the god of thunder. / Comments

  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    You joined!?Crazy I shall have to check this out. And of course, I'm excited to see what you come up with. Really, your writing is absolutely splendid. In LoveI'm a little worried about it though, my writing is rusty. -shrug-

    And don't worry about it, my semester at the University just started today, so. XD
    January 13th, 2014 at 08:45pm
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    See, I would have kidnapped him. Kept him in my basement. And made him read me comics. Apparently you're just a kind soul, silly girl. XD There was rumour that they were going to use the University again for the sequal, but, I plan to be out of here before that. -shrug- Maybe I'll come back and try to steal one of them though. tehe Would you like to share??
    January 12th, 2014 at 05:09am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    I completely forgot all about it! They had the corner shut down when I went to visit but then when I moved in it all just went out the door in my head. XD
    And if my room had a window that faced the city I'm sure the voices would, but, alas, my view is of east Cleveland; the suburbs. I'll pay attention the next time I walk to classes. tehe

    Too bad my university is hell and i hate it.(,:
    January 12th, 2014 at 04:06am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    I just remembered/realized this, as it was done a year before I moved in; THIS was filmed IN FRONT OF MY DORM. I completely forgot that they shut this corner of the U down for it a while back! The fountain and shop front are edited in completely (over grassy loungy spots), the building Loki stands in front of is The Fenn College of Engineering (with some editions to it as well), and you see my tower behind Cap at 1:47. Swoon
    January 12th, 2014 at 03:33am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    January 12th, 2014 at 02:41am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    I have a no name phone because I"m too cheap to get a real one. XD I could afford it easily, but I'm like a dragon; I nest on my money. Heh. So, that being said a.) I'm not sure if safari will do it and b.)I wasn't able to take a screencap. BUT. I was able to use my larger than life camera to get a decent picture of the screen; here. They be like *smolder*. XD

    I havent had a matching theme since before that, so this is veryvery lovely. tehe An'they're just so terrifically perfect!

    Well, the big thing is figuring out which schools you want to apply to. -nod- Some require a very deep evaluation and others are just like "Meh, send us your shit". Check their websites and make sure the accept the Common and whether or not there's a simpler way to go about it. Cute The GPA will never make you look boring, ever. A good GPA and a tiny bit of outer activity will rank you up one. Writing though I'm not too sure. .-. I have the same issues and as a science major I'm so used to writing in APA format that itreally fucks with my other works. Like. Even just my personal writing. Sad

    He says's you're welcome. tehe And I let him know about it, he's more of a HERO person though. XD Like. It's sorta silly and cute, very dorky. -nodnod-

    The biting thing is what we worry about because if a patron gets bit we're liable because we let the dog in BUT this guy has threatened lawsuits and while we'd win the case easily corporate would rather take the risk of someone being bit than to spend the money on an unessiccary lawyer. Facepalm But, eh, whatever; not //my// issue. I have two BIG dogs that are the exact opposite, the only thing they go after is chipmunks and raccoons. XD

    Yus, yus teh drugs. Weird The pay is what ultimately made my decision, and I mean, it might sound bad at first but when you consider it's THE field I want to work in and the only big difference is that I can prescribe meds it's not that greedy of a thing to do; especailly with school costs. Facepalm I'm already 15k in debt. 15. Cry When I graduate for the final time I'll be lucky if I'm near 150,000 in debt. So, the pay is very reasonable. That's a good way to be, open and nonjudgmental. tehe It comes down to which side you'd rather work, really, when you get into the different severity(/ies??) of disorders; medical or emotional. -nodnod- Especially when it comes time to specialize, if you choose to do so. A counselor/psychologist/therapist deals more with emotions than a psychiatrist will. I'm mostly "Okay, so your shrink said you've got an anxiety disorder. Let me double check that and then I'll give you some Xanax." lmfao I'd like to do research in the field though, too, not much leeway has been made since the 60's. And, I'd hate to burst your bubble, but; it is an important role, the ability to passively listen. I mean, in every day conversation it can be inconvenient (unless you're already an introvert) but when it comes to helping it's a very important thing. It lets you see all the sides and give an honest opinion without judging. Arms tehe And I'm totally jealous about your Icelandic work coming up; I so wish I could get that kind of experience, you lucky bitch. XD It'll certainly give you an idea of who you'd like to work with. -nod- Is it an institution or an office you'll be working with??

