My sister came home this weekend...

My sister Krista came home for the weekend last week. She's in college. It was fun. We went to the movies and stuff and we went to the mall. She bought me a new wristband that says Family Guy on it and I bought her the new Good Charlotte cd since she's been wanting it. We always get eachother stuff when we see each othersince she doesnt get to come home often.And she brought someone with her.Her...
April 26th, 2007 at 10:49pm


Ha ha, I named my puppy Spongebob!Right now Spongebob is chewing on my sock. The sock is still on my foot. Thank god spongebob is still a baby or else this would hurt (spongebob doesnt really have teeth)
April 20th, 2007 at 01:35am

if you suffer from boredom and you know it clap ur hands

*clap clap*lolNo one is online!!!!!!Dylan was over here earlier, but he left.So now im bored.
April 19th, 2007 at 03:45am


I went to the park w/ dylan, alex, and molly today.we walked there and our conversation went like this:WARNING: We were all sugar highMolly: Dylan, you stepped in something (keep in mind, we live near a bunch of cows)*dylan looks at the bottom of his shoe*Dylan: (in a sarcastic tone) Great...*we all laugh and stop so dylan can attempt to clean off his shoe*Alex: Dude, when we get to the park,...
April 15th, 2007 at 10:37pm


Hi pplz,I am bored. yoo?Meg came to Virginia for Easer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!! Now I miss her.We hung out all Saturday and we danced on the roof porch thing on the top of my house. Fun.Talk to Eric!
April 14th, 2007 at 08:01pm


Once again, I am bored.Tyler has been calling me for a while now. He wants to go back out with me but I can't trust him anymore.I've been sitting in my room listening to MCR all day. And I still have homework thats due tomorrow. I haven't started it yet.I finally have friends at school!My new friends are: Dylan, Alex, and MollyWe all went to the mall last Friday. It was fun.SHOUT OUTS!!!!!!!Meg:...
April 1st, 2007 at 06:46pm


I broke up with Tyler.He cheated on me.
March 29th, 2007 at 03:54am


Eric is bored.Tyler went home so he is not with Eric anymore.Eric misses Tyler. and Meg.Talk to Eric?Eric will talk to you.Eric likes third person point of view.
March 29th, 2007 at 12:02am


I go out with Tyler.and i love him to death.But I miss her to much.
March 28th, 2007 at 04:01am