red bull and the hectic life.

i don't think i've been so stressed in a long time. i've procrastinated for a month on writing a ten pager paper, and now it's due tomorrow. and i just started about three hours ago. i've been loading myself up on red bull, and i'm on my third can. (i know, so unhealthy).as for writing, once again it has come to a pause. i'm starting to create a story outline, but there are some major details that...
April 7th, 2008 at 06:15am

i'm sort of hopeful

I've been laying my goals out in front of me for awhile now, and I'm still pretty lost. What can I say? I'm sixteen, yeah; but I have so much to plan that starting now seems great.I got my first job today, currently in training. I already hate it. The most stupid of people from my school are also employed there, and it seems really strict. It's at a grocery store a few blocks away from my house...
April 2nd, 2008 at 03:09am

i don't know what i'm doing...

but hopefully, i'm starting a new page in my life.i found out what "mibba" was about an hour ago, and some force pulled me to make one.maybe it's the fact that i haven't been able to write something decent in months,and maybe that's because i never have any time when i have ideas,or any ideas when i have time.i want to be able to write like i used to, stories that really made someone think.i don't...
April 1st, 2008 at 01:02am