    Dude, if a younger guy called me that I'd actually enjoy it. BUt, this guy, he's got to be in his 60's and he always comes in smelling like a wood furnace. Shocked
    January 11th, 2014 at 06:51pm
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    I shall reply properly in e morning since I'm on my mobile, but I thought you'd like to know I sort of squeaked when I realized that due to mibba's layout on this tiny screen our icons are looking at each other like bad asses on the opposite' s comment wall. I'll try to take a screencap. tehe XD
    January 11th, 2014 at 07:49am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    YOUR THEME. Cheese In Love
    we're so super cool. Smoke

    And I know the weirdness, I had Astrid as my username for near 3 years. It's a good change though. tehe

    I think you can create a new one and have it all be fine. -nod- And unfortunately you will have to call your high school to have them send transcripts. I've been putting that part of it off for weeks now. Facepalm I just hate phone calls. Especially to people I don't know. Ugh and ALL THE DAMN ESSAYS THAT SITE ASKS FOR GOOD LORD. i think i wrote 3 of them before i realized that i was applying the hardest way, and that there was a simpler application directly through my college i could do.

    He suggests; Outsiders, Titans, Watchmen, Green Arrow, and Justice Society of America if you wanna try out the DC side of things. That they're good lines and have some similarities with The Avengers. Cute Psht, I've had us made like that on Sims for 6 months now (though I'm a witch with elf ears, straight elf isn't an option; even though they have the in Dragon Valley). tehe XD

    Isn't it?? The biggest one I've done was near $250. Shocked Your job sounds so awesome! I bet I get the same amount of creepy old men that follow me around though, one's a regular who calls me "Little Red" because of my hair. I've thought about trying to get employed at the local library , or at my university library!, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Sad It'd be nice for me, I think, because it's quiet and relatively antisocial...or at least you have the excuse to be; I absolutely have to talk to the creepy old men, you can tell them to shush! It must be nice. XD I can't say I've ever had to deal with fecal matter though, at least not while on the clock. We have a guy who brings in an unleashed corgi from time to time, but that's about as exotic as it's ever gotten yet; he's a real asshole about it, too. -sigh-

    Well, I want to start out in nursing for right now. It's just really good summer work and grand experience for medical school; the long term goal though is to become a licensed Psychiatrist (I start a minor in Psych in addition to my PreMedical status next fall). tehe I'd be okay with a counselor but the pay rate is phenomenally different and there's only two big differences; two more years of school and I'd be able to legally prescribe medication. I'll prolly employ with a business or state institution (NOT an asylum, i hate them. Snob ) and then leak into private practice. Yes Butbutbut we can still have a grand business relationship; you can refer them to me when they're too crazy for you! XD
    January 11th, 2014 at 05:15am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    YES I AM FROM CLEVELAND STATE TO HIRAM COLLEGE, TEN MINUTES DOWN THE ROAD FROM MY MOMS HOUSE. FIVE FROM MY BOY. Crazy It makes me want to cry the mount of effort it takes! It was SO MUCH EASIER the first time around. Sad why can't this be just as easy if not easier? Congrats on Iceland! It'll certainly give you an edge on the competition. I'm going to shadow and STNA all summer, mostly just for the experience. What're you studying?? tehe

    Skype is so nice. tehe Though it doesn't like my wifi. -siigh- He sounds awesome!! It's hard to find one like that. XD Mine's a complete and total nerd in every single aspect of the word. Captain America is his comic/hero and Dark Elves are his specialty, he can even speak selfish as good as I can German. And you bet your rabbit I do that with Sims! Sometimes I'll do it with close friends, too. Like, what would Girl do if she married a criminal and had 8 kids and an affair....? I also like to make super old Sims just so they die quick! Evil or Very Mad Shifty

    I'm not too sure about the comics but I can ask my boy about it. Cute

    It's such a tedious job. XD I do everything but office work. Stock, block, janitor, and register. You'd be so surprised the amount of money people spend there. Shocked Like, hundreds.

