coin-operated girl / Comments

  • Darling everythings all blue, this war outside our door just rages on

    Christine: The doctor isn't going to like this at all...
    Nemo: do you think I car-
    Doctor: *Steps out of random door* Well perhaps you should, I am a time lord you kno-
    Nemo: *Hits doctor on the back of the head with the shovel* blah blah blah
    Kharla: you could have asked him how to fly this thing
    Nemo: whatever. I got this *presses random buttons somemore*
    *tardis lands*
    Nemo:this better be cali! *opens door*
    Random guy:welcome to atlantis! We're gonna take you prisoner now!
    *grabs nemo kharla and christine*
    -hours later-
    General:Now I'm not going to ask you again who sent you to our lost city. AND IF YOU SAY AN ANCIENT DOCTOR'S TIME MACHINE ONE MORE TIME...
    March 24th, 2012 at 07:13pm
  • Maybe. I would have commented back sooner if I didn't have to dig my way through all of your damn death threats.

    None of which might I add did you come through with. I want you to know that I excitedly waited for you to tie me to my bed and set my house on fire but you know what?


    Fuckin slut
    March 24th, 2012 at 07:03pm
  • Wake me up tonight I wanna feel the blue anywhere but here

    *Christine wakes up*
    Christine: oh my god. Is this the tardis? Am I in the tardis? Am i the doctors new companion????
    Nemo: Well I sort of barrowed it from him for awhile...
    Christine: What? You did what? Oh my god. Oh my god.
    Nemo: relax, he's too nice to ever hurt us
    Christine: BUT NOW HE'LL NEVER LET ME BE HIS COMPAION!!! *cries*
    Nemo: Ugh *hits christine in the head with a shovel* Ahh thats better. Now I can figure out how to fly this thing.
    Kharla: i think we need to make a left *Flies past blue planet*.... or maybe a right?
    Nemo: Its obviously right here! *lands tardis and opens door* Cmon Christine! Marrage here we come!
    Kharlaa: *looks out door* Uhm, quick question, has Califorina resently been over run with cat people..?
    Nemo: *looks out door too* GOD DAMNIT!
    Kharla: uhm and is the tardis control panel supposed to be smoking like that..?
    March 3rd, 2012 at 12:00am


    I'll regroup and come back stronger.
    March 3rd, 2012 at 12:00am
  • Two-bit, no moral, filthy, slutly, hobo hussie.

    You're probably selling your self for a slice of pizza right now.

    Read my damn comment.
    March 2nd, 2012 at 03:47am
  • You dirty, no good, TRASHY, ASHY slut.

    You only beat me when I want you to beat me! You got that?
    I swear I willl- *Notices Nemo's look*
    I uhm I will do nothing but love you even more

    *Nervous laugh*

    Days before they had been BLUE, on the streets.

    Christine: I am so sick of falling on my face!

    Nemo: Fine *trips Christine so she falls on arm*

    Christine: I hate it but love it all at once. What kind of monster am I???

    Nemo: Oh shut up. Come on! We need to find a ride to California! We can get mibba Married there now! *winks at Christine*

    *Tina pulls up in a beat up car*

    TinA: Guys! I just so happen to be- *Giant boulder hit tina and her cars*

    Nemo: Huh, freak accident *Wipes dust of hands*

    Kharlaa: I know! We can call Davey! He lives in California!

    Christine: yes. O.O

    Nemo: *hits christine and Kharlaa in the back of the head* No, I was thinking something more along the lines of....

    Is this what you want???? DOES THIS MAKE YOU HAPPY??? HUH?? ME BEING JUST YOUR PAINTED WHORE!! *cries*
    March 2nd, 2012 at 03:38am
  • I just read this comment I had sent you and it made me laugh xD

    "The L word was good thank you very much!

    Lesbian Living.

    Lesbian loving.

    Lesbian listening.

    Lesbian Los Angeles

    True, I could have sent Ariel through the mail, I could have recorded Queer As Folk, I could have listened to Madina-back, taken over the world and done it all with no sleep and still commented you back!....
    But the gerard video took all my atention!!!!
    *points to a emo kid who uploaded the video*
    So its really his fault!!!!!!
    KILL HIM!!!!! *whispers* well i steal him computer!"

    Now on another note! Nemo what happened to us! Our comments back and forth paint a picture of two happy people in a sick sick twisted love! I remember I time when we would talk on the phone till dawn! And now its a 5 word comment on facebook! What will we become of us!?

    ....I blame your new found lesbian-ism! .....And your unwilliness to just tell cristian the truth! ...That you love me more! lol
    August 16th, 2010 at 11:04am
  • Thanks! Im happy you liked the story!!! (and it was six bottles of voldka)

    I can see it now! Christine Meyer presents Twilight: What Gerard, Frank and several other band guys will do for money >;)

    (Note:The Twilight part is just used to help trick old ladys into buy the book. AHAHAHAHAHA!)

    January 12th, 2010 at 07:10am
  • That was a very long comment 0_0

    (Sorry I've been writing about Bert for too long)

    And late Merry Chritmas to you, you ho bag!

