9.05.2010 :]

I started writing a blog today. If anyone is interested and wants to read it here's the linkhttp://youngmumkays2301.blogspot.com/I've had a busy day packing :| I'm excited about moving but I hate packing, can't stand it! I still have quite a bit to do. It's now 22:46 and I still have Izzy's bottles to make up, stuff to sort out and pack and then finally sleep.It's times like this that make you...
May 9th, 2010 at 11:57pm

7.05.2010. Best year so far!

This has been the best year so far of my life! In this year my little girl will turn 1, I'll turn 18 and I'm going back to 6th form to do A levels. I've never been happier :]I'm moving next Tuesday into my own little place with just me and Isabella and I honestly can't wait! I'm a little stressed from packing but that's to be expected. I can't wait for it to be just me and my gorgeous baby!She was...
May 7th, 2010 at 09:47pm

This time last year...

...I was pregnant :O The last journal I wrote on here I was 3 months pregnant. 10 months later and here I am with a gorgeous baby :)That's my yummy little girl Isabella-Mae :) She's now 15 weeks and was born on the 5th December at 8:15am. I haven't been on here in ages because I've been busy with her ha but now she goes to bed really good in the evenings I can finally have time on here!Anyway I'm...
March 18th, 2010 at 10:31pm

My life lately [no whinging :D]

Lately, my life has been extremely hectic. This isn't a journal about complaining and moaning though. Helllll no :)Anyway, I've left school now. No more proper days at school. It's actually really saddening because I did love school. I'm going to miss it so much. And I've only got 7 exams and then my graduation/leavers assembly and then prom. Ohhhh sooo exciting! I can't wait!In other news, I'm...
May 25th, 2009 at 08:58pm