Trans Characters

Here's a topic that can be veeeeeeeeery sensitive to people. But I'm going to breech this because enough is enough.I'm sick of reading trans characters that were written with very little research done on trans issues. I'm sick of reading angsty trans characters whose parents are complete shit and they completely hate their bodies and are suicidal because of it.In stories, this is romanticizing the...
May 19th, 2016 at 07:31am

End of Homestuck

First off, this is the first blog layout I've ever made, and I'm super proud of it. I'd like to thank caligulasAquarium for showing me how to make them awesome like this!Back to my initial reason for posting this.Homestuck has ended. Four years of my life is now done and over with. It had such a bittersweet ending that wasn't conclusive at all really. I mean, sure, there are theories that are...
April 13th, 2016 at 11:03am