    I really miss are threats too!
    Well it's more like you just threaten me and I cry a little.... BUT STILL A GOOD TIME! =D

    I keep meaning to collect all the comments and put them into a story but the voldka makes me forget to do it.... Who are you again?

    Anywho, seven days does sound scary but I knew you wouldnt do anythin- *Grugde come up behind Christine* Oh fuck.....
    January 12th, 2010 at 07:01am
  • Hello my dearest, dearest, DEAREST Nemo, (I almost put Neo! But you're not the guy from the Matriks! ......Are you?)

    Anywho, damn its been 4 monthes since I commented you back.....
    I swear I was really busy...
    ....You see my.. uhm, Grandma....
    .... And then there was this bottle of voldka....
    ...and I was in prison in Tiawn for a bit.....I mean they had computers but a new Ferard had just came out and....
    and why dont you like "Si-Black-ia"? I found it quite funny!

    "You got my mind in the gutter, blowning blues like we're lovers"

    Narrator: When we last left off it was reveled that Bert, the third part of the Nemo and Christine mibba marrage love triangle, was unwilling to give up his meal ticket, the always lovely Christine. The same Christine who I might add is hanging over a pot of boiling lava. Becuase of the evil nemo-

    Nemo: *Looking up at Christine* OKAY, who un-gagged her????

    Narrator Christine: Nemo looked up at Christine with a ceritin fire in her eyes ...and a dart gun in her hand... * Dart hits Christine* But even as the dart sticking out of Chritine's arm slowly made her slip into a coma, she still would not revel that it was actually Kharlaa who had un-gagged her, in exchange for a truck of guacomo- *Chrstine passes out*

    Kharlaa: *Swiming in a tub of guacamole* Shes lying! I have no clue what shes talking about!

    Nemo: Okay... Im going to chose to inorge that and hope that Manson has made good progress with Bert. *Pulles out cell phone and calls Manson*

    Nemo: So hows it going? Have you gotten what we wanted? Have you tourched him? CRUSHED HIM LIKE A BUG??? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Starts coughing* Excuse me, I mean, can I now marry my dearling Christine?

    Manson: Well, ...You uhm see, there was sort of a problem...

    Nemo: *Turns into satan* WHAT KIND OF PROBLEM!?

    Manson: *mumbling to himself* From now on im only working for the real devil and Maria, they're alot less scary...

    Satan Nemo: WHAT WAS THAT!?

    Manson: *Nervous chuclke* Uhm, nothing, just saying how wonderful you were...

    Nemo: Enough! Wheres Bert?!

    Manson: You see, hekindofescaped....

    Satan Nemo: *Grabs Manson through phone* And how exactly, did that happen?

    Manson: *Starts crying* well you see....

    ~Flash Back~

    Manson: *Threating Bert with cables from a car battery* Either sign the papers of I'll make your worst nightmares come to life!!!

    Bert: *Gulps* But I cant! I already look like a hobo and without Christine I'll have to give up my 3.5 million dollar home! Haven't you ever wanted anything before? Huh Marylin? May I call you Marylin?

    Manson: NO! I AM THE DEVILS SIDEKICK! I TOURCHER FOR FUN! ..and sometimes for a bit of chash on the side... BUT ANYWAYS, I DONT NEED ANYTHING!

    Bert: Ah come on Marylin, what about Mr.Scruffy when you were six?

    Manson: Mr.Scraffy? My scraffl-wafles... Uhm I mean, How do you know about him!?!?!

    Bert: You talk in your sleep, now untie me and come tell daddy Bert all about it little buddy, would you like that? I bet Mr.Scraffy would.

    Manson: *nods well crying and crawls on to Berts lap* HE WAS THE BEST WHIP I EVER HAD!!! *Starts balling* He even had special silver spikes and an extra pocket for a knife!!!!! Ahhhhha!

    Bert: *Rubbing Mansons back as Manson starts sucking his thumb* Its okay, I know, I know little Marylin.

    Manson: Really? *Blinks away tears*

    Bert: No not really but I just tied you to the chair, so I'll see you later.

    ~Back to the presnt~

    Manson: ...he had a gun. I took seven bullets and then an army of 2000 knocked down the wall and over powered me. o_o

    Kharlaa: *Grabs phone from Nemo* Oh poor Manson!! Dont worry I'll come help you right now!!! *Jumps in Nemo's car and takes off*

    Nemo: DAMNIT! That was my car!!! Can I not get any good help in this place?!?!? This calls for despreate measures! .....magic measues. >=)

    ~15 hours later~

    Nemo: *Stirring a big black cauldron* Ah! Its finally complete!!!

    *Black smoke rise from cauldron*

    Voice: Why have you summond me?

