Fizzwizzler / Comments

  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    Fizzy! :( Are you on mibba these days? Let me know if you are. Finished my degree (had my final exam today) and so I'm really hoping to get back into LITD, and so I should be on Mibba more!
    May 31st, 2012 at 04:23pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm not convinced that that would help the situation.

    Ah, same problem as me, and there doesn't seem to be that many hair dyes around for light/blond hair, it's mostly for brunettes.

    Let me know how it plans out!
    December 22nd, 2009 at 03:39pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yes it does, it leave me no time and doesn't give me the grades I want, evil thing.

    Whoopsie, was it not supposed to be permanent dye? You'll just have to dye over it next time I guess......

    Haha, I'm sure they can treat you for once. Lot's of people I know got rewards (money) for doing well in exams at school, we never got anything but coming to England can be your reward, and if you pursuade them before hand, your incentive to do well!!!!!!
    December 16th, 2009 at 02:28pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm soooooooorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy! Stupid university internet doesn't let me view my profile on mibba or read any of my messages :(
    But I'm back home now so I can.
    Have you changed your hair since your last message?
    Yes indeed I have MSN, might be a better way for us to communicate during term when I can't get on mibba.
    Lol you've decided? Will they need much persuasion to agree to your decision?
    December 13th, 2009 at 06:28pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    Or maybe we just tend to do it to ourselves.....

    Meh, I don't you just you have nothing interesting to say in reply to my comments? I have that sometimes.

    o.o it [i]isn't[/i] physically possible, or do you mean a specific type of fan fiction, like for a specific book, film, anime whatever?

    Lol you're cheep? Is that how you say it? Here that means your like low quality, or you know a prostitute selling her body for a low price. We'd say "I'm a cheap skate." for we avoid buying things we don't have to, or buying cheap versions, or getting someone else aka parents to buy what we want.

    We've covered this before, but you have strange friends....he's not reading this is he? If he is, um, jk? Lol I have no *cough*'s to accidentally elbow, thankfully.
    Ooh, not fun, I've fallen off my bunk bed before (top bunk), luckily I fell into the toy pile so I was fine. Hmm I miss my bunk bed and my toy pile.....I have however fallen of a horse (the gymnastics kind) while doing a handspring over it and landed on my head, luckily I missed the springboard. That was not fun, I haven't done handsprings since, haven't been to gymnastics for ages either.

    Lol, lets hope it stays that way.

    Well quite a few of my friends have used this guy that's instructing me now, I used to see him when I was at my friends and he was picking her up so I sort of knew him already, lol I always had to wave at him through the window and mime "five minutes!" because me friend was never ready.

    Blue is a good colour....and it goes with a lot of other colours, so it wouldn't make choosing clothes a pain, if you even care about that sort of thing. I wouldn't do red, not sure why, I just wouldn't...oh my gosh, you could so do a rainbow!!!!!!!!!
    August 9th, 2009 at 11:38pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    At the moment it doesn't even have to be a stupid time in the morning for me to be doing that, I think my brain melted over the course of the day, I was crazy mad energetic this morning, even after just 5 hours sleep.

    Oh I've got one of those tone weight things that would break your foot and the floor if you dropped it. Haven't used it too much, I've fixed most of my jeans by hand with I think it's called blanket stitch? But if I was making clothes I'd use the sowing machine, for neatness.

    Lol, basically I'm the good girl and you are the bad girl :) we can cover every character in the movies, good guy for me, bad guy for you. And occasionally we can trade.
    That's a lot of fanfiction, never been much of a fan of it myself, I mean it's never the same as the real story or whatever, but the random twists and whatever can be interesting.

    Can't you buy them yourself? I guess if they are elaborate you'll need to practice and that will get expensive. I'd love to learn to cake decorate, I have done a kind of decorating where you cut the cake up into a shape, stick it together with butter icing and the cover it in coloured fondant. I made a playful dog, ambitious for a first try, but I just about managed to pull it off. I'll try and get the picture to you, and that reminds me, I still haven't got that voice clip to you have I? I wonder where on my comp it is....

    I dunno, I don't think I've ever quite snuggled, to me it requires a lot of body touching, I hug two close friends quite a lot, and one I'll quite happily use her as a pillow, but snuggling, no.

    o.o how did we get onto this barking and biting thing? Lol I bark at a couple people at work, and one day one said, careful there's a wild dog out there, so I said at least my bark was worse than my bite.

    Fighting with the carpet? I bet your parents are thrilled. My friends cat used to claw at a section at the bottom of the stairs so now it's starting to wear through, and she used to lie on her side and drag herself along by using her claws against the step.

