FaDe_2_BlAcK / Comments

  • ha nothing either =] now we can be boring togheter lol XD
    June 27th, 2007 at 03:13pm
  • haha lucky...BUT I'm done too!
    NO exams and tests anymore!
    so what are you doing this summer?

    June 24th, 2007 at 01:43pm
  • stressed out as hell!
    I've got my finals this week and then after that 3 moths of freedom :)
    what about you?
    June 19th, 2007 at 03:43pm
  • thankyou! really your so pretty
    and how are you?
    June 16th, 2007 at 08:51pm
  • YO YO YO YO YO YO YO ME HOMIE!!!! imma chav!!!
    OMFG!!!!!! how frigging long lol???? lmao!!.... imma gonna have to make a longer one!!!

    o yeah!!! i hate my geography teacher!!!
    i didnt know where London was on a map....
    well i couldnt put it on a map...
    cause im so clever like that....

    i am fandabydosy my fellow long-comment buddy!!
    hows about yourself on this fine day????
    haha same here!!!!!
    im dieing of boredam!!!!

    dont ever put yourself down while im here....
    cause i will bite your head off!!
    even if you were joking!!
    haha i tend to give people big lectures about life....


    OMG!!! i would have killed him!!!!
    i onna that bothered about my hair...
    but make-up is a different story1!!!
    it takes for ever dunt it???
    oooo black and red sounds ace!!!
    how you do that????
    ooo sticky hands suck!!!!

    what grosses you out lol??? sorry im a bit slow these days... my batteries are running low.....

    haha i wil try and find it!!!!!
    ooo yeah!!!.....
    hahah lmao... who caresXD???.... haha its fun anywayz....
    fun fun fun...
    but the songs get boring sometimes....

    man that sucks!!!!
    haha i have routine too....
    but the timetable changes due to different lessons!!!
    lmao... but its okay i sposeXD
    ahha go out there and find some then!!!
    btw... you could get a jobXD... haha

    omg!!!! that sounds soooooo fun!!!
    exceot im too chicken and i cant run too quick!!
    haha how good did you get???
    now i wanna try that one day....
    another thing you've introduced to me!!!
    haha yeah it sounds it too!!!!!...:P

    haha sounds familiar!!!
    o well.... how fun is it???
    yeah inside jokes kick ass.... cause you are individual...
    XD.... haha individuality rules ass!!!
    haha go you!!!
    awwww thats mean!!!
    you cant do that!!!!!!!.... MEANY!!!....
    o i love jackass!!!!! stevo and johnny knoxville kick major ass!!!!

    omg!!!! you cant do that!!! poor dog!!!
    is it okay????
    you are a meany!!!! (j.k. well in a happy way),,
    man that is wrong!!!! it cud have been hurt!!!,... :(...

    okay... the second on esounds classic!!!!!
    i wish i could have seen that!!.. o man... was he alrate??
    ooooo SUPERMAN!!!....*music starts playing*....
    hah.... i would pee myself at that!!!

    haha sounds like you do!!!... lmao.. so what though.. laughing never killed anyone...
    okay amybe it has if it was at the wrong time....
    yeha that would be a problem....

    haha i love that film too!!!...
    haha thats so sweet!!!....XD... ahha
    lmao.... i do that with Scary Movies 1,2,3&4... hahah i bum them films!!

    haha you actually sounds random and hyper though... but as long as you dont say you are,... then your not a wannabe....... lmao!!....

    haha yeah!!.... id slap em i think!!!......
    but haha we got that girl a detention on the yard for swearing!!! funny ass!!!!!
    man she sounds like a total prat!!!!
    cheese isnt even random......
    kill them all!!!!
    mwoawhahhahahwhahah arent we kind?????

    i agree!!!!!
    OMFBOB!!!!!.... that sounds horribly gross!!!.... man that must of hurt!!!!
    o man!!!.... OUCH!!!... *cringes*....
    dude... thats bad!!!!XD
    POOR BAR!!!!!! .... lmao.. j.k....
    I BET IT DID!!!>..... *pats head*...

