
United States
Joined date
March 22nd, 2008


Why, hello there. My name seems to be Morgan, so you can call me that. Don't ever call me Megan. I might just flip out. Bad memories.

I love music. Like everyone else on this site and/or in this world. My absolute favorite band is Alice in Chains. They're so amazing. I also love Chevelle, Three Days Grace, the Foo Fighters, Rise Against, the Misfits, etc. I'm not going to name all the bands I love.

Again, like everyone else on this site, (but definitely not everyone else in the world) I love to read. I like reading stories that could never happen in real life. It entertains me in my extremely boring life.

I love Batman. The Last Halloween is an amazing graphic novel. Watchmen is pretty awesome as well, but that's not part of Batman, although it has superheroes in it too. I recommend reading both if you like that kind of stuff. :D

I'm pretty bad at grammar. I found this out pretty recently. I'm working on it! D:

Don't be afraid to comment me, I love talking to people, and I'm pretty friendly.

I have an odd sense of humor, I guess. So, yeah, you might think I'm a creep if I crack a really weird joke. Erase it from your memory and I'm sure we'll be fine.

I try my best not to write badly. I'm always open to suggestions, if you think you can help.

I love to draw. :D

I sometimes like to name inanimate objects, but I'm sure we all do that from time to time. :P

If you crack a pun with me, I'll probably love you forever.