Brandon Nobles / Comments

  • rae.

    rae. (100)

    United States
    You're right! You are definitely one of those people who should've been born in a different time. Before technology came and made everyone crazy.

    You have a varied taste in music. Eminem surprised me, but I really like him too, even though I'm not a fan of rap really. I feel like he puts his life into lyrics, instead of just rapping about "hoes and shit." I know that's a huge generalization of the rap genre, but I don't care at this point.

    But yeah sorry, I didn't been "Sooo long" in a bad way. It was more of an... observation. But I really do think you're right about your work being under-appreciated. It's like that for many talented writers, I think. My guess is that it has something to do with the fact that most of the people on here are 13 year old, boy band obsessed girls.
    Another big generalization, but I believe it.
    How can I put this? ...
    I believe everyone on the site deserves feedback, plain and simple.
    But I very much dislike the fact that stories with similar plots are repeated over and over again, yet there are hundreds reading and subscribing. You can't be original and popular on here, it seems. Lucky few.
    And poetry. Poetry on here makes me want to scream. People use the section for spam, plagiarism, or don't even bother to edit it so it's still in "chat speak."
    I can tell I'm about to go on a rant, so I'm going to stop myself before I complain your ear off.
    Sorry. :)
    November 24th, 2009 at 02:35am
  • rae.

    rae. (100)

    United States
    Sooo long. I really need to work on having a longer attention span.

    I have a question for you though. What kind of music do you like?
    I can see you rockin out to oldies, but then I feel like you'd be cool with classical stuff too. I don't know. Or some odd combination of the two genres.
    November 23rd, 2009 at 11:41pm
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    I understand your point on not posting your best works. It makes total sense.
    I'll message you sometime within the week (via email and mibba email, whichever one you reply to is up to you), although I'll have to find time to read it ^.^ My brother shipped off to AirForce bootcamp today, and I'm going to be busy writing uber long letters and managing highschool >.>
    I'm going to be in Colombia for a month in December with my best friend and her family, and I'm going to miss 15 school days O_O Ah.

    I didn't know you had a son! Aw. How old is he?
    November 23rd, 2009 at 06:24pm
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States

    What did one tampon say to the other?

    Nothing-- they're both stuck-up bitches.

    November 19th, 2009 at 11:43pm
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    I don't remember what my comment on The Silent Circle said, but I only commented about the way it was written; I do, however, like the story behind it. What I meant though, was that in comparison to your other poems on this site, (even the ones you consider "trifles" *scoffs*), I didn't like it as much.
    I remember seeing past comments on some of your other poems-- you definitely have fans ^_^
    And Russian?? Very cool, despite the fact that I have nooo clue what you typed in Russian o.O
    I have to be honest, I rarely ever check my email. And I'm rather embarrased to give you my Yahoo email: I stuck with the same one I made when I was younger (age 8, maybe?) and kept it, like I do with most things. I swear, i'm going to be a packrat when I get older >.> *shudders* Bubbles. With a 'z'. >///<
    You said nothing about gmail, but that one at least has a better account name >o< (
    And can't your sister get in trouble for plaigarizing? All her teacher has to do is google some lines from a poem that you gave her (if it's on Mibba) and it will show up right away. o.o
    Oh God. I better go finish that stupid Biology honors project >__<
    November 19th, 2009 at 10:29pm
  • Donatello;;

    Donatello;; (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm sorry. What the hell was that about? Did you write that while drunk?
    November 14th, 2009 at 11:15am
  • Donatello;;

    Donatello;; (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Long time no speak Mr.Nobles. Hows the writing going ? Sadly I'm at school so i cant check out your latest and I have no money to buy your collection of poetry ....unless you wanna send me a free one of course ;) Well last time we spoke I think we got off on the wrong foot and I've grown atleast an inch since then In height of course so scribble back when you have time or whatever (: oh and sorry ;D
    November 11th, 2009 at 12:47pm
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    The emotions that your poems convey and how you sound in your comments matches your expression; sort of wistfully disappointed and cynically thoughtful. Oh, and there's the really long "about me", haha.
    About your expression-- you have a slight frown on your face and. . . doesn't the term "you have a slight frown on your face" sound kind of like "you have something on your face", or is it just me? Anyways, it seems like you tried to smile, but suddenly thought of something else right as the picture took. Am I right?
    November 9th, 2009 at 05:39am
  • rae.

    rae. (100)

    United States
    Hello, Brandon Nobles!
    You changed your picture again? Impressive, haha.

    Just letting you know that I emailed you, and I'm excited to (attempt to) read Nobody, and then have an intense discussion with you about it afterwards.

