Elliot Minor hull 9/3/08

It hit 8.45am, dead excited!!!! and got into town and got to the Welly club,and was saying to my dad that i hope I'm not the first one there, and then i realsed i wasn't, there were four people already standing outside, and Helen along with her friends came along and at first we didn't say anything to each other as we were both to shy to say hello, but then she looked and i just went for it, i...
March 23rd, 2008 at 01:58am

The best Nyt of Ma lyf!! Mcfly 28/11/07

Mcfly- Greatiest Hits Tour 2007This was litually the best nyt of my lyf, i enjoyed ma self that much i can remeber every second of it.... i think back to it every day n wishing that i culd go back, and just my luck i got to the very front of tom, which i was sooo gob smacked about cause i couldnt believe how close i was... nand the best thing of it was that he look at me when i shouted tomm!!!!!!...
March 23rd, 2008 at 01:56am

Elliot Minor Sunderland-9/2/08

Elliot Minor Sunderlandoh ma days, i loved it... i was quein since 10,30 in the moring but was well worth the wait, the tour bus was just outside the venue, n by the tym i was there, the tour bus was there, ted came out first for a jog round sunderland soo after his jog we got pictures n signatures, then it was dan who came out n ali, i rushed over to ali n ask for a pic , n he was lyk sure course...
March 23rd, 2008 at 01:55am