the god of thunder. / Comments

  • asvp rocky

    asvp rocky (100)

    United States
    o: thank you!
    like I don't really think I write any certain kind of way & I've been told that before,
    but I'm always like 'whaaaat?' because I'm surprised people see it that way, if that makes sense lolllll
    but that compliment makes me happy! thank you, once again haha In Love
    August 26th, 2013 at 07:28am
  • asvp rocky

    asvp rocky (100)

    United States
    your comment Arms
    thank you so much! ♡
    August 26th, 2013 at 07:22am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    Very welcome doll!Arms
    August 20th, 2013 at 02:26am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States
    You are very welcome honey.
    August 10th, 2013 at 04:27am
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    I decided to take the middle ground. I got a box of chocolate covered granola bars. They taste really good. I was thinking of getting plain candy, but I'm glad I went for the healthier choice. Still tastes as good, even if it cost more. Cute
    August 6th, 2013 at 08:42pm
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    lmfao Alas, I did not. She's always the waitress who gets us, and we've been there once a week for the past month or so. I don't even drink there (I don't drink at all tbh), so I usually go there for lunch. But lmfao I never caught her name the first time because we were there when there was a sports game on and it was loud and busy. Maybe I'm channeling my inner-Narukami a little too well. lmfao

    Oh well~ lmfao
    August 3rd, 2013 at 09:11pm
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    It looks really good~ Apparently though, it'll also be the first KH game that won't be a PS exclusive since its also going to the Xbox One. Though nobody really cares since not many people will buy the console anyways. I'm really thinking of trying to get a PS4 sometime, because when the PS4 comes out, you can play any game you get on it on the Vita too. ~~ Before Persona, I suddenly developed an obsession over JRPG's, but since the 360 never produced many, it was really hard. But one game that I got was one of the best ones I ever played- Eternal Sonata, which is a game about the world Frederick Chopin dreams of during his last days in his coma.

    Hehe, I know how that is. I've got a lot of games that I've hardly touched because I'm waiting to be in the right mindset to play them. Lol, in Persona 3, if you play as the female protagonist, one of the female teammates falls in love with you. And not in the fanservice sense, but it's done beautifully and believably. Cute

    Haha, that happened on my PS1, when my brother formatted my memory card and I lost my saves for EVERYTHING. As for my cousin, he just tripped over the cables and slid forward, hitting it.
    August 2nd, 2013 at 05:36am
  • laredo.

    laredo. (100)

    United States
    Hahaha, that hair is actually a pain in the ass to replicate. My natural texture is wavy and thick, so I had to straighten it first...THEN wrap my hair around the iron piece by piece to curl it.

    My hair must hate me. I'm going to be bald when I'm older. Facepalm
    August 2nd, 2013 at 02:36am
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    lmfao I can imagine!

    If you've ever played or watched a playthrough of kingdom hearts 358/2 days or Birth by Sleep, you can't help but feel really sorry for them. It's been years since I've played Kingdom Hearts, but hearing you talk about it makes me look forward to playing KH3 when it finally decides to come out. I just wonder if people would think it's weird that I relate most to characters that are lonely. I guess it's because my heart always resonates with them when they find friends or when that loneliness ends.

    I believe there's a game I used to have called Dawn of Mana. I remember it playing a lot like KH, but the story wasn't really all that incredible tbh. But in order to enjoy a game, I have to have a deep story that doesn't treat players like idiots. It's one reason I don't play shooters much anymore, especially ones like COD. As for Persona, I've found Golden to be extremely easy, to the point I can run through dungeons in about an hour each. But of course, that means that all the rest of the time I'm playing the game, I'm running around town spending time with the other characters. In Love I've already got over 45 hours in it. lmfao

    Arms I know that feeling. I was on the last trainer in the first Pokemon stadium game, Gary-- on his last Pokemon, and my little cousin tripped and kicked the Nintendo, breaking the cartridge. :| Facepalm
    August 2nd, 2013 at 01:19am
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    Hehe, well the anime follows the PS2 version of the game, and IMHO does a much better job of telling the main story, but the game gives a much better experience overall because you'll feel like you've stepped into Yu's life. Only warning is that the PS2 version is infinitely harder than the Vita remake, but it's still an amazing game~ Cute

    You'll see some really heartbreaking scenes in the anime when Yu has to face his own inner self. That's all I'll say, but I believe it's why he's easily the most relatable character to me.

