hank moody. / Comments

  • comradesnarky

    comradesnarky (100)

    United States
    Yeah, it's okay though. I understand. Life gets to ya sometimes. I was just messin' about with ya. It's just kinda weird not having my internet pal on here, haha. I talk to Steph, Zilla Zalo a lot though via Tumblr and here though. She's replaced you! dfuck? Lol.

    Well, I hope everything is goin' well with school then. When do you get out anyway? Are you still nervous or feeling unsure about that one thing you're going into. The subject thing...that I don't have...starts with a V? I think...damn. Australia should just follow after America just for me, so I can comprehend better :P

    I'm doing well. My portfolio was just sent in a few days ago, so I'm feeling relieved, but also super anxious about getting the letter to see if I got denied or they're accepting me. My art teacher says I'll get in and they'll probably give me money towards the academic dumb classes part, not the art part. That's cool though. I don't wanna get my hopes up though.

    So I found the old chapters. My best friend had them in her emails when I sent them to her!! I don't know why I didn't ask her before.
    I re-wrote the letters, yes :) They needed something more. I'll be adding little bits to each chapter if I feel like it needs it!

    Write! When you have time at least! If you start your Russ story I'd love to see where you will go with it. I hope you get back into it :) I do like your writing style. Actually, update anything and I'll read it. Haha.

    Haha, still living through me? Nice, Kimmi. Yeah, I don't know how things will go. He's a bit of a whore, even though he sounds dedicated. I'm not a fool. I may just mess around with his head when I get down there just to show him I'm strong and I mean business if he does anything stupid. He is a nice guy though. I wouldn't talk to him all these years if he wasn't. He's good friend material. I just don't know about anything else. We'll see, huh?

    Oooo, letter :) Yay! I think I wished you a merry christmas in that after it got sent 2 weeks after xmas. haha. oh well.
    February 15th, 2010 at 03:27pm
  • comradesnarky

    comradesnarky (100)

    United States
    So go read it, bitch...do it...I demand.
    Where dfuck have you been anyway? Christ, you're disappearing.
    February 14th, 2010 at 06:52pm
  • comradesnarky

    comradesnarky (100)

    United States
    It would be ideal for it to download right into my brain. OMG! I would learn so many languages then just for the hell of it and so I could fuck with people, saying random stuff they can't understand. Lovely, haha.
    I may start it up writing :) My portfolio is almost done and my classes that took up all my time are either done or I can slow down and procrastinate in. I maybe feel like writing then because I won't be as lazy...I'll still be lazy, but not as much. Haha. Yeah, I think you could probably start writing again too. Just a thought...a good one.
    I hope you had fun in the city :D Cities are fantastic.
    More finnish...damn you. Haha.
    I'm really bored right now. I might watch some old Sherlock Holmes episodes and then eat some homemade mac and cheese. Sounds like a very good night. Although, I do have to finish some things for my portfolio. Minor details. Ew. I'm making a list to myself by talking to you...yeah. Haha!
    Anything new and interesting lately?
    February 1st, 2010 at 11:27pm
  • comradesnarky

    comradesnarky (100)

    United States
    You said GOOD DAY! Whoa, caps. I had to google that...pfft.
    Nawh, secretly I know Finnish...hahaha. That'd be kinda cool.
    I really want to start the story up, but I dunno. It's weird not coming on here everyday and talking to my internet friends. So odd.
    Yes, hopefully the letters will start back up, correction, actually start in a good pace. Haha. Alright, I'll be looking forward to it :D
    January 27th, 2010 at 05:09am
  • comradesnarky

    comradesnarky (100)

    United States
    I miss our conversations.
    I miss Mibba...
    I miss my Mibba pals.
    I miss my Russ story.
    Damn Katy...I can't believe they're getting married. I'm happy though.
    I think I have no morals now because of Russell and Hank Moody that lovely fictional character. Fuckin' hell.
    January 25th, 2010 at 10:51pm
  • comradesnarky

    comradesnarky (100)

    United States
    You had KFC for Christmas dinner? Ahha! That is hilarious. Did you get anything good for presents??
    I had a nice Christmas. It was just me, my parents, and my ma's parents. So it was quiet, but nice. It was just kind of like a normal day though, only one with a big ham dinner and a pine tree in my house. Hahaha! One of my best friends came over on Christmas Eve though and we watched the Jim Carrey Grinch and failed at making gingerbread houses.