    Awesome, actually I decided to get my permit a little while ago and start having lessons :) can't practice in my dads car though, cause it's huge and insurance would be mental, so I'll just learn in the instructors car which is a lot smaller.
    Will you get lessons or just learn from your parents? And have fun btw!
    August 6th, 2009 at 10:15pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    I don't think we have any shops like that around here....not that I know of. But then again I am near a fairly big city, surely they will have one somewhere, I just don't go into town much so I've never come across it.
    Is it not fixible? My sister did a matrix cartwheel in a long black matrix like coat and that ripped under the arm, obviously not made for gymnastics endurance.

    Never a fan of the Joker, I'm more into the good guys, the goody-two-shoes that I am.
    Was that last part sarcastic?

    Oooh I have a cook book thing that has lots of recipes for alcoholic beverages, it's pretty cool.

    I cannot see myself enjoying a relationship like that, basically I've never found anyone I've been comfortable enough with to enter a relationship like that, I also don't really want to, and it would really be fair seeing as even the thought of someone kissing me grosses me out, what a weird relationship that would be.

    Are they not the kind that seem rough and all that on the outside but really they're alright and caring behind closed doors?

    Haha a few weeks back I woke up to two cats fighting outside my window; on their sides going round and round in circles.
    August 6th, 2009 at 09:28am
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    Gah darn dang crud, didn't let me send that post, I KNEW I should have copied it. I'll reply tomorrow, cause I'm tired, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! If it's this tuesday, hope you have had/are having a good day *huggles* and remember, just because you are a year older, it doesn't mean you have to act any older XD
    August 5th, 2009 at 12:25am
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    I would love to make some of my own clothes, but I wouldn't even know where to start. I have some lush material that I picked up, silky stuff that I would like to make a halter neck out of for a friend or something. I can't find a pattern for it on the internet, I should just try making a toille or whatever you call it.

    Is that the Jokers colours? I like them because of Jhudora from Neopets XD

    Stuff 16 [i]and[/i] 17, I want to be 7 again.

    I don't think anyone in my house really drinks, one of my bros might have a beer at the pub, my dad does, cause he he does lots of folk music sessions, but he probably has 2 at most. We have a cupboard full of alcohol because we get given it but never drink it. I think the last time any was used was me putting some brandy in a chocolate moose cake. I dislike crowds of people too, but then I don't like being on my own with someone I don't know that well either, so basically I don't like any social situations except with close friends.

    See, this is one of the reasons I want to be 7 again, we didn't have issues like this! What is with the mad obsessive need to have a partner? What is wrong with being single! Not that there's anything wrong with not being single, just, everyone seems to think that everyone wants someone.

    Your mother called her own daughter a retard? Lovely, isn't that like politically incorrect these days? but yeah, socially inept people, like ones with aspergers can be amazingly smart in surprising areas.
    August 2nd, 2009 at 11:37pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    And the lesson we learn from this? Be more organised! Do we ever learn this lesson? Rarely. XD Sounds like you had an amazing time, I so can't wait to see the pictures. Aww I can imagine a pikachu one being so cute.

    Yeah probably, I have so few interesting things to say that pretty quickly I start repeating myself. Maybe I need to try it again, just to have a new story. Hmm, I would like to try a dark purple and a bright green streak underneath my hair, non permanent. But not sure how I would go about doing that, not without getting it professionally done.

    Not long to see her then, well I hope she doesn't dribble or puke on you or anything.
    You looking forward to being 17 then? Oh and happy birthday now, because we are both sporadic repliers XD you might get it in time.

    One of my friends parents drank a lot, I dunno if they drank enough to get drunk or not but even from a young age they were trying to get her to drink too, but she rarely does. And she likes beer, which is sort of strange for a girl, generally they prefer other alcoholic beverages.
    No doubt when I go to uni I'll have to deal with hung over people.

    You are a poet and you didn't know it. Hmm you know I can't remember any more why you are a like a yoyo....

    Meh well the oldest and the youngest are dealt with, it's just the middle one that's still...a problem. It's not that I don't like them, just not in that way, I just want them to go away! Only 1 1/2 months, only 1 1/2 months...
    I work in an office of a Laboratory that produces unlicensed medicines.

    Yeah, it's weird that you have college at 17, cause what we call college starts at 16 and only lasts two years, then it's Uni. Yeah we don't have to take any extra stuff for college/uni whatever, well actually some of the more prestigious universities like Oxford or Cambridge, cause so many people apply, they need extra tests and stuff to get in, but otherwise it's just normal school stuff that everyone has to do whether they are going to uni or not.
    But uh, yeah, good luck with you SAT's. Do you have one where you have to learn all the different words for the same meaning? I'm sure I remember reading that in an American book.