    woah!!!!! that sounds like total fun!!!!
    haha... 3 oclock??? coooooooooooooool!!!!
    ive always wanted to jump of the roof of my house and onto a trampoline...
    haha..... i bet it was lol!!!.....
    lmao...... yesh it would!! *imagines pictures too*....

    haha never mind lolXD

    haha goodgood!!!....XD... *sneaks you under my bed with a little piece of cheese and bread for supper*......
    haha i hate em!!! scawwy things!!!
    but i bet ill love em when im older!! I WISH!!!!
    hehe whats your fave rides?????
    haha yeah whatever you say lolXD...
    awww thats sad!!!... i think i would have killed you if you'd done that!!!...
    ahaha..... what did she do back to you???? :P=D ... summat mean i hope... lmao.. j.k....

    my bebo is............... www.BoBbRyArIsMyLiFe.bebo.com... (i think)
    my myspace is....... www.myspace.com/boblove7
    and ill accept!!!!!! wooooooooooooooot!!!
    lmao... yeahXD.... okidoke... maybe i wont make an account lolXD

    haha yeah lolXD.... omg!!! yeah they will!!! WOOOOOT!!!>....
    but i cant say anything... cause i had a rate teenie moment the other day...
    yeah its kinda getting boring now... and its dead annoying...

    YEEEY!!!.... goodgood.. see im a healer!! *looks proud* hehe *hugs back tighter!*

    o someone listened??? YEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!
    i bet it is!! lol.... you got any pics of it????

    omg!!! that is sooo pathetic!!!.... okay thats wrong!!!
    yeah stupid hair colour!! mwoahwawhaw... but gee loooked nice in it!!XD...

    haha okayXDXDXDXDxdxdxdxd.... okidokeXD... goodgood!!....XD

    wove you!!!

    wooooot!!! long or what??? haha beat that sister!!!
    (but mines just a bunch of rambling crap that i've put down... sorry if i've rambled and sounded stupid!!)
    May 29th, 2007 at 07:06pm
  • i would like to be that filling, too...lol
    May 29th, 2007 at 04:16pm
  • HIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!.....
    lmao!!>... cool!!XD.... i live in stokeXD... is that close lol??
    sorry im crap at geography....XD
    awww it cant be that bad?????

    LMAO!!>. so you shouldnt!!! be proud woman!!!!!!!.... i am!!!!XD

    HAHA!!.... i thought woman could multitask!!..... you let us down woman!!!!XD....
    hehe men can be so stupid sometimes!!....
    well the ones i know are..xD

    oooooo i've never seen that beforeXD... i must play it one dayXD.
    hah yeah i normally suck at games like that so i guess too!!XD
    haha yeah it is lolXD.... you look like a prat though:P (well i do anywayz:P)

    aww!!!... hehe yeah i guess lol.... but yeah i understand that..
    you do the same things everyday???
    and plus your on your bill.... thats not so funXD

    haha yeah same here!!... it kicks ass.. FREE ENTERTAINMENT!!.. whoot!
    lmao.. yeah we do.. cause we are sooooo smart!!!...
    yeah i think they do.... they are all fakes!!!... well some really are like that.. BITCHES!!

    hah yesh they totally are!!!....
    ooooo ive never had them.... hehe i must try them as well!!XD..
    hehe mmm so could i!!! might see if we have some in the freezer!XD

    HAHA!!.... im the same.. i have my friends and thats it!!...XD
    ooo you sound like fun lmao!!...
    do you like alugh at really stupid things??
    cause i like certainly do...
    tbh.. i laughed at an ice-cream cone cracking the other day.. O WELLXD
    hmm.. so your not random or hyper ...?? just weird??? oo thats weirdXD

    ooo i hate it when people always act hyper.... that gets on my nerves too...
    theres this girl.. Paige... and she's always like.. "ooo no these are mine... i need to get hyper off them..".. no you dont.. cause you dont go hyper.. you just act stupid!!.. :@ i hate her!!....
    haha so are me and my croniesXD....
    oooo they sound nice!!...
    dude i love trampolines!!! they are bounceyXD.. just how i like em!!
    but i kinda like broke my nose on one.. so im very cautious on them.. im a very good girl!!!XD.... *innocent smile face*

    lmao.. good girl... i know its very lovely but you shouldnt be a teenie!!... ooo what if there was a picture with him just like that!!?? man that would be soooo freaking cool!!!

