I'll read and comment your stuff ;D

if you dear mibbians read and comment my original story "When A Smile Hurts":{DI recently moved that story here from another writing site, and I just want you guys to read it ;DAnd also I'm looking for any kind of story on here to read.. I'm at home and I'm a bit bored, so bring on the stories ;D..Okay my lost phone is ringing now..... X_X..and I stil can't find it!!!-Mickey Hyde, the mouse in...
September 25th, 2009 at 12:34am

Any other sites?

Hey there, I'm looking for any other writing sites out there besides Mibba, Bookise,Quizilla, and Fanfiction.. Anybody have anything I can go to? I'm mostly looking to post an original story and some poems :)Also in my own news, my website finally opened if anybody would like to check it out ;DMickeyhyde.webs.comI also owe an apology to my friends/readers/subscribers for being away for a long...
September 22nd, 2009 at 04:23am