young love is such dumb love
I have a few things to say about this layout, so if you're using it, you should probably read this. Firstly, I would like to explain the little anonymous person to your right. You can change that to a picture of yourself if you wish. It'll resize to 75px by 75px, so if it's not a perfect square, it might be stretched out a little. It'll also automatically turn into a circle. Don't you just love me?
call it what you want it was still enough
Second, the headers may not show up in your browser as the cute little font I have in the preview. That's because you don't have it downloaded on your computer. You can download it here for free if you wish. And honestly, you can put anything you want in here. You don't have to keep these stupid headers. You can put your own lyrics in them. You can have twelve headers or none at all. This is a writing site, yes? So be creative! Ps: I love you. ♥