So I've started like five stories (almost none on mibba) and I'm just so lazy I don't want to finish them! I know exactly how they ought to end and I have the time its just that I draw a blank whenever I sit down to write them, or I'll suddenly be busy when I was just about to get to it. (lol this seems to be a problem cause the person I like has been calling me every day this week. Yet its not...
July 1st, 2009 at 02:58am


I need a life... something with a lot of action, where I learned kung-fu at a young age and I'm some japanese smart kid, Chinese would work too. then, as I stalk the crouching Tiger guy I might open up my cellphone and have a text message from the boring old me so I could let out an epic gaffaw at my current state........ I'm bored.So..................................... anyone else sitting at...
January 19th, 2009 at 06:07am

Yes or no? Doesn't matter cause here we go

Hey, I rhymed.....(did I spell that wrong? Yes, well, nobody cares right? Yes, no? Whatever)Alright here is the current delimma.So there's this person... and I kinda, nah really like em and I'm debating whether or not to randomly kiss them. Now before you yell yes, or say I'm a sissy, tell me to ask them out first, whatever you were going to say (even if it was something along the lines of "Oh...
December 20th, 2008 at 06:05am


WHY CAN'T PEOPLE READ THE profille words thingy!!!!!!! I MEAN I DON'T JUST WRITE CAUSE I WANT TO SHOOT MY MOUTH OFF!!!alright I absolutely..... strongly dislike the people who come back and write comments saying I'm an idiot because I didn't write "wow I like it" on their work. Yes I realize I can be an ass at times.... alright then commonly, but still you don't have to come back and berate me for...
December 14th, 2008 at 11:01pm

Heads Up

For everyone who knows of my artwork (or simply notices that I'm a bit out of it lately) I'm finally getting ready or my schools art gallery and as such I am going to be incredibly busy in the next month or so. That includes being away from this site for a while as I not only have my homework assignments but I will now be staying later after school to finish paintings and such. (atleast its...
December 2nd, 2008 at 07:36pm

CAKE OR DEATH!!!! (personal challenge)

look it up on youtube, yes? Oh that and "supermarkets and trolleys" personally I think the second ones better.Anyway to my rant.First thing you must know, I love poetry it is the very soul of the writer poured out on the page. It is art spread across the page in your words and it is the beauty of your heart that allows you to express yourself. I love poetry, BUT REALLY PEOPLE!!! Must everything be...
October 31st, 2008 at 10:35pm