Mystical Madness / Comments

  • haha it's awesome is it not?
    i read your poem btw, it's really good! :)
    September 29th, 2010 at 01:35am
  • haha he's actually my cousin but you know, being indian and all, we're practically siblings :P

    i love it that way! who lives with you??

    OMG you can speak punjabi T_T so lucky!! well... im learning ^^ we should speak it ehh???
    haha very interesting life you lead there :)
    September 24th, 2010 at 09:37am
  • haaha sat sri akal :P
    do yo speak punjabi??
    wait i think i told you, but my bhabhi-to-be's name is also kavleen haha ^^

    how is... stuff? lol life?
    September 18th, 2010 at 04:35am
  • Hi Kavleen :)
    July 19th, 2010 at 10:04am
  • Aw thank you! :D
    March 10th, 2010 at 04:04am
  • New Year's Eve was really really crazy for me.
    Well, I went to Ciara's house and helped with all the food and desserts. Then people started coming over and that's when it got out of control.
    My cousin Royce was playing music in the garage and dancing and I think they eventually got drunk and high because he and his friends Jonah and M'rell were insane.
    Like after 12:00 they were crashing into walls, yelling, rolling down the stairs. Then I called Mikey and talked on the phone a bit. Haha, he's adorable on the phone and it was also funny because he heard everyone around me. (x
    That's when Royce came in telling us that M'rell was crying and then Jonah was crying because apparently M'rell was talking to his ex-girlfriend on the phone telling her that he loved her so much and then Jonah cried about his ex-girlfriend and then M'rell threw up in the bathroom and when he came into Ciara's room, we had to bring him a bowl because he couldn't make it and he was like, "I am SO fucked up right now." then he left the room and came back in shirtless looking for his shirt and wondered where Royce's shirt went then we were all laying on Ciara's bed, M'rell fell asleep on my lap and I was trying to call Chloe, but she wouldn't answer and then my phone died and I didn't have my charger so I was like, WHYYY. D:
    And Jonah was like talking to someone on the phone and was like, "Man, FORGET ABOUT GIRLS." and we were all crashed out a little on the bed. And then it was time to go to sleep, and my dad was telling the guys to get out of the room, but M'rell was too stubborn and wouldn't get off my lap, so my dad had to pull him up and we finally changed into our pajamas and watched t.v. before going to sleep. This was at like 3 in the morning. xD
    Oh, and I also filmed Ciara and her friend lip syncing and stuff. I kept telling Gabbi on the phone that it was a porno. haha.
    Yeah, that was a really crazy night. (x
    As for New Year's day, we still were at Ciara's house until six pm telling the guys what they didn't remember. They were all laughing at how they acted. xD
    Then I went home and was so tired. Oh gosh, 24 hours of craziness. O.o
    January 3rd, 2010 at 12:54am
  • No one can compare to Jimmy. ):
    Anyway, how was your new years?
    January 2nd, 2010 at 06:33am
  • Kavleen, did you hear?
    The Rev died. I can't believe it, he was too young. ):
    December 29th, 2009 at 11:40pm
  • Thank you very, very much, Kavleen. =^_^=
    December 4th, 2009 at 09:57pm
  • xD Which is why I felt the need to comment. (;
    November 12th, 2009 at 12:53am
  • D: Your first name is my middle name.
    I find this odd.
    November 10th, 2009 at 04:06am
  • Heeeeeeeeeeeeey. :D
    Remember me? I wanted to talk to you because I miss you a lot and it's been ages since we've talked!
    Homecoming week was awesome. The football game was fun and both the JV and Varsity teams won by like A LOT. I also tried to hook my friend Gabbi up with Skyler (she likes him now) and I talked to him about it because he was having drama with his bitch of a homecoming date and I made everything better by telling him that Gabbi's the right choice.
    But then she had to ruin it because she's so.....GRR.
    So we had to comfort Gabbi and I sang "The Only Exception" by Paramore for her and she felt better. Her theme song is "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift since it's exactly her story! So we sang that too and our friend John was also singing it and it was hard not to laugh. XD
    OOOOOH, and me, Chloe, and Gabbi were so cool because we didn't wear those dumb whitney maroon shirts and dressed in our own clothes and we were surprisingly all wearing gray. Haha.
    Then yesterday was the dance! Everyone looked so pretty! You should've seen Kristyn. She was so beautiful and so was Chloe! And when Mikey was me, he kept glancing at me whenever he passed by and Chloe kept saying, "Oh my god, he keeps looking!"
    Chloe got him to dance with me too. (: And as much of a coincidence this is, the song we danced to was "You Belong Wth Me" (:
    And he was so sweet when we were dancing. After the song was done, I said bye and was gonna walk away but he pulled me back and gave me a hug before he left.
    I'm just so happy right now.
    October 25th, 2009 at 04:24pm
  • It's meee! :)
    Really? What's been happening? You don't have to say if you don't want to. School hasn't been going that great for me either. School, family, friends, guys, etc. All the drama that is possible is happening to me right now. Really sucks, so I'm sort of in the same situation too. Everything just seems like crap. :/
    October 24th, 2009 at 09:57pm
  • Yeah, I do. I wish you luck with it :D
    October 22nd, 2009 at 01:52pm
  • Hey Kavleen! I haven't talk to you in FOREVER! We need to talk seriously. I miss you too much!
    How's 8th grade going? :]
    October 18th, 2009 at 06:56pm
  • hehheee. yes, i tend to have that effect on people. (:
    hm well i've never had mrs. knox. that doesn't sound too fun.
    dude today was so amazing! i love the rain. but today was insaaane. :D
    oh man, i misss yoooo.
    October 14th, 2009 at 12:48am
  • Yeah, I hate been the middleman too,
    I've gotten over it... this always happens
    But this is the worst of my friends fight.
    October 12th, 2009 at 11:14am

