Heartful5160 / Comments

  • Yes (: You're welcome. I'm not really as eloquent lately as the others are, but there are some comments worth reading on that blog. Maybe you could open a discussion with everyone, that might be good x
    July 23rd, 2015 at 07:29am
  • @ steve rogers.
    I actually do have another account somewhere else. It's called WritersCafe.org. But thank you for your import!! It's always good to hear from others, you know!!? Thank you very much!!

    ~Heartful5160 XOXO~
    July 22nd, 2015 at 09:10am
  • @ steve rogers.
    I actually do have another account somewhere else. It's called WritersCafe.org. But thank you for your import!! It's always good to hear from others, you know!!? Thank you very much!!

    ~Heartful5160 XOXO~
    July 22nd, 2015 at 09:09am
  • Hello, welcome to Mibba!

    My name is Bridgette, but you can call me Bri if you want. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me Exclamation

    I decided to greet you because I found you in the blogs - your writings take up half the first page (which isn't a problem, but it looks kind of spammy) and I wondered if you just have a lot of thoughts or if you are importing from somewhere/another account. Might I suggest something? If you post a blog and have multiple topics you want to address, do it either in one blog, or make drafts that you can post later on; space things out a bit. Also we have many cool layouts available for public use if you don't know how to make your own. You can find those here.

    Another thing I wanted to say, after having read "I'm Just Color Blinded!" (Correct usage: I'm Just Color Blind!) and skimmed through "Time To Change!" (Correct usage: Time to Change!) is that perhaps you should do some research into the idea of being color blind and what it comes across as when you say that as well as words from 1. those who are black owned businesses that have been destroyed and 2. those that are black and are speaking on why they are doing what they are doing. I think that the destruction is causing harm to them, but that's the thing, it's up to them; America has not heard anything PoC have said when it comes to the issue of unfair justice against them (and yes, it does happen very often, the police violence against PoC) but now with the protests becoming so frequent and "violent" - whether they are actually violent or just destroying things, I cannot say as I am not there - America is listening. We need to get the attention of the people, and I think, once people are listening that what you disagree with will stop. Instead of speaking out against what these people are doing, you should use your voice to help carry theirs. But that's just my two cents, so I'll leave it at that. You do have a lot of good thoughts and ideas, and are right about quite a bit, but don't miss the opportunity to help those that need the help.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 08:58am