i got a question about little kid tv shows!!! HELP!

okay does anyone remember that show about the little girl...and her stuffed animal....AND THE GIANT BLUE COUCH...and that dood with the unicycle.....GAHH!!!!.......and the DUST BUNNIES!!someone help me!!!! lol im serious.Franki
April 12th, 2007 at 01:36pm

you'd be amazed...

You know what? I opened my drawer...looked inside...and laying there, reflecting light, was a blade. It took everything I had not to pick it up, since all of the other ones i had are gone.I didnt do it because it's Gee's birthday.Happy birthday, and once again....thank you!*hearts*
April 9th, 2007 at 11:24am


Hey. Even though there's..what, TWO people actually reading this, I have another story that is in it's 45th chapter, i am just too lazy to put it on here. eventually i will, but for now, just go to emoelefant.deviantart.com and look in my deviations. Asleep or Dead be the name! start at the beginning, and towards the middle you will see where i actually got REALLY depressed and started writing...
March 26th, 2007 at 05:41pm