    ngfdsjgkadg it's been awhile.

    :D so how the frigging hell are you kavleen!? jesus. i'm horrible at keeping in touch, sowisowi.

    how's 8th grade at springview? oohh i heard that it's all effed up now.
    October 5th, 2009 at 07:54am
  • Thank you. (: I just made it today and I've fallen in love with that song.
    It's my theme on mibba. :D
    Ms. Leon liked my writing, too. She praised me for being good with grammar and spelling and all that.
    That is stupid. =| They're actually checking wrists? Geez, what happened to that school after us eighth graders left? O.O
    Yeah, I'm still going to Whitney. Not sure when I'm moving, still.
    Aw, you could give me a hug! -hug-
    Internet hug is what I got right now. (x
    Mikey makes me smile a lot. That's why I made a more happier theme.
    He lets me wear his shades in class. One time, I tried thought he'd let me wear them at lunch though...
    -takes shades-
    "Hey, you said I could wear them!"
    "Yeah, but during class."
    "I'll give them back after lunch, I promise."
    "No, I shouldn't trust asian people!"
    "I'm not asian!"
    "Well, you're similar!"
    "Yeah, you're short, your eyes..."
    "My eyes aren't chinky!"
    "You're tan. Wait, I'm tan, too..."
    "Let me wear them during lunch, I'll give them back!"
    "No!" -puts arms around me to grab shades-
    "No!" -grabs his arms to keep from taking back shades-
    "Ugh, fine!" -gives shades-

    Haha, I kinda liked it when he put his arms around me. (:
    October 3rd, 2009 at 09:22am
  • His name's Micheal. I've known his since seventh grade and I finally realized I like him and Blu thinks he likes me and is trying to get me to go to homecoming with him. He even asked today, "You going to home coming with anyone?" and then I said, "No, but I want to." and when he asked me who, I said, "I'm not telling you." Then he kept asking me to tell him. I even almost said, "You." But I stopped myself. Blu says I should've told him.
    Oh, and he has a nickname from me! I call him Mikey and he even wrote it big on his planner. :D
    October 1st, 2009 at 07:18am