ST10 1EG

    Now the entire world can spam mail me through the letter box but I don't give a crap as long as they send a birthday card first XD
    Feels weird thinking I will be 18.... o.O
    October 5th, 2011 at 10:07pm
  • XD Lewis will have to watch his back :L
    And yeaaahh, sorry about freaking you out with the whole spider thing lol
    I'M GONNA BE 18 IN 16 DAYS!!
    Loving it, can't wait. :D xx
    October 5th, 2011 at 09:26pm
  • What about if you wake up and its nowhere to be seen? At least even if it's on your side of the room you know where it is... o.O
    Two red patches on my hands where I hurt my hands last night racing... But they were playing dirty at the track we were at... well... no okay they were just cheating... no two ways around it they were cheating. One of the other teams decided they'd had enough of it so just left. :S But we stayed... and I was dead by the end, my arms just started to give up and I couldn't actually turn the wheel on the kart but hey-ho wasn't so bad x
    October 5th, 2011 at 05:38pm
  • It was so stupid.. I just reached across to get the butter and I punched the potato at the same time.... -.-
    It hurt like a bitch at the time, and now it's all sensative and stuff... bit of a stupid thing to do before Tuesday when I have an endurance race at a track I've never been to :L
    October 2nd, 2011 at 11:22pm
  • Awwww! Wow.... I love looking at wedding dresses XD a bit sad but whatever lol
    I've just burnt my little finger on a potato... i feel like such a nob -.-
    October 2nd, 2011 at 10:11pm
  • I wanted to not do much at all today but i got roped into helping my dad with some work.
    Hard work.
    When it involves mixing cement and a spirit level you know it's going to be hard work. -.-
    Now... very exhausted.

    And damn aboit the spider... I keep getting loads of flies in my room... freaking me out seriously
    October 2nd, 2011 at 12:22am
  • XD
    Well it's not like I'm just giving up randomly... i found it really hard all last year and this last month has just been impossible... so it's taken me a year to finally make this decision :L
    September 30th, 2011 at 12:19am
  • lol... although you did type patient as in... at the dr's or in a hospital :L
    I've decided i'm dropping german... it's too hard but the worst thing i have not got the want or will to do anything about it... i don't see the end game out of it.
    whereas maths... i see where that is going, i could be spending the time doing extra maths work. i've never given up on something before though.... :/
    September 29th, 2011 at 09:21pm
  • i've typed out a comment about 3 times and it keeps saying 'error' i'm gonna go mad a in a minute. -.-
    September 28th, 2011 at 10:51pm
  • I love baths... in fact I would love a bath right now... except i have waay too much work todo.. in fact i have double what i should have.. because all the work i should be doing tomorrow night i now can't because i won't be back from the race until about 10ish
    September 26th, 2011 at 07:38pm
  • I hardly ever get ill, maybe sometimes I'll get a little bit of a sniffle but I've not thrown up since Primary school, I don't feel so sick now but I did have to get up last night and go sit in the bathroom I felt that bad -.-
    Orthodontist tomorrow! And I have to go all alone :S I'm terrified enough, so I thought I'd go karting afterwards as a little reward to get me through the trauma XD
    I have another away race next Tuesday for the this three-county thing that we do, and I've also been invited to join in a race and some guys birthday in november who has met me twice, knew my name before I'd even ever met him and I have no clue what his name is XD
    Though to be fair, I don't really know the names of many of the people that work at the track which is probably not so great!
    But I need a lift to the race next week because my dad is working late, plus the money that he earns in the day will be only a little bit more than it costs for me to pay for my place in the race.
    But at the moment it's looking like I will have to get two buses to our track to get a lift from someone there, but to get the tows buses to be there in time to leave for Coventry I'm going to have to miss some of my last lesson :L
    I don't know, we will see, it depends on who I end up getting lift with I guess.
    September 25th, 2011 at 10:24pm
  • :/
    I keep feeling sick over the last few days which I hate, I haven't been sick since I was in Primary school! And that was a long time ago :L
    I went to Wrexham yesterday to get my birthday presents! I've got a racesuit, a special top to go under the race suit, some raceboots AND some more gloves... but that's because the ones I use at the moment have no grip and slide all over the wheel; that's what was giving my the blister when I did the 2 hour endurance away race.
    September 25th, 2011 at 11:32am