    And yes it is ohmygod we're being social! lmfao

    Also I wont be on for a day or so but if you change your username I'll follow suit as soon as I get on. tehe Weird
    January 10th, 2014 at 02:39am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    Oops Facepalm sorry
    January 10th, 2014 at 02:38am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    Awe, you're welcome. tehe And I actually sorta liked the "Amp;"'s. Hah. I knew what they ment, but in the moment they fit the flow of my mind. YEUSITWAS. And neither did I! lmfao Before my boy I wasn't enthusiastic about Thor, it was sort of a filler in the summer movie season for me, so I never went and saw it; I didn't think it would be worth it. And then my boy and his dad too be to see the second one, and, well; obviouslyifellmadlyinlovewiththefranchiseasawhole. Though, I will say, it was very strange for me to see elves with lasers....XD There were so many feels in that moment. And as it was my first real exposure to Hiddleston, good lord, it was absolutely perfect; the amount of feels in that moment. And then, of course, that look on his face as he helped Thor escape with Jane; that smile!
    Yes I am. In Love He lives about an hour away from Cleveland so there's distance but we can make it work when we need/want to. And I'm usually home with him a weekend or two out of the month. We skype a lot. Ohhh~ Iceland? Any specific reason? I'm sure they'll, and you'll, do just fine. It can be a little hard, but once you get the hang of it it's easy; especially if you trust each other. Cute tehe
    I play Sims way too much. I have 5 expansions for it, two extra cities, and three stuff packs. Shocked You can customize the fuck outta the game once you get a pack or two on it, and most of them are $20 or less now with the fourth coming out soon! But, perhaps I shall; I like you quite a bit. tehe I tend to make a lot of characters, like, from shows and movies and shite. Characters, and my boy and I. XD I'm so lifeless.(,:
    You work at a library!? Tots jealous. Snob I work at a small Dollar Store, but it sucks butt. I have to always look busy and I'm allowed absolutely no technology on me at all ever or else I'll get fired. Sad I'm actually planning on quitting soon, it gets hectic with college.
    I like rambling. Weird
    January 9th, 2014 at 12:05am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    Awe, that's so darling. tehe KH is prolly the biggest connection I have with my Sister-in-law. She's super uber obsessed with it and, well since we're both too terribly antisocial to come up with new topics, it's really the main thing we talk about... XD And the first thing my boyfriend ever gave me was the kingdom crown on a necklace. In Love It was a gift before I went away to Cleveland for college, to remember him by. I hardly ever take it off. Animal crossing is my mobile console game, like brosky; I've lost years to this game. Maybe just as many as I have to Sims. There's just something addictive about it, and then the characters are so adorable! tehe
    Ohmahlawrd, you wanna talk comics? My boy's dad has, I swear to god, every comic vintage and in mint condition. He seriously has at the very least half a million in comic books. They take up the entire, specially climate controlled for the occasion, attic from floor to ceiling. Shocked It's ridiculous. The best thing is though that he hasn't paid anymore than shelf price for any of them, like, they're all his from when he was little. He never bought from a specialty shop like that, only ever new off the shelves of magazine stands. Cheese It just blows my mind. And then not to mention that he's so well versed in all of them that he could prolly run a museum. It's just. Like holy shit. He knows the plots of ALL the movies before they come out because of it. Likelikelike I'm gunnah white this in case you havent seen it so, warning Thor Two spoilers Here: When Loki was on Odin's throne at the end my boy and I sorta flipped some shit and his dad just gave us this Please, I knew that ending from the beginning look. So when we asked what would be in the third, he refused to tell us because he wanted to see our new reactions.

    ackk, sorry, I'm a apparently a novelist when I write everything but the stories that come to my mind. Facepalm
    January 8th, 2014 at 06:19am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    I've only sort of bullshat my way thorugh Zelda, though I'd love to actually get into it. As a kid I grew up with a bunch of older cousins who introduced me to a LOT of different games and animes, though I only ever took off with a few. Kingdom Hearts was one of the few I took off with. I played the two playstation console ones and the 365/2 (mostly ONLY because I had a DS....and because the mains were/are Axel and Roxas tehe ) I've heard quite a bit about Chrisis Core but I havent really looked into it, perhaps this summer I will; it'll give me something new to pick at. The comics are always better than the movies, just as books to the same. Loki is just so well developed, and then complimented something amazing by Hiddleston, that it amazes me every time. It takes skill to develop a character in such a way that the reader/watcher simply understands. Tony (and RDJ to Hiddleston), though (and especially in terms of sass Coffee ) gives Loki a grand run for his money. tehe ...did that sentence even make sense in english? Anyways, Vonnegut is veryvery good, I own 4 of his works I believe. It might be three though, I'm bad at keeping track (I've no proper bookshelf). One vintage and disgusting, lovely really, from 1964. In Love I STARTED READING INKHEART IN THE SEVENTH GRADE AND THEN LOST THE BOOK. IT IS THE ONLY BOOK I HAVE EVER LOST AND I NEVER GOT TO FINISH. Cry I was like 6 or 7 chapters into it and somehow it went poof. I think I left it on my locker and it got taken by someone. Sad

