hank moody. / Comments

  • Ah, it's fine. I forget too. It's both our faults. This isn't a one sided thing. I kept telling you I'll write and I kept forgetting too, but like I said on tumblr earlier, I am almost done with the letter :)

    That's great to hear that things are lovely! I'm really happy to hear that. Oh no problem if you're paranoid about your friends reading. I understand that. I get like that too with some things online. Some of my friends are on tumblr now and it just sucks. I can't talk about the things I want to with my internet pals, lol. Luckily we have letter communication, that is, if we remember.

    Life is going really well. Yeah, orientation was really fun. It was at CCAD and basically we just learned more about the school, set up schedules, and met people. I ended up pulling an all nighter with some random people I met. We all sat in this little garden in front of the dorm building and talked about random things. The main topics were ghost stories and bacon, lol. I found a room mate too, so hopefully that'll go well. I only knew her for two days, haha. Um, my personal life is going pretty well too. It's summer here, I'm out of school, and graduation is on saturday; I'm feeling good.

    I love Russell on talk shows. I recorded one the other day that has four women hosts. I started to watch some and he was talking about how Katy doesn't mind him flirting, haha. He will stay faithful to her. The hosts were like, "you better or we'll kick your ass!" His big cheeky smile died for a few seconds before putting on a sly grin.

    Haha, I don't expect you to know shit that goes on here in America. I mean, wait, I do because America is the superior country in THE FUCKING WORLD! Geez! Hahaha. So ignorant. Know your shit, woman! Well, I can't get over the border because of some terrorist scare. Cause, the 9/11 terrorists came through Canada. Hm, now that I think about it, they might have come through Buffalo...anyway...we have to have a passport now or a special license. I have neither. Nor do I have the money for either :P We use to just have to show a birth certificate and sometimes we didn't have to do anything. We could just cross.

    We have to get back to talking, haha. OMG! I don't mind if you send me simple things if you want to. It's just nice to hear from a friend :) Mmhm!
    June 21st, 2010 at 05:10pm
  • I need to remember to reply to you. I miss talking to you. AAAAAAH.

    So how is everything going? I think trying to figure out who are the right friends to stay with is a good idea. I did that and I'm a lot happier, even if I ended up with few friends. Haha.

    I wish you got to see Russell! Aw! Well, he seems to always come to Melbourne, so I think you still have a good chance to see him. The closest he's been to Buffalo is NYC and Canada :P Which is the case for everything I want to see. Noel is in Toronto soon though. That's 2 hours away. However, I can drive there, but no way of getting over the border. Nor do I have anyone to go with! AAAAAARGH!
    June 19th, 2010 at 02:45pm
    June 9th, 2010 at 06:53am
  • How was the art excursion?

    Sorry it's taken me awhile to reply. I've been lazy. No other excuse.

    Reading and writing should help get you back into a good mood. Idk, I'm trying that right now. I think we're in the same spot, girl. I've been just trying to fix it for awhile now. Since January I pushed everyone out of my life because I wanted to be by myself. I also wanted to see who would be my true friends and still be with me after I got out of hibernation. That time being alone in my room really helped me. Now that the weather is nice, I'm starting to go out and do things with my friends who still love me. I have a few people who just faded out, but that's okay. That was the whole point. I was getting really annoyed with a lot of people, so I just had to take some time away.
    Somebody on formspring just asked if they should keep their 'friends' , everyone has left her, and she doesn't want to make new friends. Idk why somebody would come to me about that, but whatever. I told her what I just told you and said that just make sure you know the difference between being alone and loneliness.

    Maybe you should take some time away from people and figure some things out :) It really helped me and we seem to be a lot alike. Idk, it's just a thought to play around with.