    Meh, you might have forgotten after so long away, you might need some easing back into it :P
    July 28th, 2009 at 07:45pm
  • dacastardust

    dacastardust (105)

    United Kingdom
    Thank you for the story comment :D
    July 28th, 2009 at 06:33pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hmm lot's of people at work have started calling me Trouble...not sure why.

    Innocent face my butt!

    An Anime convention! Awesome! What was it like, what happened? What was it about? (anime of course but any one in particular?)
    Attempted....I am well aquainted with the word, I tried to dye my hair once, but it's really long, and I only got one packet, and it was for dark hair. came out blotchy and instead of dark purple it was sort of rhubarb colour, so my hair was rhubarb and custard. And it didn't come out from months even though it was supposed to be a 8 wash out one.

    Eheh, pictures, not a good time to dye your hair then, atleast you'll have some good memories with that pic. I loath pictures.

    Okay now that's cool, the coolest kind of mother you can be, you get to have the baby/kid/whatever when it's happy and in a good mood but can just give it back when it starts crying.

    Ugh, dumb freshmen. To be honest, someone has to be really really drunk for me to realise. Oh I bet they don't like that! I've never had to deal with anyone the morning after, just during the night when they are throwing up and I have to look after them, lovely.

    You are like a yoyo.

    Woohoo? Is that a good thing?

    Ugh, me? I'm in the middle of some...well I would say boy trouble but actually it's man trouble, becuase they are deffinatly more men than boys. I learnt that three people were interested in me, in one week! But oh you'll love this, the first one....was around 20 years my senior. That's over twice my age! The second one is about 10 years older while the other is the same age.
    And because they are pains in the butt and dont ask outright, and because I'm a blind numpty and don't realise, I agree to "meet up" not realising they think it's a friggin date!!!!!!!!!! And they are all nice guys, plus I work with two of them, it's really hard to put them down without making things awkward, and I really really do not like hurting peoples feelings, nor to I like tackling things head on, I'd much rather run away. But in this situation it's not possible. Grrr.

    Everything else is in the backgrounf mostly. I'm starting to try and sort out Uni things. You know, start buying essentials, I need jeans! I have like four pair of blue jeans I wear a lot, and they all have holes in. Two in between the legs, one around the back pockets which means you could see my undies when I bent over and the other one was just round the back of the leg, but quite big. So I've had to fix them all so I don't get told of at work for wearing indecent clothing.

    Yes, that is my life at the moment. I'm sure that's given you pleanty to reply to.
    July 25th, 2009 at 12:43am
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    It's okay, you're busy, I'm busy, just say hi occasionally :)

    What trouble have you been getting up to recently?
    July 22nd, 2009 at 02:09pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    Haha, oaky, it's random, but cool.

    Why not? They have a computer in the break room, and it was before work, I often get there 1/2 hour early, don't ask me why, it's just the way I do things XD I sometimes do it on my break as well, I reply to messages, maybe read some story chapters, check me reader/subscriber count etc (my story has 10 stars now whoooo!)
    May 10th, 2009 at 05:06pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    Sick as in what way and how sick?

    I'll read it when I get back home, I'm at work right now.
    May 6th, 2009 at 10:19am
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    Good good, XD at least it isn't like some of the hospitals over here then, we're always hearing about patients dying from neglect.

    Your life is as interesting as ever then :P Well good luck with your GF, and with your Ex. Boy I don't envy you right now.

    :o an anime convention? No way! That's awesome. Is it just anime in general or for a specific one? What happenes? What do yo do? You'll have to tell me all about it!

    Yeah, well I've talked to my brother about Uni and he's helped me a bit on my deciding, the point of uni is to get the best education possible, so....I think I'm going to follow that as a guide.
    March 29th, 2009 at 03:43pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yay, :) you'r computer back from the PC hospital then.

    ...You have a girlfriend? Is this like a friend who is a girl or an actual girl-friend? What happened to the guy? Well either way I wouldn't say it's useless XD

    Ah I know a little of how you are feeling, not that school is bugging me for anything, They've probably forgotten all about me by now but I've got to decide on which uni to by the start of May, get a replacement birth certificite, send off for my passport with it, keep up with my story, I'm on commission to draw pictures for people at work now they've seen what I can do, make a hat for my friend and [i]loads[/i] of other stuff. Oh yes being a fangirl is very important XD gotta keep up with my anime series. Kakashi *drools*
    March 27th, 2009 at 08:59am
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    :) I know, I miss all our massively long comments. Haha I've had so many people saying at the ends of their comments, "sorry the comment was so long!" and I'm like, no it's not just look at this one and point to yours XD

    Blue screen of death? Never heard ofthat it contagious? *covers computer protectively* mines not gonna get it right?