    I'll be honest, the perv in me read that as though it came straight from the gutter. XD Hmm. I'd have to say that I learned a lot from Draco Malfoy, of all possible characters. Yeah, he started out as a little prick but instead of choosing dark from the light side, he rejected dark from the dark side. Like, he was able to grow up and really see what HE believed in, rather than in what he was raised to believe. It takes quite a bit of courage to remove such blindfolds, and double the knowledge at that. Might I ask the same thing, if it isn't too much of a burden?? tehe
    January 5th, 2014 at 06:05am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    Oh you. tehe

    (Kingdom Hearts is a given, I take it ::mrbrightside: ) As a rule I'm a Disney freak (Lion King and The Aristocats being on top), Tolkien is another favourite of mine to a certain extremity (If you want a character or two of his, it'd be Samwise and Arwen), I'm a Marvel girl and The Avengers is my fangirl movie (Loki is my absolute favourite anyone of any time XD ), Batman is my DC deal, Spyro is the shit, I've /just/ started reading A Game of Thrones, I've yet to beat Skyrim thanks to college and two dead Xboxes, Sims is my computer game, and of course I enjoy writing/reading though also due to college it's been hard to truly keep up with. There's a slew more but I'm bad with on the spot thinking and I feel as though I've already given you a small novella to sort through. XD

    Oh, scholastically, I speak German, and I love Biology, Psychology, Mythology, and History. Yes

    How about yourself??
    January 5th, 2014 at 04:48am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    Ohmuhgawd, yus. In Love XD He's my favourite.
    January 5th, 2014 at 03:37am
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    G'lord, child; your avatar! Cheese tehe
    January 4th, 2014 at 10:37pm
  • Poirot's Moustache

    Poirot's Moustache (1270)

    Hi, just out of curiosity as I understand you're in the Once Upon a Time fandom - are there any Rumbelle stories you would reccomend, or any with Mulan and Aurora (platonic or romance)?
    December 27th, 2013 at 12:09pm
  • soft rains.

    soft rains. (100)

    United States
    i'm sorry it took me so long to respond Arms i've found myself falling into the self-destruction of finals. i'm sorry you feel that way habeeba; sometimes i find myself doing the same thing, when my indifference becomes too toxic to stand, i'll make myself angry with memory just to feel something, anger's always been my strongest emotion after all. but i don't think memory has to be angry. even if the happiness cannot get through, remembering it settles something in me. these past few weeks have unraveled me entirely, but just now, in the darkness of just-before-morning, i tuned my radio to a random station to see if i could keep my lashes from falling and the most wonderful thing happened. just as i switched frequencies, the commercials melted into familiar notes and i found myself listening to a song that has always kept your heart in my heart. In Love i know life has a way of being deceivingly sweet, that it can tell you with gentle hands to lie down, it will all be over soon. but i've been learning not to listen to that falseness. i like, instead, to listen to the echoes in my heart. mostly they are angry or bitter or sorrowful, but on some days i remember with perfect clarity how well i loved people, and how well they loved me in return. so when your barrier falls, and i do believe it will, in time, i just want you to know:

    i think i was blind before i met you
    December 17th, 2013 at 12:51pm
  • Isis

    Isis (105)

    United States
    Sorry that I'm creeping on your comments...Shifty
    December 5th, 2013 at 10:01pm
  • Isis

    Isis (105)

    United States
    Can I just say that I have missed so terribly reading your words and reading Eggo's like that. In Love Arms Your words are always perfectly woven.
    December 5th, 2013 at 10:01pm