    Anyway, I want to write you a letter!!! I figured why not just send one even though I HAVEN'T GOTTEN ONE BACK IN AGES! I lost your address and the letters again in the chaos in my room. Send your address for me via facebook message or mibba message? Yeah? Please? Lol.
    May 29th, 2010 at 06:01pm
  • Thank you so much! I'm quite proud too, ha. I hope I enjoy it there too. I'm nervous that it'll turn out shitty, but hey that's life.
    Men are stupid. They probably are pmsing. I haven't talked to Rob in awhile. He says he's busy with school, which he probably is. Even if he's not, I don't really care. He's fun to flirt with and I'm not worrying about it until I get to Columbus. If he wants to proceed with anything he can make the moves, haha. Other than that, I'm looking around for new eye candy at college.

    The VCE is a joke? Ugh, that sucks. I'm really sorry to hear that because you were looking forward to that. I know how you feel though about being unmotivated and how life is just so boring. I've been feeling the same way lately. Like, you want to do something, but nothing will change because you don't know how. Nobody will change anything either....I get how you feel dumber each day too! I've been through this and I'm going through it again. Where like, I can't focus and understand the shit that I use to be able to, simple logic, just reading a fucking book. You should try writing again. Maybe things will get a bit better and you can get back into a smooth run with it. Things get better though. Because eventually something comes up that inspires you to not sit around on your ass and think, "this is my life? Fuck." I think everyone gets to this stage in life and returns back a few more times. In fact, my best friend Lynn was just telling me the same thing you are! Cause she found this picture of these kids smoking and drinking by some trains at night and she said, "this made me think of us. I'm not sure why." I said, "It's because we're suppose to be doing that." then she went into how nothing is exciting anymore, not even the littlest things in life. We realized we've become so boring and cynical. But ya know, we gotta adapt. So, see, I think everyone hits this point some time. It sucks though. I want to like life!
    You don't need to be sorry about anything, kimmi! I'd loved to help you out and give you advice, just listen (well, read), I'm here for ya! Just drop by in cyborworld and send me a message or comment and I'll do what I can :)

    Whoa now, I sent a long comment. Haha.
    May 16th, 2010 at 02:48pm
  • I'll reply to the other comment when I get home from school later, but right now I'm squeezing in some quick computer use to check things before I get ready to leave.
    I just wanted to say thanks for the comment on the story and about the spelling mistakes! I wrote that chap super quick and I edited only once, but I'll go back again and read.
    Hopefully things will start picking up again because now I just have to copy and paste all the old chapters after some editing.
    May 12th, 2010 at 01:08pm
  • Aw, you're not a bitch! Don't worry about it. I totally understand. Hey, if you ever need to talk and shit I'll try to help ya out :) Your American pal is here for ya!

    Same old shit here in Buffalo. Nothing much is going on. I did get into that college and I got a scholarship for $42,000 dollars that covers the four years I'll be there. Rob's still got his girl and apparently she knows who I am and that we flirt, so that's awkward. I'm going to Columbus in June to stay at the college and learn more about it and meet people. I've met some people already on facebook. This one guy is obsessed with the Boosh. I think we'll be friends. I haven't been doing much besides watching movies and going to school. School is super easy right now and it's hard to go because I don't do anything, seriously. It's almost over though. I'm just trying to plan out my summer now.

    How about you? How's it going in Melbourne?

    And seriously, don't feel bad that we haven't talked! I'm more concerned about you and why you're feeling lost! Don't make me worry!!!
    May 9th, 2010 at 02:17pm
  • I updated Russ! Holy hell, that apocalypse should be happening soon.

    I hate the time zones! I'll be on msn and you and my other two cyber pals aren't on. It gets all confusing. I kind of figured out when the other two will be on, but if you're ever on I have no idea. Dumb Australia. Yeah, it's Australia's fault, most defiantly.

    But omg, I miss our long convos! Hahaha. Oh well, we're both just busy. Meh.
    April 22nd, 2010 at 03:59pm
  • I added you on msn. My email has my name in it, so you'll know it's me. Maybe this will be a bit easier.

    Commenting back and forth is getting too tedious only because I hardly come on mibba anymore because I haven't updated, so I know there won't be stuff for me to read. Then I forget about commenting you back :P Oh well.