    On a random side note, I feel like this comment sounds overly "peppy." Maybe it's just me.
    November 7th, 2009 at 06:31pm
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    That is so strange-- I pictured you almost exactly as how you look in the picture. Not so much the features, but the facial expression. I pictured you with sad, distant eyes.
    Thank you for sharing the background behind the Galilee references, even thoughj it was personal. I'm not sure what to say about the drug addiction thing, or at least what to say that you probably haven't heard before. Honestly, I'm not really a wise person that gives comforting sentiments or advice, but I believe in making the best out of what you're given. I don't know.

    sorry to cut this short, but I have to go. Night!
    November 5th, 2009 at 02:42am
  • unLucky Clover

    unLucky Clover (100)

    Hmmm ... The only ones I've read are The Death of Dawn and Apparitions of A Dying Dream. I knew, or at least I thought I knew, that The Death of Dawn is written in the POV of a man who loved a woman named "Dawn" and the pain he felt upon her death and all, that's what I thought of it, but I loved it a lot that I wanted to know everything behind it ... It's a favor to know. =)

    That's awful! You really did witnessed that?? What happened later? What happened with your brother? That's really awful ... It's very tragic in my point of view, but very creative for you to put that on writing ... I wanted to read it now but I guess I'd rather do when it's finished. That way, my thoughts about it will be straight and clear. If you wanted to know what I think about it or ... if you [i]ever[/i] just needed any opinion on it while still working on it, I'll gladly help. =)

    And it's awesome to be a professional artist ... You get to publish your works of passion! I wanted to experience that someday too. xD
    November 3rd, 2009 at 02:53pm
  • unLucky Clover

    unLucky Clover (100)

    Well ... I love figuring out the story behind every poem but it doesn't mean I'm very good at it. xD Your works are pretty hard to decode since they're very deep and for my opinion complicated for some reason, and I just don't have the sense to see through them. xD If you don't mind though, you could tell me what they're really about and what brought you to write them, and I'll surely listen. =)
    November 2nd, 2009 at 01:34pm
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Oh, and I've been meaning to ask you; in most of your poems, Galilee is usually mentioned. I was just wondering why, is all.
    October 31st, 2009 at 04:40pm
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Aww! It's strange seeing a picture of you, even if it's just as a little kid ^-^
    Whoa, at least 4 new poems of yours have been posted up since the last time I went on Mibba. I'll find time to read them, but today's Halloween :O
    Honestly, I'm glad i'm going trick or treating instead of going to some lame party. Free candy's better than dancing >.>
    Anyways, happy Halloween (if you celebrate it). :)
    October 31st, 2009 at 04:28pm
  • rae.

    rae. (100)

    United States
    I'll just email the address you gave me and you can send it as an attachment. I wouldn't want you to have to post a chapter a day on here just so I can read it.
    I don't know how long it will take me to read it since I don't know how long or complicated the chapters are, but I'm quite the hermit, especially when it comes to reading. When I get a new book, I usually lock myself in my room until I finish it, even if it takes hours. I'm a fast reader, but I'm going to guess your book will take me longer because of the level of the content. Plus I have school, so... I don't know. Maybe a week or two? I'm probably over-estimating my abilities.

    And I agree with you about your photo. Your facial expression is exactly how you described it to be. A partial frown, but more, I guess.
    October 29th, 2009 at 09:14pm
  • rae.

    rae. (100)

    United States
    It is odd to put a face with a name so long after you have already made up a picture in your head of what that person looks like. For some reason you reminded me of this former teacher I had, last year for World Civilizations (Basically, World History.) But he was amazing not so much because he had an alternative teaching style, but when we had class discussions, it was as if he were asking the questions of himself as well, and not just to make sure we were paying attention. In all honestly, he deserved a job teaching Psychology or Sociology, but he couldn't because I don't think many of the people at charge at my school respected him. I think that's why he left after only teaching one year. The reason you remind me of him is that you are both very philosophical, although I think you may be more firm in your beliefs than him. And also you both are very mysterious- he was many people's favorite teacher but there was so much we did not know about him.

    Anyways, thank you for letting me see something more of you than merely a username on a website.
    And I think it is quite possible that we could become friends, as long as you point out to me quite blatantly and simply whenever I over-react to comments from now on. Then I will just say "Fuck it" and get over it. I doubt I'll act the way I had been in the future, but I cannot predict my feelings.
    As for the band in desert, I doubt it. Sorry. I was in choir for five years until I quit last year when I finally realized I don't have any musical talent. My brother must've hogged it all.

    I don't like to make these assumptions, but I think we have an equal number of differences and similarities. I wish I could describe myself to people, but I can't- my entire being is a contradiction. I would like to think I have drive and determination, yet I'm the worst procrastinator. My room is always messy, but I organize other aspects of my life constantly. I'm a very closed-off person, but the strange thing is I prefer to tell my secrets to strangers rather to my family or best friends. I have so many dreams and goals, but if I had the means, I'd trade them all for death. Or more that my dreams are my deadline. When they're done, so am I.