    That really sucks, so you have no computer at home to go on? *huggles* that's sad :( you getting more useful things done instead now though?

    meh it's fine, it was probably about random crap anyway.

    I'm pretty good, starting to get stressed about which university to go to, and the deadline is looming ugh, I don't get how people choose. And how about you? How is my Fizzy?
    March 17th, 2009 at 07:22pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    Hmm I need to make my own word up....I'm terrible at making things up, much better at nicking things. I sound like a criminal now. hehe k.c. if you say that aloud it sounds like Casey, so that's what I'm going to call them.

    I wouldn't know either way, as you know I like my sleep and I usually get it, goodness what sort of moster I'd be without it.

    It is adorable! It's so cute when it curls up on your chest and falls asleep. I took it from my friend the other day and all it wanted to do was sleep but I had cold hands so it kept trying to get away from them poor thing XD Fizzy seems like she's going to have an abundance of puppies soon I'm sure she wont notice if you miss one Casey.

    Sounds like a messy process, you could just get surgery to cut your phalopean tubes. Or you could just abstain from sex....or know I'm going to stop that sentence right there.

    Yes, on my friends list is xXGreyWingsXx (with the green converses as an avatar) it's her story. She is always glad of a new reader so please take a look. Not that she needs more readers dang her, she's got 10 stars already and like a million readers :K Still I am very proud of my 30 subscribers.
    *waves to grammer Nazi* You are so going to hate me, especially if you're a spelling Nazi too. o.0 Casey sounds like a ninja with her kawaii desu desu noises.

    Snake tongue, snake throat jutsu same difference, its still icky.
    Yeah well I laugh at your....your....your face! Hah!
    I think the toad...thing that Naruto does is funny ,especially when he gets a tadpole. Sexy? Ewww you freak of nature, you weird ass bad taste in bad guys person. Haha bet that will tick you off for grammer.

    You probably have a very steriotypical view of what a British accent, I bet half of Britain doesn't sound like what you think, we have some pretty strong accents over here that even I can't understand it sometimes, it could be a whole new language to me! But yes, I shall devise some way of getting to you, I will! I ish concious of the fact that I don't know if your name is pronounced with the ie on the end or just as Jess...I read an american book where a guy was called Jesse and I don't think you pronounced the e on the end though I did in my head....I'm dumb like that :/

    bells? kill? harem? And didn't she just spell it? Or did you correct her Casey? I think it's come to be thought of as that but it could just be a group of women, the name originating from the name of the abode. Look there is a dictionary, I'll look it up. *flicks through dictionary* :
    harem /'ha:ri:m, -'ri:m/ [i]n[/i]. the women of a Muslim household, living in a separate part of the house; their quaters. [f. Arab., = prohibited]
    January 23rd, 2009 at 08:20pm
  • TavarElda

    TavarElda (100)

    United Kingdom
    I hope we both have long lives... j.c.?

    Chorkle? Another one of your personal interpretations of words? I still like chortle...hehe thats a funny word.

    ah, it was morning, it all makes sense now XD....what pants!?

    Her puppy is so cute!!!!!!!!!!! its tiny!!!!!!!!! and so playful...actually it sleeps a lot but thats cool to cause you lie on the floor and it'll take about 5 minutes to climb on top of you (yes it's [i]that[/i] small) then falls asleep on your chest, tummy, legs, anywhere it can curl up and not fall off XD

    Wow nine puppies, mist kill the mothers, imagine us giving birth to 9 kids every time!

    is j.c. the other half of your split personality? it reminds me of my friends story Diary or a Reluctant Ruler, she has two different voices inside her head that argue all the time.

    Yes I know the one, two of my friends think he's cool, as well as Sasuke. Kakashi rules them all. But his tongue is a snake! Why would you want to french kill someone who's tongue has fangs? Ewww.
    Apparently I have a rather long and pointy tongue...random info for you, oh and some more; my friends bf tongue is so short he can only just stick the tip out of his mouth XD I find that so funny. What does long tongues have to do with being sexy?

    Oh, so she's not the other side of you split boring, not that your friend is boring :( please don't kill me *cowers* *waves to Fizzy's friend. You know I still have that recording of me saying "Hi Jessie, this is Taz, L wants to buy you some cake!"

    Spelling should go sit in a corner with a dunce hat :) You are the leader of a Muslim womans living space?
    January 19th, 2009 at 09:27pm