    I need to update Russ :P The next two chapters I couldn't find, so I have to rewrite them and I've just been completely lazy on that. I tried writing, but I don't like how it sounds. I may just shove those two out even if they're poor. That way I can get the rest of the chapters I still have saved out.
    April 10th, 2010 at 02:05pm
  • Ah, fuck me every way but the right way. I thought I commented you back, but I didn't.

    I don't have much to say in reply mainly cause I'm brain dead.

    MCR should be old MCR. That's all I gotta say. Ever thought that MCR slash is weird? I dislike the abundance on here. Actually, dislike slash in general. Eh. Eh. Eh.

    So I was at the bookstore the other day. I saw a Bob Dylan book that I want to read, but I was short on cash. Well, what's new? Pfft. I would really love the book though. Maybe I'll just go after school to the bookstore and read it every day, haha. I've done that with shorter books. Sad but true. Um, there was this one book that was pretty big too that had nice pictures of him. Very expensive.
    I really dislike how any book related to art that is nice is super expensive. Probably because there's so much paper and ink used for them, but still. It's terribly depressing.

    Do you have MSN or AIM by the way? Use it ever? I have both. I was just thinking that it might be easier to communicate that way at times. As if we need another way of communicating on cyberspace, but...haha.

    I would love a homemade home. It just looks lovely :D I would live in most of those places. I checked for the book on Amazon and once again an arty book is expensive :P
    April 7th, 2010 at 12:51am
  • Heey, I just wrote a new story!
    It's based on a dream I had, I'm trying to write it all before I forget it, haha.
    You should go check it out.. It's called: Lie To Me.
    It's a Romance story. (:
    April 3rd, 2010 at 07:50am
  • Look up Woodstock Handmade Houses. They're sweeeeeet.
    March 27th, 2010 at 02:58am
  • I wish there was more Becca and Chelsea. At least more of them bugging Hank. I really think they should've focused on him trying to be a parent. All they did was like, oh oops there's people having sex in my daughters bed and there's a naked woman. The one episode where he threw her phone though really got to me. That was...wow...terrible in a good way.

    I found out today that Robbie just moved into a place. He found two roommates who are two gay guys. I wouldn't doubt if they have the hots for him either, hahaha. He wants me to moved down to Columbus early and stay with him until I move to the school. I might. It depends on what I'm doing over summer and what my parents want to do. I might want to spend as much time as I can in Buffalo until I have to leave. Oooh, when I move I'm going to have to give you the address of the school. Did you ever send out the letter?
    Ha, anyway, Rob. I always bug him on twitter about how I'm taking a bath. Then he has to text me being all frustrated that I must tell him that. Then I always tell him to have fun with himself and it'll be okay cause he has a very good imagination.

    Omg! MCR was your first too! Hahaa...sounded like sex for a sec. Anyway, we must be connected. That's some weird shit. I hated when they got super theatrical. That's a very good way of putting it. The second time I saw them it was about the show more than the music. They had a shitload of lights, fire, sparklers, and a gong that they never even fucking used. A light fell too and almost hit gerard. I'm terribly upset with MCR. I'm really afraid about this new album they're working on. OMG, I hated that they covered Desolation Row. That really ticked me off. The only one who can pull that off without looking like a total jerkoff is Frank.
    March 20th, 2010 at 11:46pm
  • Ugh yeah it was so ridiculously sad. I'm glad they didn't have the voices because yeah the expressions were so passionate. The script writers really did redeem themselves. The first few episodes were dragging out and they seemed really repetitive. I really like how all the women in his life though would be in his dream world at the pool just taunting him. That was really odd, but I liked it. Ugh then when Becca came out in the end and went to run after Hank. NOOOOO! I can't wait this long for season four :P

    Hmm...interesting. The same and not the same. Yeah, well, depends on what school you go to. Some colleges are just known as 'party schools' and those aren't really that far from what hollywood makes it out to be. there's just more bad shit cause hollywood does make it look like all fun and games, but you know it's a party with booze and idiots, so something bad is bound to happen.
    I'm not exactly sure what the college life is like at CCAD, haha. I should've checked that before I decided to move 6 hours away. They just set up my account for the school though so I guess I can chat with new students that are coming the same time as me.