    I don't know what else to say about myself.

    Also, I'd love a copy of your work, but (and you have no idea how I hate to say this) I've been raised to be extremely paranoid of the internet and its dangers. Although I trust you aren't a scammer, if I received something in the mail and my parents questioned it, I'd be severely punished. My dad... would be more disgusted with me than he already is. It's not that I want to follow his rules, it's just easier if I do. It's quieter- they leave me alone more often when I do not protest.
    October 28th, 2009 at 09:13pm
  • rae.

    rae. (100)

    United States
    I feel like I'm repeating what I did the first time I made contact with you, (getting angry, taking time to read your response, apologizing, asking for advice) but I will do it again because I feel like a misjudged you and took your opinions in a more negative way than they were meant. (AGAIN. It's just like me to never learn my lesson.)

    It's true, what you said that you are (WERE) simply words on a computer screen to me. I read your entire comment twice though, and it's amazing how different I feel now. This is going to sound shitty, but your life story sounds so fucked up, it almost seems made up. But for some reason I believe you, and I hope I'm right in doing so. Talk about turning pain into poetry- you could probably be the poster child! (In a good way- I'm paranoid now of how my "tone" sounds because I myself am so quick to take things the wrong way)

    My own life doesn't even begin to compare, but I feel like I can relate to you much more now, in a small way. I spend a lot of my time alone and misunderstood. Mostly I prefer things that way. And I understand what you mean about a poem being a story, but not simply, "I am sad. I cut myself," subtlety is best. But I wonder why all of your poems are so long. There's nothing wrong with the length, I'm just curious to know why you prefer it that way. Can't a short, powerful, straight-forward poem say just as much as a subtle, long one can? I'm just wondering what your opinion on that is.
    October 28th, 2009 at 01:47am
  • rae.

    rae. (100)

    United States
    I know what I said, and I don't take any of it back. I'm aware that I told you were better than the majority of the people on this site, and I'm aware that I asked you for advice multiple times. You gave me advice, and I thanked you for it. I'm sorry if you feel like I put you in a certain position, and then went and attacked you about it. That was not my intention.
    My anger was not in response to your work or the help you provided to me, it was directed at this:

    "I wish I could write like you"--give me 3 months and you could. (not to boast or brag or imply I'm better than you) Most of my pupils don't learn how to write poems, they learn how to be themselves, to be a unique voice amidst the sewer pits of garbage poetry, "It's so dark, I've got a razor blade, I'm so lonely, forsaken," etc, the goth's should just make a shitty goth poem generator. Once in a while it might speak of something other than razors and the hate and the terrible, terrible darkness that dwells deep inside them trying to scream can anyone help me? Fucking garbage.

    Want to compare my work to the rest of this site? Start at the first page of the site, read the first 10 poems, then go to my list of poems, and read the list (see above) I've suggested you give a look. And the sad thing is I'm trapped in a sea of piss trying to make it into water. One speck against the backdrop of a thousand derivative imitations of redundant and recycled kitsch."

    Some poetry is good, some poetry is bad. I know this.
    But I feel like you picked out a stereotyped group and generalized all the poems of that subject ("It's so dark, I've got a razor blade, I'm so lonely, forsaken," "the goth's should just make a shitty goth poem generator... Fucking garbage." etc), and I reacted.
    I've dealt with depression, cutting, and being suicidal for the past few years of my life, and I felt personally attacked. I shouldn't have to explain myself , but I am doing so to try and resolve the confusion.
    Poetry is an outlet. And just because certain poems don't measure up to your standards does not mean they are absolutely useless.
    I just don't agree with you on that, so I responded.
    Perhaps it is the problem that tone of voice can obviously not to used/heard on the internet, so if I felt you were being rude at one point, I read the rest of your comment in that same "tone," even if you did not mean it to sound that way.
    October 27th, 2009 at 09:46pm
  • rae.

    rae. (100)

    United States
    You know what?
    I tried to be civil and have a conversation with you,
    and I tried to respect you because of your work and accomplishments, but I am finding it very hard to read the words you write because they are simply so condescending.

    Your work is good, and you have talent. That's been established. But I cannot help but notice that you greatly lack humility.

    I'm not sorry for my opinion, and I can't ignore your constant contradicting and blatantly prejudiced remarks.

    If you consider yourself so above the other "garbage" on this site, then delete your account so you no longer have to associate yourself with it.
    October 27th, 2009 at 01:03am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    I'd appreciate a digital copy of your published work ^_^;;
    Thank you for posting one of your favorite poems on the site, and I'm going go read it now. :)
    October 24th, 2009 at 10:02pm