Brandon Nobles / Comments

  • Hey. =) Well you're welcome and no problem. =) I loved your poem and though it's long, I enjoyed a lot while reading it. =) And sure, I'll be reading your new poem. =)
    October 24th, 2009 at 09:31am
  • If you sent me a free digital copy I think I'd feel terribly guilty :/ I'm curious about your other poems if the great ones you've posted on this site are only"sub-par" in comparison. I don't usually read poetry, but I really enjoy your work on this site.
    October 22nd, 2009 at 09:57pm
  • That was beautiful.
    October 20th, 2009 at 10:39pm
  • yes that poem was beast!!!

    it reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe... what was it? ... Annabel Lee! yea, it remind me of that
    October 19th, 2009 at 01:26am
  • Thank you for the comment on my poem "I Am." It means so much to me! I'm glad you liked it!

    October 11th, 2009 at 04:46am
  • ahaha, thanks.
    October 10th, 2009 at 05:14pm
  • =] Hi my names Coffee! I see you write ALOT very long comments x ] I enjoy long comments so Friends?
    October 8th, 2009 at 03:17pm
  • Wow. Just wow. I haven't finished it, but you're FUNNY. And I'm gonna look into that poem... It sounds sad...
    October 7th, 2009 at 01:01am
  • And I know we're in a war of words that you're trying to be mature and bring to an end. I'll respect that. I just wanted to say the last thing you said to me was actually pretty funny. Not as in "I think you're an idiot for writing it." But as in actually funny. I think I actually might read your stuff. You probably don't want compliments from me, but I might anyway.
    October 7th, 2009 at 12:41am
  • Good to see i've made such an impact on your life. Seeing your violent reaction to simple words is enjoyable. What you make quite a huge assumption on is that I gave you an essay about your comment simply because Shadowy is my friend. My intention was not to defend Shadowy. It was to show you've got a pole up your ass. Which I think, with my oh-so-badass Fisher Price Degree, I've done. By the way, you're, what? 24? Almost as much of a baby yourself in experiences.

    Though I'm happy to see some real emotion coming from you now. You seem very angry. I'm sure your writing is very good. I never said it wasn't. Also, many of the arguments you made were incorrect. I never said that people with degrees can't write with emotion. I said for some, the raw essence of the emotion outweighs the need for perfection. And I never said perfectionists have no heart. I said for some, heart is more important than perfection. I suggest before you make an argument, read what you are arguing about.
    October 7th, 2009 at 12:36am
  • MyChemicalwhatever ... I've written more novels than you've read. Read an actual WORK OF LITERATURE I'VE PRODUCED and then make that comment. Do you think I'm preparing a doctoral thesis as a criticism on Mibba? If it's not a part of a story, or a poem, or an essay, it really doesn't make a fuck how you write. Your work is what matters. And, since I pissed you off for insulting your friend (who thanked me for the criticism), you'll likely go onto read nothing of mine and tell me how shitty it is. Your criticism of my English makes the mistaken assumption that I'm trying to write a novel intended for publication on SOMEBODY'S COMMENT PAGE. You know, there's a difference in how one writes when they're in the mind set to compose and the way someone communicates on the internet. Did you ever consider that? Did you consider that I'm not trying to write something to be published? Trust me. If I wanted to write, I'd have Atlantis open, and I'd be obeying your High School composition rules. The epitome of hypocrisy: in showing me it's wrong to do what I did to shadowy, you do it to me. Great way to make a point. Where did you get your degree? Fisher Price? Message me when you hit puberty and I'd be happy to explain some of my novels for you, you know, the one's you won't read because I insulted your friend and if you did read you'd want to hate it so bad from the start that even if it was good you'd never admit it, which is probably for the best. There's only so much a kid can comprehend. You know, like plot, characterization, feeling.
    October 7th, 2009 at 12:03am
  • Thanks. I'm glad that my writing pleases you.
    October 6th, 2009 at 11:51pm
  • Hey. I just read your comment on Shadowy's poem, “Broken.” I'd just like to say, though I hate to satisfy your request for a flaming, it may be in your best interest to acquire some manners. While the comment area is indeed for criticism, you're expected, especially as an adult, to have some tact in the way you state things. I took your comment and used Microsoft Word to do some calculations. Just wanted to find out how long that pole up your butt is, you know? In case you’re not aware, this pole seems to be 890 words long. Congratz!

