Famous-Last-Words / Comments

  • Shadowfax524

    Shadowfax524 (100)

    United States
    thatd be frikin hilarious!!!! i think id die laughing if i saw that!!!!

    yeah its good that they still love their family even tho their rockstars and i dont think they let their popularity status go to their heads either.

    well you have an advantage being alder and taller my brother is 6 years older and about a foot and a half taller so im pretty much screwed when it comes to him the other is the same height so we're pretty evenly match but not with my big brother!!!
    June 21st, 2008 at 07:11pm
  • Shadowfax524

    Shadowfax524 (100)

    United States
    yeah that'd be funny if it worked id laugh for days after if it worked!!!

    yeah but i dont think they would have cause they do have good morals and they grew up with parents that taught them not to take advantage of women or anyone for that fact.

    and yes they do i will back that up. hehe my other brother is getting pissed hes like ill show you and started walking towards me like he was gonna hit me. but he never does unless i deserve it then its in fun hehehe no abuse here!!! lol
    June 21st, 2008 at 04:29am
  • i'VeLoStMyHeArT

    i'VeLoStMyHeArT (100)

    United States
    You should get red contacts and be like Albino superwoman ^^

    I'd look terrible with blonde hair.
    I can tell.
    But I'm like part Irish so I actually look okay with reddish hair, even though my natural color is brown.
    June 20th, 2008 at 12:13am
  • afraidofthedark-

    afraidofthedark- (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Me too. OMG I was sooo close to going to see them in January but it sold out before the person I was gonna go with could order tickets. I had the money and everything :/ But I went to Kerrang! instead XD Paha it'd be better if they did it all over the UK like they do in America :P

    Hahaha, I nearly did. I've been have teenie moments over Syn Gates for the past....week XD But I mean, who wouldn't? LOL

    AWW LOL my hair's always a sweaty mess afterwards and my eyeliner's just slipped off my face then I'm nearly falling over cause I'm shaking from hyper-ness xD
    And I've ended up behind people with reeeeaaallly long hair at shows :l It's awful cause I'm all hot and sweaty and it sticks to me and I'm like NYYYRRRREEEEGGGGHHHH!! LMAO

    Hahaha, I think I'd die too, I think we should use that idea and overtake the world ourselves :] pahahaha
    June 20th, 2008 at 12:02am
  • i'VeLoStMyHeArT

    i'VeLoStMyHeArT (100)

    United States
    Thank you ^^
    It was pink...but it got darker
    (I have no clue why)
    and now it's...dark...fuschia or something.
    I wish I could pull off blond hair tho 'cause it's such a nice hair color ^^
    June 19th, 2008 at 11:17pm
  • Ed Gein

    Ed Gein (100)

    United Kingdom
    Kitty looked amazing.
    : O
    June 19th, 2008 at 11:10pm
  • Shadowfax524

    Shadowfax524 (100)

    United States
    i bet we could catch them at their houses and im sure right now they dont have any bodyguards around cause they probably aren't going out in public alot....anyways Worm probably has a weakness we could figure out hmmm.....


    yeah and have you ever seen Life on the Murder Scene? well in it says some things about groupies and Gerard said stuff like that would never happen and that none of them would take any girl and you know do whatever so yeah that shows they are pretty good guys to begin with.

    yeah well sometimes nothing can get thru that thick skull that protects whatever is on the inside. i wouldnt call it a brain id call it mush or somethin although he is pretty smart...dang it!!! but yeah he uses it when he ims his friends and stuff but like talking to him is impossible sometimes!!!
    June 15th, 2008 at 03:39am
  • afraidofthedark-

    afraidofthedark- (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh yeah, they did that when my friend went to see them. She didn't get to go up unfortunatly but still. I wanna go to this year's UK TOC, if A7X are playing it then deffinatly. I'd kill to see them too :P Lol I never knew they did PR over here O.O Pahahaha

    I'd rather drive to school in the rain but noooo I only live fifteen minutes away :P Lol I'm so lazy xD

    LMAO my friend did that at one point, only she shouted Frank I want your babies! I can't remember what happened only we were laughing so much and still being overly-hyper. I think we still must've been in the OMFG-MCR-teenie-moment XD Yeah, I nearly died when the Frank/camera thing happened :]

    We were stood listening to MCR the whole time and my friend was shivering soo bad! After we came out we sat in the street waiting for my dad and were just like, OH. MY. GOD! I didn't even realise I was cold until we were going back to my dad's car! Yeah, I was pleased with myself :] and for having a fangirl moment cause those don't happen that often. I don't think I was bruised that bad after MCR but after Kerrang I felt like I was gonna die. Being right near the front and all and nearly falling over countless times.

