Fairy Princess. / Comments

  • CarmillaPoisonberry

    CarmillaPoisonberry (100)

    United States
    PS, MCR and Blink-182 playing at Honda Civic with Matt & Kim!
    August 24th, 2011 at 02:24am
  • CarmillaPoisonberry

    CarmillaPoisonberry (100)

    United States
    I've been good. Had oral surgury on the 12th. Wisdom teeth were causing me an on-going infection, which caused me to have severe ear and head pain before the surgury. Went well, no pain, bruising, or swelling afterwards. Going to the Honda Civic Tour in Camden, NJ on 9/17. Just wondering, what's happening with "He's My Dad?"?
    August 24th, 2011 at 02:23am
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    I wondered what was up. Don't worry about it. Ever since I stopped updating last week, I only come on to read stories I'm subscribed to and don't immediately answer back to profile comments. Not that I'm not answering back, it's just not immediate.

    I hope whatever that news is, is good news. And I hope you did well on your exams. :)

    I'm pretty sad that it's over too. It's feels like MHHWSAGI has been over for longer than the six days it actually has been over for. I hope you know what I mean because I don't think I can explain it any better haha. :)
    And I feel like writing something but I have nothing to write for. It's kinda frustrating haha.
    Hope all is well with you. :)
    August 24th, 2011 at 01:33am
  • CarmillaPoisonberry

    CarmillaPoisonberry (100)

    United States
    Hey Bethie! How've you been?
    August 12th, 2011 at 02:01am
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    I could tell you what I have planned..... But it's more fun for me if I don't. ;) Haha.

    A lot of people spell definitely (you spelled it right) as defiantly. It throws me off when I catch that. And color, madam, does not need a U! Haha. But when I read stories written by someone who isn't from America, I notice the differences of spelling in some words. I think it's kinda cool.

    Yes, I do like English accents, thanks for sorting that out for me. :)

    They actually believed you and the Queen were related? How much fun did you have with that? Haha. Man, that is just so classic. I probably would have done the same, if I had an English accent that is.

    And don't hate on chamomile, it definitely has its uses. But yeah, seriously, it does taste a little funny. I need a lot of honey in my tea when I drink it haha.
    I've never had a scone before and am curious as to how they taste.

    Your brother's 15 and already 6 feet tall? Christ, kid's a giant! People think I'm tall, but I only stand around 5'7", which, to me, is not tall at all. But considering I'm hispanic, it is a little on the taller side for a girl. My dad's only 5'8".
    I bet he does love you calling him names haha. We used to call my sister Bobo. My folks had a friend whose name was Bob and Lauren just couldn't quite pronounce it right when she was 2 haha.

    I've never heard of Pulp and Beady Eye or Mariachi El Bronx but I did get to see Enter Shikari earlier this year for about a song and a half. A kid in the crowd, who happened to be a friend of my sister's, had been doing some drugs at the show and had a seizure. By the time the EMTs carried him off, Enter Shikari's set time was over and they had to leave. It sucked.

    It's now August and the hottest month of the summer. I'm gonna need a lot of iced tea to keep from liquefying.
    I love raspberry lemonade. That shit's so good. haha. :)
    August 5th, 2011 at 06:05am
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    Me having something evil up my sleeve?
    Pftttt, what? No. haha. ;)
    Thanks for the commenting.

    I wish it was 60 degrees over here right now. I keep looking at the word 'degrees' right now and I can't tell if I spelled it right or not haha. I've obviously been spending too much time on the computer. Oh well.

    Ohhh. Okay, so should I just say that I like English accents instead?
    And I get how that would be annoying because even people from different parts of Texas have different accents. But people seriously asked you questions like that? Haha.
    Usually when I tell people I'm from Texas they ask me if I own horses or if I live on a ranch. It can be quite ridiculous haha. But sometimes I like to have fun with them and I'll say that I live on a cattle ranch and ride a horse everywhere!

