About me

Hello everyone I am currently 28 years old and am going to school to become a Veterinary Technician; I've changed my major three times in three years. I enjoy writing, mainly about vampires and the like but in high school I was a SUPER big Harry Potter fan. My friend and I would write fan fictions CONSTANTLY haha. We even wrote a long fan fic and put it on quizilla.com which apparently was a mistake because they took the site down last year and I didn't know that so there went our hard work. Therefore, I thought I'd try again after I found this site, so we shall see, yes? Also if I write stories and I stop for a while it's usually not so much writers block as it is I got into doing other things. I have bipolar disorder and it's not exactly like ADD but a small bit close to that in some senses. I will work on something for quite some time and even stay up for 24 hours working on projects but then something else gets my attention and I go all in that. =D


Just Average

Status: Complete

Angel of Death

Status: Complete

Sick Flesh

Status: Active

Blogs on Gardening and Life in General!

Layout by Lameface.