    Haha, sounds awesome! I love making buddies with teachers. It makes the day a lot more enjoyable. Your art teacher sounds pretty cool. Usually art teachers are. Actually, never mind. I lied. I've only had 2 cool art teachers. One majorly awesome one who basically went deft because she plays the Rolling Stones too loud :)

    Yeah he got a gf before he moved to Columbus. I don't understand, haha. He's a nutcase. I think he does like me. Ya know though, I don't really care or not. I do like him a lot, but it's not the end of the world. I'm just excited just knowing we'll be close to each other now so we can chill.

    Old MCR? Holy shit. Dude, 3 cheers is actually a really good album. It's not bad at all. MCR was the first band I saw live. Well, not the first, but the one I want to count because the others were weird and shitty like simple plan...hahaha. I hate how MCR is shit now. I saw them back in '04 or '05 and they were so amazing live. The energy was fantastic and the sounded great. Then I saw them in '07 and they were shit. Booooring. I was so mad.
    March 18th, 2010 at 03:34am
  • HOLY SHIT! The last episode of Californication! OMG! FUCK! I knew that whole mia shit would come back. The ending was so sad. I was about to cry. The whole part with him trying to grab onto Karen in the street...omg. NO! Now I have to wait until end of August for season four? Grrr...this is why I like watching shows that have already ended. I can get them on dvd and watch them straight through, haha.
    March 14th, 2010 at 08:18am
  • I thought I replied back awhile ago >.<

    You don't stay on campus? How does your college, uni, whatever you called it, work then? Most colleges here you have to stay on campus for a certain number of years. Then the last year you can live wherever you please. I'm not sure if you can live wherever before that. Cause most normal majors take four years. Blah blah blah blah, idfk what I'm on about right now.

    I like teachers that are friend like. I've made so many teacher friends. It's fantastic and makes the day a bit nicer. I'm close with a lot of my teachers and they hook me up with random little things. Like the other day I spent one of my free periods with my creative writing teacher, and I was starving. She went into the teacher's lounge and stole a bag of chocolate for me and let me keep it, haha. You gotta get in with teachers. You also need to get on lunch ladies sides and janitors. Believe me. Hahaha. These are major tips on life.

    Yeah, a one night cuddle stand! Only a person with major intelligence can come up with that, obviously. Haha.
    I like beer...it's not my favorite alcoholic drink, but it does the job.

    I'm really bored. I should write. I should do a lot of things, but instead I'm sitting in bed and commenting you back. That's nice, but...doesn't help me accomplish things I've been meaning to do for weeks -months- now. Ya know...haha.

    I haven't talked to Rob lately. He's been very busy with Cosmetology school. Crazy shit going on there. Weird. I know last weekend he went back home to chill out and he met up with his girlfriend. She lives an hour away from his original home and now that he moved she lives 3 or 4 hours away. wtf? Anyway, on twitter he said 'thinking a lot about settling down.' right after he left home to go back to columbus. I texted him back asking about it and he didn't say anything. wtf? that kid is screwed in the head. I swear to god. Poor lad is just so love sick for any girl. It's quite sad. He's 19 and saying this shit? Whoa now.
    You needed to know this because my life has been dull. Since you live through me about this I felt that you needed some spice in life. Sorry it's been boring between Rob and I. It must've been terribly for you to live through. Haha..
    March 14th, 2010 at 05:05am
  • HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY! March 1st? That's what the comment says...

    I think you should work in the government. It sounds very pleasing...mmhm...hahaha.

    I'll probably end up living on campus at the college. Eventually though I'm hoping to get an apartment with Rob. He's living with some family right now, but eventually he wants to find a roomie. Maybe I can stay with them, who knows. At least there's possible options.
    The outback just sounds like a desolate place, haha. Obviously though there are people living there if your rents wnat to move back. Traveling would be very nice. I'd love to do that. Stay in Melbourne, maybe I can visit someday. Haha.