    I didn't get to send out your letter because my stupid dad misplaced it. Turns out it slide underneath the seat in his car. He works at the main post office, so he just takes all our mail there and sticks it in the right bin. He failed this time. He should be sent out soon though. Meh.
    December 30th, 2009 at 12:35am
  • sightless.

    sightless. (225)

    United States
    Aw, thanks sweetie!
    Haha, you know what they say! Better late than never!
    December 27th, 2009 at 09:55am
  • sightless.

    sightless. (225)

    United States
    Merry Christmas hun! Arms
    December 26th, 2009 at 02:17am
  • comradesnarky

    comradesnarky (100)

    United States

    Oh god, I miss our convos! What happened to us!?! Why have you been torn apart! How could this happen to our relationship?? Hahaa...Christ, I'm giddy today.
    Anyway! Anyway! Finally writing your letter. Life is a Fookin' Cunt. I'll say. I dunno why I said Fookin' but I love the sound of it. Anyway, yeah, I'm going to write the letter. Yep. Must. Because I thought we would get back in roll with the letter thing, but nope. It must! It really must.
    December 22nd, 2009 at 03:01am
  • comradesnarky

    comradesnarky (100)

    United States
    12 Angry Men is pretty good.

    Hahaha, breadsticks! The next day my friend tagged me on facebook and the picture was breadsticks. It was hilarious. Robbie provoked all that nasty talk anyway. Oh I forgot you read Choke. Yeah, that's all I could think about during that convo. I thought of his book Haunted too.

    I was trying to get into my Hungarian roots! Haaaa. I don't know anybody who is Hungarian around here. I'm the only one :P The only person I know who is Hungarian is Ville Valo. Finnish and Hungarian. I wonder if he's in touch with those roots. Ha...idk. Just day dreaming a few things at the moment XD
    Glad you like the tumblr posts. I like yours too, I just always forget to like them or I don't want to spam you. Hahaha.
    November 30th, 2009 at 11:27pm
  • comradesnarky

    comradesnarky (100)

    United States
    That spider is huuuuuuuge.

    Sorry, been awhile. Loaded with work from Creative Writing and Art. Read the rest of my crazy old man story? I finished it :) I dunno how to label it as a short story though :P Stupid mibba rules and shit... -sigh-

    what's been up with you lately?

    Thanks about the layout :) Darjeeling Limited is one of my favorite movies ever. It is by my favorite director and has 3 of my favorite actors in it. I dunno why really, but Adrien Brody is one of the sexiest men I've ever seen. No idea...maybe his nose. For some reason I like guys with weird big noses...o.O he's skinny and tall too. that's probably why.

    Aw, well, don't worry about time going by too fast. All that time worrying will use up your time, obviously. DUH! Hahaha. You'll be an old lady sitting on the porch thinking, 'fuck yeah, i totally lived. suck it to the others who wasted life.' totally.

    I realized that I can't watch Californication :( I don't have the channel. My dad signed up for free HBO for a few months, not showtime. I'm so mad because I wanted to watch Dexter too. Have you seen Dexter? that show is pretty bomb.

    Your cider was fizzy? That's odd...I don't have fizzy cider. Like, I kind of know what you're talking about but at the same time I'm still confused. Christ, I hate when that happens. I'm drinking warm cider now...it's not fizzy XD

    Still boiling over there? It's finally getting cooler here. Global warming has started to pack up the sunshine and get the hell out of buffalo. Now the days are always overcast with grey, ominous clouds all day, all night. it gets kind of depressing, that's why we drink so much here. hahaha.

    I can't believe you're still putting things together to send for me O.o It makes me feel like I should do that for you too cause now I feel bad. Damn you, Kimmi.
    Yeah, my friend Robbie is the biggest suck up ever and insists we will be together. I'm still trying to figure out if he's still with his overly long term girlfriend, who he said he broke up with. Her myspace page still has him on it though. So...hahaha. Whoops for him. Oh yeah you're living vicariously through me XD XD

    I really like that art that chick does. I've actually started to experiment with that style a bit before you showed me the deviantART link, haha. weird. I posted some of her work on tumblr. I'm way too addicted to it.

    Oh, I'm going to ask your opinon about my Russell story. I'm going to try to start writing the rest of it and finishing most of it, and then i'm going back to the first 10 chapters to finish them. or i'll start with the 10 and continue. either way, i won't start posting until i'm satisfied with a good number of chapters. okay, wait, that doesn't really make sense. nevermind. point: i'm trying to write it again. anyway, you know how i was going to use each The Kooks song in the chapter? I had the lyrics. Well, I looked back at what I already have and I'm thinking about just taking out the lyrics and making the chapter title the song title. I dunno, maybe not. That's why I'm asking. Maybe I won't. I just feel like adding lyrics is a little...idk...i can't think of the word. Just something not good. But, I think I'm going to changed the title of the strong to Inside In/Inside Out, The Kooks album I'm using. Mainly cause it makes sense with the songs and it makes a lot of sense in a weird sexual way for russ and just about the whole story in general. so i'm deff changing the title. kay, rant thing done.
    November 20th, 2009 at 11:58pm
  • comradesnarky

    comradesnarky (100)

    United States

    November 15th, 2009 at 09:44pm
  • comradesnarky

    comradesnarky (100)

    United States
    Sorry, took me awhile to reply. I haven't been feeling chipper, so I just go online to look at pictures on tumblr to make myself feel better. Then I go and self dwell and sleep. Fancy that. Anyway, you don't want to hear about that, lol.