    lmao.. i love it when that happens.... but it comes back to you the next day or summatXD....
    lol.. maybe it could have been....
    but they say.. if you forget it.. it musn't have been that importantXD..

    haha yeah lol... it does!!....
    its like 45 minutes away:P
    YEEY!! i have a new loger!!! whoot!!!....
    heh i dont like rides:(.. they are SCAWI!!!

    lmao!!... you cant miss the bill!!!... it kicks ass!...
    but i anna watched it for like ages!!!!!!....:[

    ermm.. yeah i have bebo and myspace!!...XD...
    hehe lol.. i have an account for loadsa things!!... hehe

    aww!!!!! *hands some friends!!*... hey i might join!!..
    ermmmm hows it confusing lolXD....
    what you do on buzznet anyway lol???

    hehe i think it was awesome... cause it set people straight...
    hehe yeah lol... ive never actually seen her though lolXD..
    yup same here.. if hes happy i am... GO GEE!!!...
    lmao.. typical teenie for ya.... :P...
    haha i agree with you!!... they all think that their lives are gonna end.. DUHH.. they've nevre met him.. well maybe they have lolxD....
    *joins in and slaps every teeny!!!!*

    awww!!! *magics fingers better!!*...
    hehe i do that... but i always go back and re-do itXD....

    ooo sweet!!... ermm.. i wish i culd have my hair dyed!!!
    ermm.. id go with the dark purple... that'd look well cool....
    but black looks minted tooxD...
    ooo you were blonde??? *coughBARBIEcough*

    awww thats sounds sooo mean!!!:P o wellXD
    hehe... yes you are!!!... haha o.k

    love ya!!!...
    May 27th, 2007 at 05:10pm
  • HELLO!!! (againXD)
    haha okidoke lolXD
    haha yeah lolXD....

    YEEEEY!! SHES ALIVE!!! *drfrankinstein voice*
    haha go you! go you!
    *pats on back*
    hehe okay.. maybe sometimes you dont need doctors!!
    YEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!! glad you did lol!!!

    haha yesh!!..
    but you have to do the evil laugh!!! A LOT!!...XD haha
    awww you blushed!!!.. lmao!!!....

    hehe i totally agree!!!.... XD
    ahhh okidokeXD... hehe havent you got any????
    haha crisps!! YUMMY!!..... lmao fried potatoesXD...
    arent they that anyway lolXD?

    haha nice!!!.. whats buzz lolXD????
    haha i love games like that!!!!
    ooooo clever you!!!! *pats back again*

    *joins in YEEEEEEEEY!*

    oooo your friends cool!!!.. hehe...
    haha okay...
    AHHH!!!.... hehee..... they are all people....
    *shocked* haha justine timberlake...
    Christine Agulara is cool!!! i like Candy Man... haha i did not say that!!!
    haha well if you like em... you like em lolXD'

    haha me too!!!
    hehe calm down my love!!! dont get to over excited!!...
    the best bit is still to come!!!!!

    HELL YEAH!!... i loved my bobbles!!! he was YUMMYLICIOUSLY BOBBLY!!

    haha i agree with you lol!!!..... but we shouldnt really be mean to chavs if we dont want them to be mean about emosXD.... haha o well if they start on us... stuff that statement lol!!!....

    haha!!!! he was on the other side of the room:(...
    but cory kicked him in for me!! well kind of!!
    oooo i like that saying!!
    i want to say:
    "yeah im emo...so i wouldnt mess with me cause i might have summat sharp on me" haha... i love that!!!...XD

    haha i like poeple like that!!... they always show people who are boss!!
    i like to stand up for what i believe!!!!!... i argue for hours for what i think is right!!!!......

    woah!!!..... i wish i could leave lol!!!
    haha yeah true true !!
    ooo cool!!! shopping!!!!

    hah i bet it is lol!!!....XD... i dont hang out much.... i dont like socialisingXD
    mowahwah... i sometimes go down plaza with livvy and down the park and pub lolXD

    haha!!! well they are the sex!!!... hah
    oo i bet that was horrible sitting in an exam with a craving!!!
    i want some pancakes now!!!! with loadsa lemo juice!!! mmmmm

    haha!!!... YEEEYYYY!!!! your back!!!!.....

