Catching Up

Hey y'all!Lol here is my bi-annual check in blog. How's everyone doing? What's everyone working on, feeling inspired by? Any songfics or fanfics?Fallout has got my attention, the show was soo good. Work has sucked lately, so I'm feeling very inspired by/bogged-down with late-stage capitalism, dystopianism, fascism, and despair. I'm currently working on an anti-capitalist dystopian sci-fi novel,...
April 30th, 2024 at 06:21pm

How are you all? | Rediscovery | New Project

Hey all! How is everyone doing? Good, I hope :) if anyone is even reading this LOLI bought a typewriter recently. It's pretty fucking bad ass.I decided to incorporate it into my daily writing process since it still works perfectly (aside from a sticky "1"). I've also tried to make an effort to do something writing/reading related every day - which, as I have no current "big" projects I'm working...
August 11th, 2021 at 08:36pm


I've been lurking a lot more than usual lately & I've been thinking about getting back into Mibba, too. I don't know if I'll want to post a whole lot (as my end-goal with writing is eventual publication, an posting online takes away "First Publication Rights," which many publishers will want before publishing a work. So its an auto-eject in most cases), but I might do some shorter stuff...
January 17th, 2020 at 06:10am

NaNoWriMo Prep... Already?

Join us in the unofficial Mibba discord chat!So, usually I hold off on planning for NaNoWriMo until a lot closer to November, but for some reason, this year, I'm planning a lot harder. I think its because I really want to finish a project this year. Last time I actually wrote 50,000 words for a NaNoWriMo project was during Camp NaNo 2017, for Ichor and Ambrosia. I got to 50,057, the story wasn't...
September 23rd, 2019 at 06:53am


Y'all. I'm a mess right now.I've spent the last two days thinking about writing and NaNoWriMo and Mibba and how I used to be such a goddamn endless well of inspiration and creative energy that cranked out project after project. Now, I haven't finished a project since my sophomore year of high school, and I have only won NaNoWriMo once since then. I just... UGH. Where's my inspiration and energy...
September 21st, 2019 at 05:52am

Writing, Mental Health, and My "Cycle"

EDIT: I forgot to mention! Join the Unofficial Mibba Discord Server! We're a little dead, but still lots of fun.Hi all! It's been awhile. I feel like I do this a lot; I come back for a spurt, leave, lurk, and then write a blog about how I'm going to come back and do all this stuff and then I leave again, and repeat. But this isn't one of those blogs! I'm going to break that cycle. I'm not going to...
May 22nd, 2019 at 04:47pm

Mental Illness, Self-Love, Etc.

So I haven't been very active lately, and I apologize for that. I really wanted to dedicate a lot of my time and resources to making this website a better place for writers and readers, and I've failed at that. A lot of it has been because I'm just lazy and a procrastinator, but another large piece has been some major mental health issues.I've been in a really dark place for awhile now. Not, like,...
February 11th, 2019 at 04:53am

Give Me Stuff to Do | A Question

So, I haven't really been super active lately, but as always I've been lurking. I wrote a drabble that I'm not really happy with. I started writing for NaNo, but my inspiration quickly fizzed out, so I stopped. But I really miss writing and creating and I really wanna get back into being active, especially since I'm now a member of the Magazine team!But anyway, give me something to do. Link your...
December 9th, 2018 at 09:06pm

NaNoWriMo Day 4 Update

So, I've not been doing the best at NaNoWriMo this year, lol. I started strong the first night when I wrote over 2,000 words at midnight, but then I didn't really do.....anything.....My friends and I had a party Friday night and I had a lot of fun, but of course didn't write at all. And then, I woke up the next morning feeling like SHIT. Like, I don't know what it was, but that tequila messed with...
November 4th, 2018 at 08:36pm

Halloween 2018 | NaNoWriMo

Before I begin, as always, join our Mibba discord! Also, I caught up on all of my candybowl requests, so if you want a neat little treat, request one there!But anyway, last night my friends and I had our annual Halloween party! I love them so much. We all have issues with our parents - almost none of us even speak to them anymore - so we are all like one big family. We celebrate almost every major...
October 29th, 2018 at 04:02am

Story Woes

As always, join the Mibba discord! We’re lonely in here.Anyway, this is probably gonna be more of a rant blog. Let me begin.I’ve been in a critique group since July. There are five of us and every week, one person takes a turn to submit a 5,000 word piece to be critiqued. I’ve enjoyed my time with them and I feel like the weekly discussion about writing really helps me... but that’s just...
October 22nd, 2018 at 04:15pm

Update | A Change in NaNoWriMo Plans | YouTube?

