LiSwtSLaS / Comments

  • (100)

    United States
    Very true. Everything I see has so many similarities to others, yet so many differences. I'm at a standstill with it regardless because I have no idea where I'm going from where I'm at. I'll have a long time to figure it out though with Kyle going off to boot camp. I'll be going out of my mind all alone and the only thing I'll have to keep myself busy with will be the little worlds that I create.
    March 30th, 2010 at 12:13am
  • (100)

    United States
    Okay, I officially love talking to you. I fully and completely agree that we need to stop mimicking art to make art, but to be inspired and let your own imagination take over the rest of it. Basically what you said, haha. I was looking at something an author of one of my favorite books said and it got me thinking of this conversation. He was taking ideas from the plot of huck finn and using it to help his story, but as he wrote it became something completely different and you can barely notice the similarities as truly defining.
    I'm a fantasy nerd and thrive on the idea of creating my own fantasy story, but I worry about copying another too closely. It's so incredibly difficult to wrap my brain around. That's why my story has been on hold since I started it in early '07.
    March 27th, 2010 at 06:33am
  • When_September_Ends

    When_September_Ends (100)

    New Zealand
    Dude! your a dude!! :P Omg, i really didn't know :P !! :) XD I love your story!! the "Lust breathes eternal" amazing! I'm glad you updated more soon, if your not busy :P haha :P *wink wink* :P XD
    March 23rd, 2010 at 10:56am
  • (100)

    United States
    Haha, Yes, there are a lot of good male authors [in the romance genre as well] that often aren't recognized as much as they should be. It's just that on Mibba they're not quite as frequently found on Mibba, however.

    I used to read on Quizilla back before I came across Mibba [actually how I stumbled across it in the beginning] and I will admit I was into those little fanfictions. I was also 14 though, unlike the 20-somethings that write most of these on here. I even tried writing a couple, though I never got past a chapter or two because I just got stuck. I still have some of those in a file folder in my bedroom and now I look at it taking the plot line I attempted and turn it into something real. I have numerous real ideas starting up from these stupid fanfics I tried writing in ninth grade. I look at the fanfics I see on here and want to tell them to create real characters and they could make real stories out of them.
    March 22nd, 2010 at 05:07am
  • (100)

    United States
    ps. I've already gotten sick of the font and have been planning on changing it, even though I just did. I'm not big on pink but liked it the night I was making it, haha.
    March 21st, 2010 at 08:36am
  • (100)

    United States
    Awe, I'm flattered really. You may or may not enjoy my story; it's not typical of mibba, I can promise you that much. I'm trying to add some more complexity into it right now because I took a couple months break from writing and now that I've decided to add some more twists in I'm not quite sure where it's going, so my pre-planning has mostly worn itself out, haha.

    I will admit, when I came to your profile after reading your story I was slightly shocked to see that you were, in fact, a male. I don't come across a lot of stories by guys- not any that interest me. But then, a lot of stories on here are starting to lack any substance, so I get so excited when I find something decent, worth reading, and not based on Twilight or some guitar player in a band...
    March 21st, 2010 at 08:34am
  • josten.

    josten. (100)

    United States
    Ah yes my grammar really sucks :) I'll work on it today. Thanks for the comment and advice!
    February 8th, 2010 at 07:47pm
  • BlackbirdWithin

    BlackbirdWithin (100)

    United States
    that is my down fall but i am taking a class to improve on that thank you for your comment.
    February 7th, 2010 at 12:45am
  • La Mort D'Ophelie

    La Mort D'Ophelie (350)

    United States
    Story of my life.
    Happy Christmas, by the way. :)
    (PS. Am I the only one who feels obligated to pepper my comments with smileys because of the fear that they will be construed as sterile and insincere if I don't?)
    December 26th, 2009 at 06:45am
  • La Mort D'Ophelie

    La Mort D'Ophelie (350)

    United States
    Never been on stage? You should try it someday. It's a very necessary frightening and awkward situation. I will now serenade you with a not-completely-needed anecdote from my past because, truth be told *lowers voice, blushes* I enjoy preening.

    I've mentioned the few years I spent being balletic. Once a year for three years during that time, I would voluntarily offer myself to be in the Nutcracker. Each year, the role I got was more embarassing. The final year I did it, I had to be a gingerbread cookie. We wore these ridiculous huge brown felt suits and these stuffed bonnet-type things that intentionally made our heads look big, and crazy exaggerated eye makeup and these red rubber/felt circles glued on our cheeks because blush totally wasn't near to the effect they wanted. However, this was all for a legit performance, where people dressed up and paid lots of money and we performed in this big performing arts hall, etc.