    I think we're gonna have to agree to disagree on the tea front. Although, I am a fan of chamomile tea (from a tea bag). I’ll have some with honey and lemon every once in a while.

    My brother is the stress causer in my family. I like to call him Hurricane Steve because there are certain similarities.
    Yes, I have heard of Reading Festival. It’s great that you and your brother are going to go together. Which bands do you plan on seeing?

    I bet people are confused most of the time. Sounds like you guys are hilarious to me. I enjoy the sarcasm. :)

    Everything’s going great with me. I managed to not melt from the heat and the sun has finally gone down so it’s cooling off. I had three glasses of iced tea today, goooooooood stuff haha. ;)

    How are things with you?
    August 4th, 2011 at 04:16am
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    No, no, no, no! Haha. I meant it sometimes gets below freezing during winter.
    Never does it get below freezing in Texas during summer. Haha. It never gets below 90 degrees during the day, unless we have some sort of freak cool front, which of course, NEVER happens. To anyone living in Texas, anything below a 100 degress during summer feels like a blessing.

    Posh? That just sounds soooo English haha. I'm sorry. I'm just fascinated with British accents. I adore them. :) In fact, I don't think you sound posh at all. I think you sound very normal.
    But I understand your annoyance with people mistaking your accent for an Irish one. That would annoy me too.

    The only kind of tea I drink is iced tea with lemon flavor. It's comes in a canister and it's instant. I'm not sure how fond of tea you are, but I love that kind of tea. :)
    It's good to have something in common with your brother. I feel like my brother and I are just wayyyyy too different. We argue a lot and it's annoying beyond anything. My sister and I get along very well though. We like the same types of music, movies and tv shows so we generally agree on a lot of the same things. Plus, she's the only one who knows when I'm being sarcastic. :)

    Hope everything's going well with you. :)
    July 31st, 2011 at 10:39pm
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    Haha. Your comment wasn't too long and rambly.
    And I think it’s sweet that your brother said that he missed you too and got you a wooden carved giraffe. :)
    My brother, sister and I aren’t overly affectionate either.

    A fruit cake, ohhhh! Haha. Around here in the US, fruit cakes are something that's given when you're invited to someone's Christmas party and are never eaten. I'm sure there are some people who like fruit cake, I'm not one of them.

    It's a rare occasion like I said it was only a couple of nights where it got below freezing. We don't usually see weather like that. A lot of farmer's were concerned for the crops, especially the orange groves.

    I never realized I sounded proud when I said I'm from south Texas. It's just where I'm from. But Texas is a huge state so there are differences in culture when traveling around in the state. Where I'm from, there are a lot of Hispanics and Mexicans; there is a difference between the two. I'm Hispanic and was born in America but people who look at me without knowing where I was born assume I‘m Mexican, I wasn’t born in Mexico. )Sorry to get all defensive about that, I'm not hating on Mexico or Mexicans, it's just I seen my fair share of racism some of which has been directed at me when I travel north.)
    That said, I don't speak Spanish at all which is a real shame because I get people coming up to me in stores or whatever asking me for help in Spanish and I can't answer them back.
    There are also white families down here so south Texas isn't entirely populated by Hispanics. But there are some, (I don't know how to say this without sounding racist, cause I'm not racist), but I've noticed more and more African Americans moving down here and most of them only moved because of Hurricane Katrina which hit in 2005. Whereas, I'd only seen African Americans in abundance in northern Texas cities.

    I sometimes honestly forget that I’m Hispanic a lot of the time because I feel so Americanized. But I also feel like I’m getting the best of both cultures at the same time. So, yeah, if you travel around in Texas you’ll notice the differences between someone from north Texas, west Texas, east Texas and south Texas.

    Sorry for my long comment. :)
    July 29th, 2011 at 11:39pm
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    I'm from Texas. South Texas. It doesnt get too cold at all down here until AFTER Christmas, which sucks. The past few Christmases have been well over 80 degrees. But it does get colder when January starts. This past winter we got down to well below freezing for a couple of nights. I think we were around 27 degrees which is the coldest it's been down here for awhile, no snow though. But I'm a huge wimp when it comes to cold weather haha. I need a jacket when it's 70 degrees out.