So, first, an update: I have been absent from Mibba (even though I’ve been lurking so I know what y’all have been up to) but I’m trying to get back into it! My roommate and I are trying to start eating vegetarian/vegan. I’m working on getting all the candy bowl requests I have done. Also, join the Mibba discord!Aaand y’all remember that blog I posted like last week about my NaNo plans?...
October 16th, 2018 at 04:47pm

Unexpected NaNoWriMo 2018

So, it's currently almost 1:30AM and I need to wake up in 6 hours for work, so I'm going to try and make this short and sweet. I hadn't thought I was going to do NaNoWriMo this year because I was so focused on writing The Land of Infinite Whispers. Well, I've kind of lost sight of where I want to go with it; my outline isn't good and I don't really know where to go. I just feel like there's a lot...
October 10th, 2018 at 07:33am

First Candy Bowl of Mibbaween 2018!

HAHAHA. I have been the first to offer a Mibbaween 2018 candy bowl. Feel free to FIGHT ME.Again, before I begin, JOIN THE UNOFFICIAL MIBBA DISCORD CHAT! Come talk to us! We're great, I promise. Also don't forget about the site-wide events! Mibbaween Spirit Days are great. I'm dressed up as a movie monster! Campfire Stories Writing Challenge is Mibba's October site-wide story contest. And Mibbaween...
October 7th, 2018 at 06:14am

Depression, Sexual Assault, & the Art of Writing

I'm gonna begin by linking the Unofficial Mibba Discord Chat!CW: THIS BLOG DISCUSSES DEPRESSION, SEX, AND SEXUAL ASSAULTSo, I've struggled with depression for what seems like a long time now. 5-6 years. Over the last few, I've learned ways that help me cope. Being with friends, staying active, staying productive, basically just getting my mind off things. Here lately, it's not been so easy.So I...
October 6th, 2018 at 07:31pm

One Month

So, I finally finished editing what I had written of The Land of Infinite Whispers! I cut ~31,000 words down to ~22,000 and I've edited the four chapters that remain. I now know where I want to go with this and it's time to finish the remainder!I'm not used to working with deadlines, but I am used to working in short-term bursts. I've won NaNoWriMo six times (out of like 10). I can't wait for...
September 18th, 2018 at 11:02pm

Productivity Tips & Tricks

So, in my last blog I talked about how I finally finished editing this chapter after more than a year. Well, I have some great news to tack onto that as well! I just finished editing the second chapter and I've started the third! God, I feel like I'm in a really good groove right now. I'm beyond belief excited about resuming this WIP at a good pace. I'm working out the kinks, I finally know where...
September 11th, 2018 at 05:13pm

I Finally Did It!

Back around May 2017 I started a project called The Land of Infinite Whispers for Camp NaNoWriMo. I got, like, 30,000 words in before I just lost steam and didn't know where to take the story and I was really hating the point it was at, so I put it on the back burner while I brainstormed to figure out exactly how to connect all the pieces and define the concepts.I just finished editing the first...
September 9th, 2018 at 09:38pm

Anyone Open to Critique a Piece for Me?

Hey, all! Before I get into this, please look into joining Mibba's Unoffical Discord Chat!I haven't been as active on here as I've wanted to, but I have been lurking. But that's beside the point.So, last November, for NaNoWriMo, I started writing a story called The Land of Infinite Whispers. I got, over thirty-thousand words in and then stopped. It's stuck with me since, though. It's been that one...
September 7th, 2018 at 08:39am

Remember Mibba's Old Chatroom? I Present to You, Mibba's (Unofficial) Discord Chat!

I've been luring on the site a lot lately (not doing much--not participating, which isn't very good of me), and I was browsing the forums. Lately, I've been using Discord a lot to talk to people in the writing groups I'm in, and its really cool! I was thinking about the old Chatroom Mibba used to have where people could go chat AOL-style, and it was honestly pretty rad. So I took it upon myself to...
August 20th, 2018 at 06:41am