    Yeah, I think we should. Maybe the clones will scare everyone and they'll all be frightened into letting someone take over the world? Sounds pretty funny to me xD
    June 13th, 2008 at 06:51pm
  • afraidofthedark-

    afraidofthedark- (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lol, yeah they're in my top five xD And my friend saw The Used last year at Taste of Chaos and I was like :O

    I don't mind if it's drizzle rain, anything more than that and I'm in a mood for half the day, especially when I have to walk to school in it :/ I like the smell afterwards though... O.O lol

    Aww I loved it when they played that one :'] Happy memories. Ooo! My highlight of the night was when I took a photo of Frank and he saw the flashy thing and pointed at me or something and I was like :D :D :D :D SQUEEEEE!!!!! Teenie moment over :P I saw them at Newcastle arena on Novemeber 11th. It was such a good night, we queued for like three hours in the freezing cold but omg it was well worth it XD
    I had a sore throat the next day and lasted about a week, I was so proud of myself for that. :] lol

    Yeah, it's just his natural reaction. Maybe that could be some plot to take over the world with Jimmy clones that don't insult people....I have no idea how that would help someone on their way to world domination XD But it's possible :P :] lol
    June 12th, 2008 at 08:39pm
  • Shadowfax524

    Shadowfax524 (100)

    United States
    yeah he probably does but you know they're on a long break right now its the perfect timing he would never know!!!

    yeah thats how it is sometimes too for my family. most of the time my mom will walk in and we're acting as if we're bff's and she like alright what are you 2 up to now? its pretty funny sometimes!!!

    yeah i first started getting into their music and then it was months before i looked at any pics i really didnt care what they look like as long as i like their music. some people are just so stupid and how they think looks is everything. and yeah i'm sure their wives fiancees or girlfriends keep them on earth but they also dont act as if they think they're all that either.

    yeah thats annoying but i have a walking correcter named Russell (my brother whos 2 years older) thats his favorite thing is to correct you half the time i normally am yelling at him saying i dont care if its wrong or right.
    June 12th, 2008 at 04:29am
  • not bitter;

    not bitter; (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I dunno how you smell like wet person, I just did.
    About the cheese, they act like 4 year olds, so their sanity never existed.
    Half my friends are teenies, and as soon as I mention Lyn-z (to my mate who is obssessed with Gee) she tells me to 'shut the fuck up about the whore that stole her man'
    Its like WTF he was never yours.
    Anyways, band entails me going round 5 days a week to my friends 'house' (more like a mansion) and writing a fuck load of lyrics and chords.
    Had any water fights yet?
    June 11th, 2008 at 10:28pm
  • SaigoNoKotoba

    SaigoNoKotoba (150)

    United States
    I just wanted to thank you for writing a comment on my article it's appreciated!
    June 11th, 2008 at 05:25am
  • Shadowfax524

    Shadowfax524 (100)

    United States
    okso you an have Gerard and Mikey for the most part and I get Ray and Bob and then we share Frankie and Mikey somehow.....we'll have to figure that one out!!!

    I know he is but sometimes him being so smart works for me like when we're are plotting somethin. normally bad and my mom always complains that the only time we get along is when we are doing something we're not supposed to or planning evil things!!!Yeah i love A7x probably not as much as MCR but they are a great band i love the drums in most of their songs its pretty intense and amazing.

    Yeah i know Gerard has a great voice and half the fans only like him for his looks. You know what if like all the MCR boys were ugly i bet there would only be half as many fans and that would be really. sad.:( But yeah then there wouldn't be all those fangirls who hate Lyn-z, Alicia, Jamia, Christa, or Stacey(atleast thats what i think her name is). You know I'm glad they are married/engaged it shows they are not like the stereotype rockstars.

