Hi, my name's Kay :). I'm seventeen years old! I have loved writing for as long as I can remember. It's also my dream to publish at least one book before I graduate high school! Besides writing, I love graphic design. It's one of my many passions haha. I'm addicted to music too; I have to write to music or it comes out horribly. I have an addiction to writing perfect stories. No matter how many stories I read, I want mine to be better. You can call me vain, but it's how I am. I try to write people who aren't mary sues, and I try to stick to the character's(unless it's an original story) personality we see. Though I'm sure half of them aren't really like they are on television, that's what we see and what people know. On top of that, I like having real information somewhere in a chapter. Be that the main guy I'm pairing off with an OC is dating someone, or he's got a disease(haven't seen that yet.) Most of my stories aren't on here, but I am working on getting some over here. I hope you enjoy what is over here, and comment so I can improve!


Sing us a song tonight.

Lyrics: "Piano Man" Billy Joel
Coder: Am I Broken!?
Coding/ImageEditing: bloodseepingthroughmyshoes

©Dezzerz&&Erinn @bloodseepingthroughmyshoes