    Are you becoming a teacher's pet for this good looking art teacher? Haha.
    You should've spoke to the cute guy on the train! Way to go! Actually, I probably would've froze up too. I'm not as bold as I like to think myself as. You should've said hi at least...without sounding stupid. Ha.

    Things are going well in Buffalo. Nothing much is going on. I've been dwelling in my dark room doing nothing. I only hang out with my best friends, Lynn and Lindsey. I went to a party though. It was...odd. Too much beer, no hard liquor. It was a shame. I cuddled with this one dude only cause I needed a good cuddle. I'm a lonely bastard sometimes, ya know? Shit happens. Now he's trying to talk to me though via facebook. Meh...I dunno. Just wanted a one night cuddle stand. Yeah, I just made that term up. School is incredibly slow and I honestly don't do shit there. Life is just slow.

    I have an idea of what to send you just to send you and count it as a late bday gift :)
    March 7th, 2010 at 10:19pm
  • Birthday! When was your birthday or when is!? I want to send you something :) I dunno what, but I'd really like to give you something for it. Plus you're sending me a package, so I might as well. Haha :D

    I can't wait to get the package and letter!!! It'll probably seriously make my day whenever it comes.

    Well, at least you'll get break...! Ha! Ah well, I think any portfolio can be infuriating actually. They're tedious especially if you want to do well, but also want it over with at the same time. That was my problem.
    Even if you're not sure about fashion at least you have an idea of what you want to do. That's better than being completely blind, I suppose. I mean for me I was scared shitless being absolutely clueless about what I wanted to do. Mmm, arts :) Haha. I like art. I like artsy people. I use to want to be a graphic designer, but I figured I already spend too much time on the computer that I'd rather get an art job that isn't totally computer use. I hope things work out for you though.

    Yeah, well if you got my comment on time then my bitching would have been at the right time :P Maybe you should update! Geeeez.

    It is far away. It's annoying. I'll know if I got accepted into the college by the end of March! AAAAH! It's making me so anxious. If I move to Columbus I'm really super excited, but of course my anxiety will start kicking in when the time gets nearer. I think it'll be good for me to adventure to someplace new even if it's not the most spectacular place in the world, haha.
    Are you going to stay in Melbourne after you get out of school?

    How are things with you besides being busy? I hope everything is well!!
    March 1st, 2010 at 06:54am
  • he was in the band A Skylit Drive, thank you for the story comment :) I appreciate all the feedback I can get it shows me where I can improve.
    How are you?
    February 26th, 2010 at 07:03am
  • Yeah I did replace you and I'm okay with it :P

    Well at least you get a holiday! My break just ended. I have a normal weekend and then on Monday I'm back to school. It really blows because there's no reason for me to be there anymore, not even for my art classes. My portfolio is done so well, fuck, I don't need to put a shitload of effort into it. All the other subjects are pointless.
    Well, I hope you'll enjoy your VET subject. It sounds interesting at least. Do you think it's what you want to do. Designing? Fashion....whatever it is :P Haha, I have no idea.

    Thanks so much. I worked so hard on my portfolio. I just...ugh...so much time into it. I appreciate your complements. Every little one I get helps my confidence. I have a huge fucking ego, but not in the art world. That sucks. I wish it just existed in the art world.

    I don't think you were writing a Russ chapter when you commented me back. Know why? Because you never posted it. You're a big fat liar, Kimmi. Now I am shocked and appalled by you. Damn girl. Get my hopes up and then CRUSH THEM!
    I've stalled on the updates though, so I guess I'm a hypocrite.

    Yes, Rob can be very charming when he has a girl on watch. I haven't talked to him lately though. He's super busy with cosmetology school right now. Yeah, he wants to do hair. It's fucking weird as hell, but it doesn't matter. Haha. My cousin's husband owns a hair salon and does hair. My ex wanted to do hair...Why dfuck do I attract the straight men who like hair?
    I haven't gotten accepted yet to CCAD, but if I do I'll be heading down to Columbus probably the end of August.
    February 20th, 2010 at 06:24pm