    Nemo: My lord I...
    January 12th, 2010 at 06:51am
  • Comment me back. Or else. Thats right, OR ELSE! >=|
    Its six in the morning lol and ur in wisconsin. Damn u! >=[

    Ps. I changed my profile! yay! lol
    August 10th, 2009 at 01:07pm
  • LOL I read my comment and it made my laugh becuase I just pictured me on this little owls back. like when adults ride kids tricycles! AH! Thats funny!
    July 15th, 2009 at 02:07am
  • 'Im the son of rage and love! The jesus of Sa-BLACK-ia!" =D
    (Its black now)

    Damn! It really has been a long time sence I commented you back!


    Christine: So yeah... uhm.. Remember that party we went to with Bert that one time?
    Nemo: *Steam comes out of ears* Yeah...
    Christine: *Gulps* Well....
    Kharlaa: Oh this is good! *Passes popcorn to borders manager*
    Christine:Well... Isortamarriedbertinawilddrunkenweddinginvegus.... WHEW!
    Nemo:YOU WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? >=O
    Christine: Uhmmm....HEADWIG! COME TO ME! *Jumps on headwigs back*
    Nemo: Christine Nicole! you get back here this instance!!! Dont make me get a dementor!
    *Christine flys faster*
    Nemo: thats it! *Calls dementors* GO GET HER BOYS!
    *Domboldor comes out for no where*
    Domboldor: Its not wise to used Dementors fo-
    *Nemo hits him with brass Knucles*
    *Harry Dissel appers*
    *Harry Dissel spots Snape book shopping*
    Snape: La la la...Oh look! Martha has a new cook book! How- *Harry Dessiel goes after Snape with a lead pipe*
    -5 minutes later-
    Snape: *Not moving on the floor*
    Kharlaa: :=0
    *Nemo edges away*
    Nemo: Uhm.. Kharlaa, I think we better.. um.. go...
    *Runs out of store*
    July 15th, 2009 at 02:04am
    1 MORE WEEK ;)
    June 16th, 2009 at 02:41am
  • You loose moraled, FILTHY, low down, bert loving, two bit, tramp of a hussie!!!

    Where is my commment?

    Its been what?? Monther and a half at the least??

    I know all you do is sit there and stare at pictures of me with *He who we will not name*

    *Taps fingers*

    What are you going that you cant comment me back???

    RENT? He dies at the end!!!

    Queer as Folk? There gay!

    The Sims? There not real!

    Matt? Also gay!

    Gerard? Hes still mine!!

    Frank? Hes mine too!

    Bert? Ewwww.

    You know what.... *Gasping sob*...I believe this is it!
    If you cant even comment me back so we can get married then we are so over!!

    *Grabs buddy* You can have him weekends! *Storms out*

    We are over.
    March 30th, 2009 at 11:13pm
  • Some hasnt commented me back yet *taps fingers*
    Dont make me kill buddy nemo. I sware. I'll do it...

    You have 5 days.... Then buddy gets it >=|
    February 22nd, 2009 at 08:38am
  • Ah i love you, you creep!
    February 7th, 2009 at 07:57am
  • Whoa i really havent commented you back in a long time! O_O

    'Gina works the dinner all day, working for BLUE, she brings home her pay for love'
    (Im bring in the '80's now lol)

    Kharlaa: *looks up at huge stone wall surrunding hogwarts* So uh, how are we supposted to get in?
    Nemo: Just you watch >=)
    *Says really long radnom spell*
    Jjjhuekjuharrrypotterfjfjjsnapejvjfjfjfjfvoldemortdhfytismytkdjdhj...Dobby's sock!
    *huge piece of ruble flys off the olf wall and knocks out harry potter*
    Voldemort: YES! FINALLY!
    Kharlaa: Shouldn't we help him?
    Nemo: Nah! He'll be fine! *Voldemort raises knife*
    Nemo: Come now! Its time to see my good buddy-

    -Time Lapes-

    Nemo: Snape my good man!
    Snape: oh god shes back...NEMO! HI!
    Nemo: Sanpe, how have ya been???
    Snape: Good, good! *tuns to assistent and whispers* Call security.
    Nemo: I heard that you joker! Ahahaahahaha! *Slaps snape on the back*
    *snape mouths 'Help me" to kharlaa*
    Nemo: So anyways, I came here to ask you a favor then i'll be on my way-
    Snape:ANYTHING! WHAT?!?!?!
    Nemo: I need you to find-

    -At Boreders-
    Sales Lady: Im so sorry Ms.Christine! Please for give me! I promise I'll bring you the right copy next time!
    Sales lady 2: Please spare her! She didnt know any better! Shes new!
    Christine: Fine, I gues this one time, but if it happens again *Hold up copy of the 291209th harry potter book thrething*
    *Sales ladys leave bowwing*
    Christine: Ahh! Nemo could never fine me here!

    *Part of the wall blows up*
    Voice: OH Chrstineeee!!!!!!
    Christine: O_O

    I commeted you bacccck! =D YAY ME! ahahahahahaha.. no O_o

    (I just now reliezed the last comment was from nov. 9th. Damn O_O)
    January 31st, 2009 at 09:40pm
  • Ahahaha! Halarious!
    I cant comment back right now cuz its 1am but i will!! XD

    January 7th, 2009 at 07:52am
    November 29th, 2008 at 10:58pm