    haha yeah they are lol!!!.....XD.... i like making yorkshire puddings too!!!....XD

    i know yeah!!! that sucks so bad!!!...... :'[ i wish i could go to it!!! it would be so much fun!!!
    haha yeah i know!!!... im supposed to be going when MCR are playing
    but i dunn yet!!
    awww that sucks!!! :(:(:( srry to here that!!
    haha.... yeah i know it wont!!! :(...
    *joins in* WE WANT MIKEY!!!
    WE WANT MIKEY!!!!!!

    LMAO!!.. okidoke!!!... hehe......

    LOVE YOU!!!!!!
    xoxoxoxoxox <3 xoxoxoxoxox

    p.s.... btw where do you live????? xoxo
    May 24th, 2007 at 08:38pm
  • HEY!!.. (sorry it took so longXD
    OOOO i get you now!!! ... doooohXD
    haha most kids areXD..... ahhh kids today...

    OMFG!!!... i totally love that idea!!!! ahhh.. i must try that one dayXD
    mowahwahw your an evil genius!!!

    haha i agree with you lol!!!

    nooooo!!! you need to get better!!... (your probably better now... well i hope you are!)
    yes you can.. doctors are scary but at least they'll help youXD
    just sit back and relax.... its quite cool if you think about it
    hehe you keep clenching your fist lolXD

    hehe i know.. i could eat them for ever!!!XD......
    no i ann lolXD... hehe
    ooo thats a lot lolXD

    haha... ill have to have a look for em lol..... is it aeros lol?? just wonderingXD
    hehe when a girl wants something... a girl will go for it!!
    mowahahwha you can certainly do that!!! hehe

    FLAPJACk???? ,mmmmm i like flapjack...
    specially if my mum makes it!!!
    ive never had it with tea before... i must tryXD

    hehe thanks you lolXD

    haha i used to love her!!!...
    and you shouldnt be ashamed!!!!
    i like ABBAXD... i think they rule!!! and westlifeXD ... ahhh im sadXD

    haha!!!.... that is like the funniest thing ive heard!!!
    is it really that good????
    hehe and yeah i wont lol... i wont stop laughing lol!!!
    i always laugh at gee when he does stuff like that!!

    parents!! aye.... they know nothing!!!.... they have no idea how sexy gee or bob areXD
    YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*licks lips*

    OMFG!!!... that sounds like the bestest idea in the whole world!!!
    AHHH... a little bowtie aye??? YUMMY!!!
    man i love it!!!XD......
    THANKS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *gives gee with a little horns and tail... with little red hotpants*

    HAHA!! i agree lolXD
    i certainly hell will lol!!!!...
    haha.... didnt you like throw up??? lol..
    cause i certainly would!!!

    haha yeah lolXD.... i dont think ive got many teenies in my school...
    they're all just wannabes and barbies and chavs....
    heheXD... KILL EM i sayXD

    ahhh.. in assembly today... they were on about discriminationXD
    haha i couldnt stop laughing!!.. it was so true!!!
    and they said...
    "emos are blahh blahh blahh... and that they are known to slit their wrists... which isnt true"
    haha and so true it is!!!!!!!! haha i loved it!!!

    theres this lad in my class... whos girlfriend got pushed over by my friend (supposedly)... and when i was reading the other day.... he kept coughing "emo"
    AHHH i was gonna kill him!!!!
    dont you just hate it!!!???

    hehe glad to hear that!!!
    haha same here!!!
    same here again!!! i like sayong a lotXD...
    thats my personalilty!!!

    hehe yesh we shall.. and yesh you better not die/have died on me!!!