    yeah it pretty nasty here too.
    hehehehe i think everyone atleast once messing up in spelling when typing and half the time its fun to try and figure out what they mean!!
    June 11th, 2008 at 01:21am
  • not bitter;

    not bitter; (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Frankie was the first to catch my eye after the music, though at first the music was all that mattered.
    Thats how it should have stayed :P
    I had yet another water fight, wrecked my hair :P And I ended up smelling like wet person ICK!
    Trying to sort out some pathetic arguement over cheese between my room mate.
    They act like children all the time.
    Just had a riot at band, sorted some songs out, recording my parts :D
    How are you?
    June 10th, 2008 at 11:15pm
  • afraidofthedark-

    afraidofthedark- (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lol I have loads too I wanna see The Used & Aiden as well and Kill Hannah xD pahaha. They're amazing, that's where the craving's coming from =P :]

    Yeah, it's always raining. It gets on my nerves tbh. I like the cold but not raining-wet-and-windy cold, if you know what I mean. I prefer autumn cold lol.

    Hahaha, me too, well I tried to move forward as much as I could then I ended up getting seperated from my friend O.O lol but I found her at the end x] I had a pretty good view from where I was too Where did you go and see them at?

    Yeah, I got that, like when they were on stage and Jimmy was insulting everyone it was a bit like WTF? but y'know it was pretty funny when they started asking what geordie sex talk sounds like.
    Of meeting them lol they're on my list type thing xD Oh yeah! Hahahaha, we're even then I guess :]
    June 10th, 2008 at 09:25pm
  • afraidofthedark-

    afraidofthedark- (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    aah if you ever get the chance you really should go see them, i actually cried when i got home after i'd met them cause i was like "OMG MADINA LAKE!!!" ='D rofl

    haha the sun makes us all go mad i think, england's not used to a lot of sun anyways xD

    lol yeah i totally agree about MSI, i wanna see them again cause i think i'd apreciate them more, at the time i was more bothered about MCR than them xD and i nearly passed out towards the end of MSI's set so yknow

    oh wow, now i'm jealous. lmao i was watching this video of them and they're not anything like i thought they would be. like i thought they'd be idk, arogant and stuff but yeah, i was pretty shocked. and there's another interview with Lyn-z and it made me sort of respect her more as a person i guess, cause she seemed really nice and positive and stuff
    June 10th, 2008 at 05:16pm
  • Shadowfax524

    Shadowfax524 (100)

    United States
    ok wait do you mean Mikey or Ray? we could share both as long as i get hyperactive Frankie!!!and Bob!!!! yeah some people are soooo stupid!!!!

    yeah i almost tricked my brother into insulting one of his favorite bands. i was reading this thing about MCR and for some reason i go Robert Nathaniel Corey Bryar and hes like hes stupid and i asked if he knew who he was and hes like no im like the drummer for MCR and hes like so i was right. grrr so then im like fine James Owen Sullivan and he didnt say anything so im like do you know who he is and hes like no im like the drummer for Avenged Sevenfold and then hes like yeah see thats why i didnt say anything figuring you would try to get me to say somethin about one of the bands that I like. soo yeah hes a little but smart:)

    But yeah my sister is always going on about Gerard and how hot he is and crap and I've told her a million times but she doesn't listen i mean she has no idea what shes talkin about!!!

    I'm doing pretty good summers boring and hot like always but nothin new!!! But yeah normal sitting around on the computer doing nothin really, anyways how are you?

    wow just read that over and i realized i used like ALOT!!!! OH NO!!!!!!! hehehe
    June 10th, 2008 at 12:46am
  • not bitter;

    not bitter; (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm fine thankyou, how are you?
    The weather is pretty warm, good for water fights, hows it where you are?
    I love vanilla ice-cream, best flavour. Whats your opinion on ice-cream?
    I'm rather partial to Frankie from MCR, though Gee is also pretty nice, can I assume Gerard is your favourite?

    That answer your questions? :P
    Write back.
    June 9th, 2008 at 09:40pm
  • afraidofthedark-

    afraidofthedark- (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    lol im okay, a bit tired from the sun which is weird O.o lmao

    aahhh they're amazing live XD i met them afterwards as well *dances* they're sooo sweet!! :]
    WOO!! MCR were amazing also - obviously =D and MSI were although when i saw them supporting MCR last year, i didn't really like them but now i do :] i really wanna go see them again lol
    June 9th, 2008 at 09:08pm
  • afraidofthedark-

    afraidofthedark- (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hi thanks for the add
    i loved the little thing you wrote about my story, it made me feel special ^-^ lol
    how are you? :]
    June 9th, 2008 at 06:13pm