Unheard Unwanted Unloved

I'm writing here because I have no other healthy way to vent, and no one that I can really talk to about this...seeing as the people who are around me are the problem. It's a miracle that I haven't resorted to some ridiculous and dangerous means of numbing my feelings...but I wouldn't do that because its against what I believe. Still, quite a shocker I haven't done anything dumb. You know the term...
October 30th, 2008 at 01:22am

I Won't Be Sleeping Tonight

If anyone has any advice to offer I would really appreciate it more than you know.....My boyfriend is currently staying with his sister in Virginia to get away from his bad home life. I completely support him in his choice to do this....but just an hour ago he told me that he may not return home at all. Again, I realize I cannot be selfish and that a move would be a good thing for him....but what...
June 29th, 2008 at 06:31am

Slow Down Teen Drivers!

I'm just sitting here crying, and I can't fathom why so many teens, and even adults constantly put both their own lives and those of others at risk by speeding. I don't care if people just find speeding exhilarating, or feel that it makes them, "cool" but when it comes down to it......a lot of people would still be alive right now if they had just slowed down.....or even better....if they wore a...
June 21st, 2008 at 05:07am

Exhausted, Unwanted, and Unloved

I suppose the title to this journal entry should be self-explanatory....but I'm just going to ramble anyways. I feel like everything is just going downhill towards the end of this year and I don't know what to do. I've just shut up and endured it for so long that now I'm at a breaking point from all the stress. I feel that I'm one of those people that works hard in everything that I do, but that I...
May 9th, 2008 at 10:58pm

What Am I Supposed To Do?

You know those moods where you feel like you just can't do anything right? Yeah,...well I happen to be in one of them. Have you ever just come to the realization that no matter what you do someone seems to find it wrong and will give you hell about it? I seriously feel like whatever I say or do I end up being persecuted for. I feel like no matter what I do and no matter how many times I actually...
May 2nd, 2008 at 03:37am

A Year Full of Death

So I guess I'm sitting here looking back on all the things that have happened in the past year. I don't know where to begin really....but I'm just in this mood where I'm reflecting upon everything...trying but failing to make any sense of it. Why do certain things happen? Do they have any significance? Sometimes I wish I were five again....life was so simple then. It wasn't so complicated. It...
April 20th, 2008 at 05:58am