wilton lyons / Comments

  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    Well...my dad's parents are super young. Like, they were 19 when my dad was born. But they got divorced and remarried, so now I have three sets of grandparents. My mom's parents are old though. Ha.

    I wouldn't want my friends to read my stories and poems and stuff because they're so...like, I don't want them to see them and worry about me or whatever. So...yeah. I just put it on here.

    I trust people until I have a reason not to, and then it's really hard for me to trust them again.

    And, now I feel kinda bad, because I really need to go to bed before my mom catches me and I get in even more trouble.

    So, goodnight. Or good morning, I guess. Lol
    April 6th, 2008 at 08:14am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    My Boston Terrier does that a lot. I mean, you look at her the wrong way and she pees. And I'm usually the one who's stuck cleaning it up. Gross.

    I'm the same way. I couldn't stand it if they [i]didn't[/i] complain and crap to me. It's not like they forced me to shoulder their burden. I chose to. And then, like, I'm the type of person that I'm super tight-lipped about something until it's super public and everyone knows. So, like, I don't tell them secrets, but I don't tell theirs either.

    I'm really secretive, in real life. Like, none of my friends knows about mibba. Or my xanga. I just don't tell them. I have no desire for them to know about this side of me. But I'm just so open on here; it's like, this is the internet. You can't see me and I can't see you, so who're you to judge?

    And no, I'm not calling you old. My grandma is only forty-five :P
    April 6th, 2008 at 07:57am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    Our English Bulldog is terrified of loud noises and goes nuts whenever it happens. Forth of July sucks, 'cause the fireworks scare her, and our neighbors have firework wars.

    I do that to him, sometimes. And he freaks out. Every time. But then I feel bad. Because, as Mommy always says, two wrongs don't make a right (but three lefts do). Mommy also says that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. But I don't usually follow that rule, either. Grr.

    My friends...sometimes I think they take me for granted. Like, they vent and rave and cry on my shoulder all the time, but they never listen to me. So sometimes it's like, gah. I feel like the entire world is upon my shoulders. Like Atlas.

    Obviously it's not. But still. Ah! I'm doing it again. Gah.

    Haha, no offense or anything, but I think it's funny that you said you were going to town...my grandma (the one that lives in Alabama, thirty miles from everywhere) says that whenever she goes to Meridian. That's what it made me think of lol
    April 6th, 2008 at 07:47am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    I remember at New Years, we went down to some little podunk town that was thirty miles from everywhere (literally) in Alabama and my dad and brothers had a firecracker/bottle rocket war. It cracked me up.

    I haven't been asleep yet...I had to go to my brother's baseball game, and then Dick's, Books-A-Million, and Wal-Mart/McDonalds. Gah. We didn't get home until ten thirty, and I didn't get my shower until eleven thirty. And I just got out...it'll be a while before I'm able to wind down and go to sleep.

    My friend really frustrates me sometimes...he'll just stop talking to me, without warning, sometimes. And then, if I don't answer him within five minutes, he freaks out and sends me a barrage of messages about talking and crap. Ugh.

    Sorry for venting. In such a long comment. I ramble too much lol
    April 6th, 2008 at 07:33am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    Foiled. Haha.

    I used to have it on my old computer, but then it fried. And my friend lost the cd. So then, I had all these random song lyrics from them that were stuck in my head for a while, but then I started to listen to other bands, so I didn't think about them until SOMEBODY -coughcough- reminded me.

    Haha. Anyways...so what's up?
    April 6th, 2008 at 07:17am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    Hi! It's me. Once again. Or just for the second time.

    But I finally got that Blue October cd. So ha. :P
    April 6th, 2008 at 05:50am
  • Just_getting_by

    Just_getting_by (100)

    United States
    Well, good : )
    April 5th, 2008 at 07:27pm
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    Mk. Goodnight. Ttyl
    April 5th, 2008 at 05:38am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    Yeah. Well, she would've sent me, but the skin (or what was left of it) was so raw that if I had worn shoes it would've started to bleed and stuff. I didn't actually cry when it first happened...it was after I saw my hand and legs, and after I tried to move that I started to cry. But it was like, I was in shock at first. Grrr.

    I was out for a month and half, from the first week of December to the begining of the third week of January. I had mono, though, so it sucked. I was so sick, and I slept all the time, and never ate. My parents got super worried.