    Well its still a few months away, but there's going to be a movie coming out sometime in the fall following the story of the third game. While the third game isn't nearly as upbeat as P4, it's the one I showed you the ending of, and its an equally unforgettable story. Its split into 3 movies, but it looks INCREDIBLE. (Though it may be a bit edgy, which is why you should start with 4)

    Cute I actually just woke up. At first I was really frustrated because I can't seem to break out of my nocturnal sleep schedule, but I feel glad that I did waking up to a message from you~ Arms
    August 1st, 2013 at 05:43am
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    There's only one person who you're required to become friends with in the game because it's part of the story, but you could go through the entire game without making a single friend aside from that one. Of course, you still meet all of the team, and still work with them to solve the mystery in the story, but you don't /have/ to be friends with them. Of course, you won't get a good ending, and the game is infinitely harder because all of your personas will be weak, but it's possible. Thankfully, in the anime they show that he maxes out every social link from the original game (they added 2 more in the Vita version).

    tehe You haven't been reading about the game, have you? That's another thing about the series-- once you max out a social link, you form an unbreakable bond with that person. No amount of distance or time will ever break it because they'll always be a part of you and be in your heart. Cute

    Arms Ever since I started this series, I've really learned to appreciate my friends and the bonds I've made over the years. It's friends like you that I really feel I'll never drift away from. Cute

    (lmfao What can I say? You get me talking~ <3 )
    July 31st, 2013 at 08:28pm
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States

    In Love In Love Arms
    In the games, you build friendships through a system known as "Social Links," the closer you become to a person, the stronger all the personas related to that person become. What you said there about me helping you ever since we started talking-- well it sounded like something right out of one of those social links, because every friend you make in the game has to face their inner demons, and by talking with them, gaining their trust/love/etc., you help them deal with the problems going on in their personal lives.

    tehe So that makes me sound like the protagonist, Yu. tehe Just watch the show, you'll get what I mean. Cute
    July 31st, 2013 at 07:13am
  • Lexi Wombat

    Lexi Wombat (105)

    United States
    haha thank you xD i just wanted to get the hell out of there and sit in my house for months on end
    July 29th, 2013 at 03:52am
  • (100)

    United States
    Oh wow you're freakin' awesome, thank you
    July 27th, 2013 at 11:30pm
  • (100)

    United States
    Oh my god thank you so much for reading my story, and commenting, and subscribing and recommending like holy crap that means so much to me thank you, thank you. <3
    July 27th, 2013 at 10:19pm
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    Aw, well you could always send an all-you-can-eat coupon in the tub. tehe There's plenty of restaurants around here. I've learned to judge the quality of a Chinese restaurant by their seafood- especially shrimp. There's a type of way they fry it with onions and salt/etc. that it makes the shell easy enough to eat without peeling it. Its so good and its the only food I'm not ashamed of eating stacks and stacks of. lmfao

    But there's always KH3 coming out soon~ it looks amazing. But that's something I love about Persona 3 & 4, the world is so lifelike and believable (I mean, you're all high school kids experiencing what high school kids would- you go to school, have lectures, sleep through class, have lunch with your friends) and the game never treats you like an idiot. Like KH, there are so many optional things you can do, and Golden added 20-30 hours more into a game that people already had over 100 hours in.

    Hehe, well I suggest watching Persona 4 The Animation (in English), it does such a good job of getting EVERYTHING that happens in the game in 25 episodes (and one secret episode). Its such a good story because it focuses on the psychology of facing your inner self, and learning to accept yourself, even if there's a side of you you didn't want people to see. Except in Persona, your other self manifests physically as a Shadow (which interestingly, is another term used in Psychology). By denying yourself, the shadows attack and by defeating it, and also learning to accept that the Shadow is a part of who you are, the Shadow transforms into a Persona-- which is what the characters use to fight. That's most of the background info you'd need to start watching it, it'd be best if you just watched how it all played out yourself. :3
    July 26th, 2013 at 03:53am
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    I love this thing, especially getting to play Persona at its best. My only complaint is that I've played Persona so much over the past few months that I've gotten really, REALLY good at it and now I'm running through the game super fast. I'd probably play this game 1000 times because I love the story so much, but I'm already past where I'm at in my PS2 save. XD

    Still, the ability to enjoy my otp with Chie is worth playing it so much, especially with her new (and my preferred) voice actress~ I think I'm gonna try and sleep early tonight. I woke up at 1 in the afternoon today because I couldn't sleep last night. (not because of the game, I spent two hours in pain because I worked out so much and my bed was all lumpy.)
    July 26th, 2013 at 01:54am
  • Nick.

    Nick. (100)

    United States
    Hehehe, likewise~ Arms

    And yes, I am. XD I finally found a use for my insomnia- I can keep playing until I get tired. I don't go to bed any earlier, but I feel like its a lot more restful going to sleep with a smile. In Love
    July 24th, 2013 at 08:42am
  • colorful language

    colorful language (100)

    United States
    You're welcome<3 Arms
    July 24th, 2013 at 04:55am