    Don't get me wrong, it was great fun and I don't regret it. The moral is, if I, who am so awkward that the other day I asked my English teacher if I could go to the bathroom/restroom and it accidentally came out "best room", could have gotten on a huge stage and performed 4 times every year in an embarassing costume, you (and others) can do something similar.

    Also, thank you for the well-wishing!

    CANADA! I'd love to go to Québec sometime, because I'm learning French and the culture seems awesome. Even though Canada = cold and cold = sadface. It doesn't necessary mean Canada = sadface, like the transitive property. Also, are you living in Canada currently? Lol. I guess I can see what you mean about finding the perfect photo in other places, but I'd love to do that too. Besides, how else am I gonna remember the trip if I don't take photos?

    Your vision seems very Diane Arbus-esque to me. A bit. Very noble, regardless of anything, is what I'm trying to say, and good luck. As embarrassing as this is to say, I am the type of person who'd take pictures of skylines and parks. A while back, I went to a park after it rained to take pictures and I was so proud of the shots I got. I guess I take pictures of whatever catches my fancy and who knows what it'll be next. I'm still in the experimental phase. (Also, what camera do you use? Or, if you lived in Soviet Russia, what camera uses you? And do you post photos on dA?)

    I think so too, about figuring things out for myself. I'm always figuring crap out and the more I find out the stupider I feel about having been in the dark and been so childish and angsty and embarrassing. Many times I wish so bad I could do all my growing up at once and be done with it, so I could look at both the past and the future without cringing and hating who I was. Sometimes I wonder what the point of anything I do is, if I'm just gonna look back at it someday and cringe. Okay, I know that growth is good. Growth is great. If it weren't for growth, biological life would be impossible. It just hurts, that's all. Now, I also know pain is good. Pain makes you stronger. If it weren't for pain, we'd all be a bunch of soft, rosy-eyed pussies...Anndd...I guess I'm out of excuses. *sigh*

    You have also confirmed my aloneness. I am very alone and keep many, many things to myself that are probably unhealthy to. I've never cried in front of my friends. I get ashamed and angry when I start crying in front of my parents. I've never revealed to anyone what my deepest fear is. I often wish I had someone I could call when I feel like going crazy, but the people I could call, I don't want to break down to. I don't want to break down to anyone, I refuse to, and this makes me alone. I can't tell this boy what I feel because he's gay and that would make it very awkward. In addition, he's going out with someone. Thirdly, an admission of liking means vulnerability and I refuse to be vulnerable in front of others. Fourth and finally, the idea of love and intimacy scares me to death.

    I'm glad you can empathize in some ways. I don't think you're selfish for talking about yourself, because hell, I do it a little too much. It's really nice that you'd help the girl you like and her boyfriend's relationship along if you could. I feel the same way. Hell, I'm happy it could never work out because like I said, love scares me. If I believed in God, I would continually thank him for making things be this way.

    Thanks a lot. You're really great, you know.
    December 6th, 2009 at 07:53am
  • XFallenAngelX0

    XFallenAngelX0 (100)

    Costa Rica
    Thank you for the extremely quick update! You really made my day! And that chapter was excelent!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    November 29th, 2009 at 07:11pm
  • XFallenAngelX0

    XFallenAngelX0 (100)

    Costa Rica
    I know... But at least my mind is calm now... XD
    I will wait all time possible (inner: Really? I really doubt so...) XD
    November 29th, 2009 at 01:09am
  • XFallenAngelX0

    XFallenAngelX0 (100)

    Costa Rica
    U welcome!
    I'll be waiting for the next chaper!
    November 25th, 2009 at 08:55pm
  • XFallenAngelX0

    XFallenAngelX0 (100)

    Costa Rica
    Hahahaha. I know u can do it! XD
    November 24th, 2009 at 11:19pm
  • La Mort D'Ophelie

    La Mort D'Ophelie (350)

    United States
    I love complaining. It’s so cathartic. You get to whine and exaggerate things – when else can you whine and exaggerate without being held in contempt? I’m serious. Also something really fun to do when you’re frustrated is swear. Swearing is enormously cathartic, I’ve found. I also rather enjoy shocking people, because I come across usually as very demure and mild-mannered.

