on the sly. / Comments

  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    Psssh! Wrong! I remember you. :D

    I'm doing pretty good. Moving this week into this really nice apartment. Taking my ACTs on Saturday... just having a busy week, haha. How about you? How's life for you?!

    Ahhh, I love her. <33333 And Tokyo Jihen. I suggest checking out her album "Shouso Strip", it's my favorite. Her recent album, Sanmon Gossip is pretty good too! Really, I think everything by her is amazing, lol. She's just amazing. Okay, I'll stop fangirling. XD
    September 9th, 2009 at 04:50am
  • SarahF

    SarahF (200)

    United States
    Hello hello hello :)
    Long time no talk!
    What's goin' on?!
    July 14th, 2009 at 12:00am
  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    I actually think this last comment was longer than my essay comment before. O_O
    March 1st, 2009 at 03:34am
  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    Exactly! There's just so many different things and so many different ways that people live all over the world. I want to visit every country and get to experience it all. I think if I could do that, I could die happy.

    He's taken up acting like my dog now. A few weeks ago, we had to put our dog to sleep and it was pretty upsetting, but now he acts exactly like the dog... it's so weird. All the things our dog used to do, he now does! Haha, you're right, he is odd. He's still my little monster, though. :P

    That's basically what I do. I try to devote at least 3 hours a day to my Japanese, but it's been hard lately. I made a promise to myself, though, that I was going to try my hardest to get back into studying it so intensely. It's weird, but I miss being able to practice it all the time. O_O

    Haha, okay. If/when I ever visit London, I'll make sure not to go to outer London. I think this is why it's always better to talk to people that live in countries you want to visit, they'll always let you know about the bad areas so you won't risk getting hurt or mugged or something, lol.

    Very true. I was thinking about this the other day, but I don't think I could stay in Japan forever. I mean, I love the country and want to visit it more than anything, but I think I'd definitely miss cold, snowy, boring Ohio after awhile. Does that sound weird?

    I know! It makes me realize how ridiculously slow English is. Trying to talk to my Japanese pen-pals in Japanese is like O_O because they speak it so fast and I'm always like "wait, slow down, can you say that again? I'm still new at this..." haha. I think once someone is fluent in the language though, they can probably understand it, no matter how fast it's spoken. I want to be that fluent some day.

    Dull teachers can definitely making learning anything dull. :(

    I think it's okay for people to just learn a new language because they want to/think it's interesting. Learning languages can be so much fun, plus it's really an accomplishment to become fluent in one. Korean would definitely be an accomplishment to learn, whether it's an international language or not!

    Eeep. I hate those "jumpy" type of things. I'm always afraid I'll get burned! After awhile, I get used to it, though.

    Thanks! (: Good luck to you, too. It seems the economy is terrible all over the world and it really sucks. I hope that things will improve for everyone in the upcoming years. I think I'm going to be moving in with her at the end of March. I was going to move in with her earlier, but her and my Uncle Bobby have been having some problems, so I have to push moving back a few weeks. Which is okay, I guess. I know my mom's happy. She doesn't want me to leave.

    I'm doing alright. All the winter weather is keeping me depressed. I want it to be spring already! Ohio likes to trick everyone with a few 50-60 degree days, then go back to 3 feet of snow and -15 degree weather. Ahhhh. I think I'd honestly be okay if I never saw another snowflake in my life.

    I didn't really do anything for Valentine's Day, didn't have a Valentine lol. It's okay though, my mom bought me some chocolate, so it made everything better.

    But yeah, everything's going pretty okay.

    How about for you? Did you have a good Valentine's Day? I hope you did. And good luck with school and everything else. Annnnnnnnnd don't worry about replying late! :)
    March 1st, 2009 at 03:33am
  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    It's okay, really. I'm not mad at you or anything. I understand we all get busy sometimes and can't reply.

    I'm the same way, lol.
    March 1st, 2009 at 03:08am
  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    Holy wow that's longer than I thought. Sorry. D:
    January 24th, 2009 at 01:20am
  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    Sorry for replying to your comment so late! Things have been hectic.

    You live in London? I've always wanted to visit there. Then again, I want to visit practically the entire word, haha.

    Nope, he's always there, every where I go. Sometimes he follows me into the bathroom (then I have to put him out because he'll try to attack me while I'm brushing my teeth or something) and once he even tried to follow me outside! It's odd behavior for a cat, I think. Eddie is an oddball, though. That's why I love him.

    You've seen a cat bigger than Eddie? Wow. O_O Lol, my Aunt Jackie's mom's cat is like Eddie x 1.5. She's huuuuuuuuuge.

    Yeah, after awhile it's easier to start realizing the difference between the characters. Plus studying them and writing them out like 20 times a day helps too. :D

    I love everything about Japan. It's seriously a beautiful country, inside and out. I can't wait until I can visit it. I'll probably love it so much, I won't want to come back home, lol! Your friend is lucky to have been able to live there!

    It's definitely easier to speak than write, because, yeah, don't have to worry about misspelling anything or anything like that. The only hard part about speaking it, is talking so fast! I never realized how slow of a language English is until I started studying Japanese. It's insane.

    I went to japanguide.com and posted an ad for language exchange. I got a lot of emails, but only a few have really responded back. They're really awesome people.

    It it hard, but I do try to help them with pronunciations as much as I can. A lot of the time they'll say something and then say "did I pronounce that right?" They also help me with pronouncing some Japanese words, so it works out good.

    Chinese is confusing, period. Lol. I'm actually starting to understand kanji better now, because I'm starting to see how it works. That's just with Japanese kanji, though. Chinese kanji will probably kill me. :X

    My cousin takes French. You didn't like it? I think I'd want to learn it just for the fact that I love foreign languages, but you're right, it's probably a lot duller than Japanese.