    But I do love Christmas. I'm the one who puts up the lights outside. I decorate the tree too. God, I love the way the Christmas tree smells! And then it's time for baking, lots and lots of baking. :) And all of my favorite holiday specials.
    But I've never heard of a Christmas cake before that needs three weeks to mature. You must be great in the kitchen then. I'm mediocre at best haha. ;)
    July 29th, 2011 at 07:50pm
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    It only came out of nowhere for you guys. I've had that planned for so long now. :)
    I am glad that you liked it though. Originally, Tyler wasn't going to be there. That I came up with on the spot. Just another dollop of drama for you guys. ;)

    I love Christmas too. Definitely my favorite holiday. It actually gets a little cold down here, the cheesy movies, the hot cocoa. So much fun!
    But I'm sorry to hear about your family drama. I am no stranger to that.
    I think you should tell your brother you missed him, he probably missed you too.
    July 29th, 2011 at 01:41am
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    That has always been a part of the plan. Just following through.
    Thanks for reading and commenting. :)
    I'm glad that you liked it.
    July 29th, 2011 at 01:15am
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    Haha. I'm glad you liked it.
    Kinda makes me want it to be Christmas time already. :)
    I can see the story being a tv movie during the holidays.

    I'm doing good. Just trying to finish up the next chapter for MHHWSAGI so I can post it. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it done early so you can read it before going to bed.
    How are things with you?
    July 27th, 2011 at 06:36pm
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    I knowww. It's awesome. When I first read it, I couldn't stop either. And then I had to read it again the next day. :3
    July 27th, 2011 at 02:34am
  • Smoothies

    Smoothies (100)

    United States
    I did enjoy the series also; it's just not on my list of top well written fiction. I don't really like this vampire craze that followed along with it, because it's all too overdone, I think. I see it everywhere, and like I said, it kind of ruined the vampire thing. As in, when people think "vampire", all they can think is the Twilight vampires and not read the story if they didn't like Twilight itself, when it could actually be a very good story. And I agree with the whole chasing Robert Pattinson thing...
    July 27th, 2011 at 12:54am
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    I hope you enjoyed the stories.
    July 26th, 2011 at 09:17pm
  • Smoothies

    Smoothies (100)

    United States
    It's not my thing either. Plus, I think they're all the same now. I think Twilight kinda ruined the whole "vampire" thing too. I like realistic stories too, because you can kinda see them happening in real life, which makes it all the better.
    July 26th, 2011 at 12:17am
  • Smoothies

    Smoothies (100)

    United States
    I was just wondering, cause most people came from Quizilla, including me. But it's overrun by those vampire stories and cliche romances now.
    July 25th, 2011 at 09:05pm
  • Smoothies

    Smoothies (100)

    United States
    I do that too! It takes me at least a few hours to fall asleep, so I daydream then, you could say. Except my daydreams aren't that interesting... When I'm sleeping, I have the weirdest dreams, but they make good story ideas. Btw, have you ever been on Quizilla?
    July 25th, 2011 at 06:45pm
  • Smoothies

    Smoothies (100)

    United States
    That's so cute (: I think it will be good to have that in the story. I don't really write things from experience. I like to create my own things. A lot of my stories come from dreams, so I guess that's why.
    July 24th, 2011 at 07:19am
  • MarriahShadz

    MarriahShadz (100)

    United States
    I am sooooo with you there about slash and vampires. There's just too much of it on the site and I can't stand it.
    There's an interesting story on here about Matt Sanders, simply called Matt Sanders. I think it's quite fantastic, one of my favorites.
    And another called Piper June which is original fiction. But I love that one too. It's recently been completed and I haven't read the ending yet.

    Hope you're doing snazzy. ;)
    July 23rd, 2011 at 09:27pm