    About the poem – maybe not exactly the way you described, but I get the general feeling. Sometimes your words are so spot-on when you write, but other times you can’t capture anything accurately in words at all. You’ll keep trying to pin down the exact thing on paper, but it always slips away like [insert good slippery thing (herher)]. Language occasionally has boundaries. I personally think that to fully appreciate language, you have to acknowledge this.

    Recently? How ‘bout everything that’s happened since the last time we talked? (Because you know I love talking about myself, haha.) [Arranged mostly in order from most to least recent]

    I made it to my school’s final for Poetry Out Loud, which meant reciting a poem onstage, alone, in front of an audience. Sure, I’ve been on stage before (3 times when people were actually [i]paying[/i] like $25 a ticket for it) but that was always with others. This time, it was only me up there and it was a lot different. I’m glad I did it, though. I loved it, even though it made me so scared, you don’t even know. (Obviously I did not win, being the n00b I am. But since I’m crazy, or anal, or overenthusiastic, or all three – I’ve already compiled a list of poems I may recite next year.)

    My family and I visited relatives in China for the month of July, which is the first time I’ve ever been out of the country. It was such an experience, and I loved just being in another country, I love other cultures and places in general (although I did have a mental breakdown the first night).

    I found out how much I used to love dancing, and I started again. (Also, since my school is one of the only ones in the city to have dance in its curriculum, it’s got a dual credit fulfillment [fine arts/PE], which is total WIN for a UHS kid.)

    I found out I really, really love photography, and started dabbling in it. (I got a Holga for my birthday, which really excited me because it’s a film camera, and I feel like a legit photographer now and not just one of those n00bs, shall we say, who totes around a digital camera and have no idea what f-stops or aperture are. Yeah, I guess that means I’m a snob. Well, at least I’m in touch with it.)

    In a moment of subconscious psychic clarity, I cut my own side bangs, expecting disaster, but I was super surprised at how much better it made me look. Like, I’m not even kidding. It was like I was in the dark all those years…or something. (Lol, I feel like such a girl.)

    I’ve discovered that I really love linguistics. I love languages, and I want to learn so ridiculously many. I don’t know what a ‘voiceless lateral fricative’ is, but just the sound of it fills me with so much joy and excitement.

    Also, I want to go to the Middle East and Africa in the future and do photojournalism, because [s]I don’t want to be another selfish ho with no perspective in her life (i.e. an “American teenager”.)[/s] I want to do something for a good cause…heroic, even? I’m one of the biggest cowards I know.

    Also also, I’ve had a massive, ridiculous, pathetic, fervent crush on a guy for –count ‘em- fourteen months. I can’t ask him out for four very good reasons, which I won’t bother you with. But fourteen months…that’s really sad, right? I need somebody’s opinion on this! I cannot even tell my friends because I’ve never confessed a crush to any of my friends no matter how close they were, ever. And I’m too set in my ways to start now! Also, it’s problematic since my favorite person to tell things to is that exact person.

    I know, haven’t you totally missed my ridiculously lengthy comments? (They're so long, they make longcat look short! =0
    November 24th, 2009 at 06:25am
  • La Mort D'Ophelie

    La Mort D'Ophelie (350)

    United States
    I loved hearing from you again.
    And all this time, I have not forgotten to remind you, that should you ever be bored, I have poems that you wanted to make drawings from. Specifically La Semaine and the one that was influenced by looking at Brunelleschi's sketches for his Dome that I was supposed to use to write an essay on the Renaissance about but wrote the poem instead. That one.
    November 21st, 2009 at 06:50am
  • XFallenAngelX0

    XFallenAngelX0 (100)

    Costa Rica
    Hi CrayonEater! I am a superfan of your story Lust Breathes Eternal and I am worried that you are not going to continue it... or will you????Please... XD
    Have a nice day!
    November 16th, 2009 at 11:49pm
  • its an infestation

    its an infestation (100)

    okay, well I can't wait XD
    hehe so whatsup?
    November 5th, 2009 at 09:09am
  • its an infestation

    its an infestation (100)

    ohhh hi XD
    you need to update your story :D hehe
    October 26th, 2009 at 11:18am
  • its an infestation

    its an infestation (100)

    ahah awyeahh :) I come on after school :D
    it was hot today D: people keep asking me why I never take my jumper off, I hate it D: and I have to swim next week lol
    hoowws your lifee? :)
    October 15th, 2009 at 10:27am