    What you might be slightly embarrassed to discover, though, is that despite your qualifications to work with the English language, you have failed to learn one of the basic skills taught in grammar school. What would this skill be? Well, I hate to tell you, but it’s the skill of how to organize a piece of writing that encompasses several points. I’m talking about your utter lack of paragraphs. In a piece or writing this long, you should include several paragraphs. Paragraphs are not hard to create on the computer. For example, try teaching yourself that the enter key is your best friend. You would say hello to your best friend once in a while, wouldn’t you? Give that enter key some love, man!

    I’d also like to say that you seemed at least somewhat professional in the points you were making until about the 49th line when you invoked the ancient art of cursing unnecessarily. Cursing is a preschool way to emphasize a point and is very much played out over the internet. Telling an author to go the route of EXPRESSING emotions, not stating them, is very hypocritical when you indeed decided to childishly make a statement that you shouldn’t have NEEDED because you were, in your own I-have-a-pole-up-my-butt way, SHOWING that you feel the piece was “shit.”

    In conclusion, while your tips may indeed be helpful to some extent, not everyone has a master’s degree in English. To be quite honest, not everyone wants one. While these tips are perhaps useful in structuring the perfect poem, some writings are beautiful because of the raw essence and soul put into them. Not all authors care as much about perfection as they do about heart. Many writers do not want to give the illusion to readers that they are feeling such emotions, but to convey that they are feeling these emotions, and to perhaps reach out or expose a bit of their soul. For taking on the task of studying something that involves a lot of creative thinking, you seem to be a bit of a stick in the mud.
    October 6th, 2009 at 11:03pm
  • I plan to.
    October 6th, 2009 at 03:36am
  • Thats like my favorite song.
    October 5th, 2009 at 02:07am
  • Uh hi... i have just read your no so grat comments on my poem and just wanted to say thankyou for the critisim.. XD i appreciate the first comment you left although i believe that your second comment was harsh.. Im sorry if you didnt understand what i was saying and i wasnt aware that that peom did ryme at all it wasnt suppost to... I hope i can approve...

    In saying that i would like you critisim on this
    unfortunatley people here give no great critisim but you did XD soryy for bothering you and wasting your time....
    September 29th, 2009 at 01:25am
  • all right, ill do that asap. :)
    September 29th, 2009 at 12:37am
  • Hi, I would be more than happy to read your poems. Sadly though and this is just me but which poems of yours did I read before. I'm kind of drawing a blank right now but I will go read that poem right now.
    September 28th, 2009 at 11:34pm
  • No, no, that's incredibly helpful! I understand what you're saying completely. It seems so hard to do and yet so not. I thought my poems were okay before I read yours. Mine are crap compared to your 'worst poems'. That's the most helpful comment I've ever had posted to my profile. I'll take everything you've said into account.

    And, it's really quite astounding how intelligent you are, especially poetically. Even as a child, from the sounds of it, you were insanely gifted.
    September 28th, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • Wow.

    I want to say that you're extremely lucky, but without a doubt you didn't accomplish what you have accomplished simply by luck.

    I have been looking around the web for ways to get my things published, but mostly just online contests for cash prizes, as a means to get the funds so I can pay for an editor, an agent, and a publisher and all that.

    I'm a bit hesitant to submit things for publication though because I'm afraid of scams and the fact that my work definitely isn't good enough for that level of submission yet.
    September 28th, 2009 at 09:01pm