The out come of my epic battle against sleep!

So I completed my 60 hours like I said I would.And I'm still not tierd.It kinda sucks, cuz now I'm bored.It might be the fact that i have been getting random cases of insomnia lately.Or it might be the fact that I'm a caffine addict.Or it might be both.Either way I have attually learned something form this expience.I don't need sleep.I like it, and it makes me happy.But i don't think I really need...
July 19th, 2008 at 06:47am

Tierd as al ***!!!

Okk so on wednesday I woke up at noon.It has now just became fiday, at three am.I have not slept since 11:59 am on wedneday.For aybody dong the math, thats thirty nine hours. If I'm correct, which I think I am.I plan to stay up until it becomes saturday and 12:01 am.Thats sixty hours.Why?Cos I'm bored and I have nothing better to do.Says a lt about me, don't it?My best friend Kristna has promised...
July 18th, 2008 at 09:17am

See if you can help me find this story!!!

okk like a few weeks ago i started reading this was about frank when he was engaged to jamia when he was on tour. Jamia stopped having sex with him so he decided to try and get her jelious by flirting with a pretty girl but they end up pretty much being fuck buddie. she becomes mcr's stylist and her best friend falls in love with gerard but marries ray, then the main chick finds a girl...
July 17th, 2008 at 08:45am