    LOVE YOU!!!
    May 24th, 2007 at 06:18pm
  • yeah i love that movei its so funy
    *movie hehe
    ummm good so far i heard in my starsigns that good fortune is coming my way YAY
    May 23rd, 2007 at 03:49am
  • yeah , she is . and i hate it . her .

    sorry i souldn't help .. u,u

    but you get the hang of it sppner or later .. :D
    May 22nd, 2007 at 05:47pm
  • can i give u mines instead coz im at school *hangs self*
    plwease? *grins*
    May 22nd, 2007 at 04:35pm
  • and i think i said some bitch is flaming me . XD

    i can't . that girl is sending me hate comments , i won't open it anymore .

    sorry . u,u
    May 22nd, 2007 at 04:18pm
  • and "im sorry shaun." "sorrys not enough" "no ...im sorry shaun" *smells fart* "oh thats rotten stop it" "il stop doing it when you stop laughing" lol i love it hahahah
    im just doing some school work, filling out time till i cn go to sleep lol
    May 22nd, 2007 at 03:06am
  • hehe yesh they are *giggles*
    May 21st, 2007 at 09:17pm
    May 21st, 2007 at 09:16pm
  • nope its my friends fara lodz and kate. hehe
    May 21st, 2007 at 09:05pm
    ur profile pwns, dude!
    May 21st, 2007 at 06:47pm
  • omg i lve that mvie i have it on dvd i always crack up at "can i get any of you cunts a drink" hahahaha lol
    May 21st, 2007 at 01:48am
  • yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!! i have a bobbles!!!! *huggles big bobbles with all my might* XD...

    hehe its okay!!! i hope your better now!! *huggles*... haha how the babysitting go???
    i think if i babysat.. i'd kill them if they didnt do what i told them to doXD..cause im kind like that!!!!...Xd

    haha yeah i know but coffee is too strong for meXD.... i get my caffine from cokeXD...
    hehe welll tea and biscuits is well tasty!!!!... i love chocolate digestives and tea for breakfast..... YUMMY!!!!!

    hehe what two dont go together lol???... i dont get thatXD....

    haha yeah i agree with you!!!.. everyone would be absoloutely YUMMYFIED!!!!.. heheXD....


    NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! you cant die!!!! i wont allow it!!!.... your staying here missy!!!...
    and you will go to the doctors because i need my long comment fit and well....!!!

    hehe ive been great thanks!!... me and my friend sorted things outXD.. YEEEY!!!... hehe and life is going greatXD... hows about yourself???

    i know yeah same here!!! ive been waiting aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages for it and it still hasnt come out!!!!.... how can they do that to their fans??? =[... hehe same here!! but i suppose we have to be patient cause its worth the waitXD

    haha YEEEEEEY thanks you!!!... mwoawhah dont cry *hands a brand new one*... THEREXD... hehe arent i kind?

    haha no your not madXD... neither am i *wink wink*.... hehe....XD..... ooo i love that song!!! i prefer it by MCR... they make it come to lifeXD... with gees sexy voiceXD...
    hehe yesh you sit down and rests whilst i dance around like a twatXD.. *dances like a twat*... YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!

    i want bob for christmas... wrapped up in a little package with a lovely big black bow on itXD.. hehe...

    *gets sword back of you and takes the skittles aswell*.. wmoawhah now i have both in my power... im indestructableXD... WHHHOOOOOT!...
    hhaha i cant say that ive actually ever tried that... but yeah i must try itXD.. hehee my head will fall off!!! whheeeeeeXD...

    lol.. same here!!!..... omg!!!! as if!!! stupid cow!!.. you should have hit her!!!.... how can you not know they have two ither albums???? ha ha ha ha that made me laugh!!!
    and as if she doesnt INAFSIAFDW???? that song kicks ass with style!!!!!...

    hehe yesh!!!XD.... haha i dont love you has just gone on scuzzXD.. ahhaXD....

    yeah i agree!!! kill them all!!! *i die with them*......

    haha minted!!!.... ooooo sounds goodXD... i love it when he does that... he sounds so sexyXD.... well not that he doesnt always but you knowXD hah i must listen to that aswellXD... i havent heard all of it lolXD...

    hha yeeeeeeeey!!! you cant die on me as ive said!!!....XD....
    haha you go girl!!!>. hehe.. and say hi to them for meXD... hehe

    haha lol.....

    i totally agree with you!!!... i love getting one off you ...cause then i can write a big one backXD.. hehe

    love you!!!xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxox
    May 20th, 2007 at 06:20pm