
So, here we are, at that time of year again… It’s hard to believe, even now… In a few short hours, it will have been two years without you here… Two years since you left this world, so many years too soon. This year, you would have turned 30. You would have made us smile, and laugh until it hurt, and tears streamed from our eyes… if only you had lived a bit longer. I’m torn, as I seem...
December 28th, 2011 at 02:34am

Just Realized...

I haven't really sat down and written for a very long time. I mean, I've written poetry, and a good deal of it in the past few months... but I haven't done anything other than that. My life seems to have been all consumed by every problem or task surrounding me, and I've not really been taking the time for something that I used to enjoy so much.Looking back at some of my older writings, I can't...
December 15th, 2011 at 10:09am