    Congrats about getting accepted into your vet subject! That's wonderful! I hope you enjoy it and it's exactly what you want :) Mmhm. Almost done with school then? Nice. Just don't let it go by too quickly. I'm noticing my life is already going by fast in my last year of school. It's terrifying and induces panic attacks. But maybe that's just me...haha.

    I'm glad you like my new story :) I'm working on it now in class. My teacher has a copy of it now, well, what I've wrote about it. I hope she likes it, but I feel like she'll tear me apart. I usually find that if a teacher likes me or if we share the same qualities they will rip me apart of all my self esteem and make me crawl into a hole. Then later I realize it is for the best because it makes me want to prove myself to them, but sadly this doesn't stick with me until I get out of the class and it's too late. Oh well. Hopefully she'll enjoy it and help me with it.

    I haven't watched season/series 3 (we call it season lol) of californication. I don't have the channel, but just recently got it, so now I have to find it and catch up somehow. I know it's on right now. I'm pretty sure it's in the US at the moment. In fact, I'm going to check right now as I type this. My tv has a spiffy menu to find shows. Oh the wonders of satellite tv.

    Cider is so delicious. It's one of the best things ever. Especially if you heat it up.
    Is it still really hot there? How does hailing when it's hot work? Doesn't it have to be cold? haha. I'm so glad it doesn't get hot here. My weather is going into winter now. Buffalo gets a short fall, lol. Actually, I lied, today was wonderful. I just walked around in a sweater. But it's suppose to get cold soon. It snowed for like 10 mins the other day. Wtf.

    You're learning Finnish? That's cool. I know vittu...that's fuck. Yep. Look how cool I am. bet you can write that in your letter to your nan, hahaha.

    Ah, so, nothing is happening here. My friend Robbie in Ohio, that gorgeous boy I sent a pic of, is trying to hit on me. He's a very big man whore, but he keeps telling me he's changed just for me and he's waiting. it's such bull really. I mean, idk. But I will spare you. Anyway, we're making each other little packages for Christmas with random stuff in it. I went to a store yesterday and found gummy candies shaped like dicks. I'm sure he would love them. Right? It's the perfect present. Thought I'd share that with you for some reason. hahaha.

    Australian scents is outbacks filled with dingos and kangaroos and dust and um...fuck idk. What the hell...whatever is in the outback and fuck, yeah. Hahahaha.

    You, indeed are in my bucket list. Haha. Train hopping, sha na na na na na na. yeah, I actually just sang that in my head for some strange reason. yeah.
    November 8th, 2009 at 02:39am
  • Alexander Gaskarth.

    Alexander Gaskarth. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Well it's almost one week now. :tehe:
    And it's a university in Wales...my best friend's jealous cause she wants to go to Wales! XD
    September 10th, 2009 at 02:45pm
  • sightless.

    sightless. (225)

    United States
    Awww! Awesome for you! The next break I have coming up is Fall Break in October and it's only for a week.
    Ooooh... well it's pretty much where you volunteer at different places and stuff... surprisingly it's really fun!
    September 10th, 2009 at 01:46pm
  • Hell's Design

    Hell's Design (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you very much. :)
    September 2nd, 2009 at 02:03pm
  • Unknown Pleasures

    Unknown Pleasures (100)

    I do sometimes, not a lot anymore really.
    I just tend not to come on unless I really want to read.
    August 29th, 2009 at 02:24pm
  • natzlovesyou

    natzlovesyou (200)

    Thanks =D
    Well, I like to think I have. I have't uploaded recent work, though. I'm keeping it to myself, mostly. But maybe I'll do some one-shots related to my characters. That way I'll get feedback and get to know my characters even more.
    August 27th, 2009 at 04:15am
  • KiddoOverload

    KiddoOverload (100)

    loll xD
    I'm k!ddo, I'm 17 from a shitty country named Denmark :(
    I like my cats and my horse, and music alot xD
    some ppl say I really talented, but I say I'm not ;)
    and right now I'm in a shitty mood
    'Coz I have twisted my ancle and can't walk :(
    August 24th, 2009 at 09:09pm
  • Dearly.

    Dearly. (100)

    Uh, i'm quite sure you are a drug addicted alcoholic miss.
    August 24th, 2009 at 10:33am