    Korean will be the next language I try to learn, after Japanese and Chinese. Then maybe German, I've always wanted to learn German, lol.

    I do enjoy cooking, I just wish I was better at it! Oh well, the more I cook, the better I'll get, right? Let's hope, anyways, lol. I didn't cook for new years eve, my mom did. She just made nachos, which I could've made, but she just got to making them first! >.<

    Pizza is so good for like, two days, then after that it's like you don't even want to look at pizza for a month! Sounds like you had fun, though!

    I hope I can go to college soon, I really want to. Right now, I'm trying to find a job. It's realllllllllllly hard to find one in this area, since there's so much unemployment. That's why I'm thinking about going down to Dayton, OH to live with my Aunt Marcy.

    Now that I've left you an essay of a comment...

    How are you? :)
    January 24th, 2009 at 01:20am
  • SarahF

    SarahF (200)

    United States
    Long time no talk!
    How are you?
    January 4th, 2009 at 08:03pm
  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    410 is the lowest possible score to get on a subject and still pass it.

    Yeah, it is nice. I do love him to pieces, he's my little monster. He really is spoiled though. He's so bad and he always wants me to feed him every time I go into the kitchen. I used to, but now I'm cutting down! Haha. :P He doesn't like not being fed.

    I really do love the Japanese language. I can't pinpoint why, but there's something about it that draws me to it, as lame as that sounds. Hiragana was the easiest for me to learn. Katakana is a little harder, because there's things like ソ(so) and ン(n), which look exactly the same. It can get confusing! Kanji still confuses me the most. Though, I'm starting to understand it more. Writing it is a pain, usually because there's so many stroke and there's a certain order to write them all in. I love learning this language, so even if it's irritating sometimes, I'm still having fun!

    Plus, I love talking to my Japanese pen-pals through voice chat. It's awesome! Except hardly any of them speak decent English and I have a hard time understand what they're saying. ;3

    Chinese is a whole 'nother level of hard! One good thing is, that if you're learning Japanese kanji, a lot of it has the same meaning as the Chinese kanji, since that's where it derived from. I'm still completely and totally lost on Chinese pronunciation. It makes no sense at all!

    Are you learning any languages?

    I'm not sure what I'll be doing for Christmas -- probably just be lazy and enjoy not having to do anything, lol. I'll be baking too. I love to bake, even if I completely suck at it!

    What are your plans? (:
    December 20th, 2008 at 03:34am
  • Rainbow_Blood

    Rainbow_Blood (100)

    United States
    Oh its okay I understand MY mom has a facebook lol. Yeah. :] Yay I have a few more chapter ive written but not posted not yet at least because there a littel out there and Twlight has been corupting my life.

    Im not mad.&&& Your NOT a bad friend.
    December 18th, 2008 at 03:36am
  • Rainbow_Blood

    Rainbow_Blood (100)

    United States
    Have you finsihed reading it any idas or critisizim however you spell that lol. I would of messaged you on myspace but Im not sure how much you get on that I really need to get myself a damn facebook... Hummmm Whats new?
    December 1st, 2008 at 07:59am
  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    The lowest possible score a person could get to pass was a 410. But, say if someone got 410's on all five subject, they wouldn't pass because the total score needed to pass is 2100. But I got above 410's on all tests, so I didn't have a problem. (:

    Thankies. He may be adorable, but he's so spoiled and mean. Lol.

    Really? That's pretty cool. I've been studying it for a few months (I'm teaching myself for now, but I hope to take classes eventually), I have a harder time writing it than speaking it.

    I'm also kind of studying Chinese too, I'm just not as intense or serious about it as I am about Japanese. Chinese words are so confusing, especially how things like "nu hai" are pronounced "newy har". x__x
    November 28th, 2008 at 05:34am
  • Lucky Strikes

    Lucky Strikes (100)

    Tau lah! Sodara aq kan tinggal'a disana ... =P
    Yeah, Bandung is nice, tpi tetep ajj polusi ... terus macet etc lah ..
    Ga ngerti ... jdi kmu kelas berapa sekarng?
    November 23rd, 2008 at 03:00pm
  • Lucky Strikes

    Lucky Strikes (100)

    And ... klo aq from Bandung =D
    November 23rd, 2008 at 11:56am
  • Lucky Strikes

    Lucky Strikes (100)

    Oooo cibubur ...
    Ia dun, knapa gtu?
    November 23rd, 2008 at 11:49am
  • Lucky Strikes

    Lucky Strikes (100)

    Ohh, msie baru toh ...tpi segitu mah lama atuh ... hha
    kmu klo di Indonesia tinggal di mna?
    Gpp ... =)
    November 22nd, 2008 at 10:30am
  • Lucky Strikes

    Lucky Strikes (100)

    Hahaha keren ... aq bntuin deh, klo ada yng ga ngerti =D
    Indonesia? From when you live in London?
    Menurut aku sih ... gmna ya? Ada yng mundurnya, ada yng mju'a ...

    Enjoy banget lah! =)
    November 20th, 2008 at 01:46pm
  • Lucky Strikes

    Lucky Strikes (100)

    Really? That's so cool! Can you speak bahasa Indonesia then?
    November 19th, 2008 at 11:41am
  • Lucky Strikes

    Lucky Strikes (100)

    Hi! =D
    November 18th, 2008 at 11:56pm
  • only human

    only human (100)

    United States
    Mhm. I got decent scores on everything, which I don't think it really matters as long as it's a passing score. :3

    Yup! The moment I found out I passed all my tests, it's like my writers block disappeared. So I've been writing a lot. I'll probably have another chapter of 'Discovering Different Love' out tomorrow. (Let's hope, anyways!)
    November 17th, 2008 at 08:05am