    I always seem to get sick before a vacation. When I had mono, we had winter break, and Christmas. I had no energy for Christmas, and slept all day. In my new blanket that I got lol
    April 5th, 2008 at 05:32am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    Rofl I remember, when I was nine, I was on my parent's treadmill with shorts and a t-shirt and barefoot. And my little brother was just joking around, and turned the speed all the way up (he was about six). Well, I could keep up with it, and I fell. But I held on with my left hand for like, five minutes, my arm and legs dragging on it. When I finally let go, it threw me back against the door. I [i]almost[/i] didn't tell my mom about it, but like, my wrist, the top of my arm, both my ankles, and up my right leg were burned really bad. So I didn't have to go to school for two weeks. Haha.

    I still have scars from that, by the way. I get scars so easily. I have one on my elbow from where a horse ran me into a tree and the twig scratched my arm. Gah. Haha.
    April 5th, 2008 at 05:23am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    Weird stuff happens, but it's usually my fault. Because I'm like, super clumsy.

    One time, I had to jump this fence (my grandma's neighbor didn't like me, but her son did) and, instead of stopping like most people I know, I just kinda vaulted over it. And I nearly sprained my ankle, and my knee hurt for a couple day. Or, that time where I stubbed my toe really badly and the end was like, split open. My mom said it could've used stitches (I didn't show her until about three weeks later).

    Ugh. I keep rambling. Haha. My bad :)
    April 5th, 2008 at 05:07am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    Lol that actually happens? I've never had that happen to me before. I just thought that people were kidding, but I guess not. Haha. I feel kinda stupid now. O.o but it's all good....mostly. Ha.
    April 5th, 2008 at 05:02am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    Oh! Dude! What happened to my manners? Haha.

    My name's Kate.

    I don't listen to a lot of screamo or metal...I love lyrics and stuff, you know? It's just like...yeah. I like being able to sing along. There are some kids at my school that are really good at it, though. But, even though there's some music that I don't listen to a lot of, I'll listen to anything, if that's all I have. Haha.

    Sorry for forgetting to say my name. I'm usually better about that O.o
    April 5th, 2008 at 04:56am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    That's really cool. I've always wondered, cause I love Blue October. I haven't been able to listen to them since my computer crashed, though. Grr. I miss listening to them. I'm gonna get my mom to pick up their cd from walmart.

    Gah. Now I'm gonna go around singing random Blue October songs. Thanks :P
    April 5th, 2008 at 04:49am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    That's cool. I'm sorry about your parents though...I was in the fifth grade when they divorced, and in the seventh when they remarried. Ugh. It sucked.

    My friends make me feel so insignificant sometimes. My best friend can play guitar and bass, and my other really good friend plays piano, bass, guitar, drums, AND he sings. Gah. I love singing. But not to my own songs...haha. I'm a car-singer. Lol 'Cause I'm good like that. O.o
    April 5th, 2008 at 04:38am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    I used to...my dad taught me how on his acoustic. But then, after him and my mom got divorced, I didn't see him as much, so I just stopped playing. And, after they got remarried (which I think is insane that they got divored and then remarried to each other), I just never picked it up again. I'm about to start, though. I don't have anything better to do. Ha

    Do you?
    April 5th, 2008 at 04:30am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    That's awesome. I'm just like, so jealous.

    I live in Tennessee, just outside of Nashville. It's super boring here. Nothing happens. Ever. O.o But, probably better that nothing happens then people being shot up everyday, you know?

    All of my family's in the Southeast. I'm from Georgia, and most of my family lives there. I have grandparents that used to live in Mississippi until Hurricane Katrina, and now they live in Alabama. And....yeah. My great-grandmother lives in Mississippi. Most of my mom's family lives up here.

    Haha. I just wrote a lot about my family. Kinda. It looks like a lot in this little 'enter your comment' box. Ha.
    April 5th, 2008 at 04:25am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    I managed to convince my mom to take me for lessons for about two years a couple of counties from mine, but then my instructor got married and moved to Texas. So, no more lessons for me.

    I only fell once, and that was because the horse turned and I didn't...hahaha. They always seemed to try to squeeze between two trees that are [i]just[/i] wide enough for them, but not for me. Haha.

    Do you mind me asking where you live, if your horses are in Louisiana?
    April 5th, 2008 at 04:17am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    That's funny. Haha. I'm jealous, now. I wish I had a horse...I've always wanted one ever since I was a little kid. But we live in a suburban area, so there's no where to keep one. Grr.

    You have a lot of pets. Like, a lot more than me. Three...two...three....uh, is that eight total? That's four times as many as me. Haha. That was one of my rare mathematical moments. Haa.
    April 5th, 2008 at 04:08am
  • brokenwindowlullaby

    brokenwindowlullaby (100)

    United States
    I'm really bad about spelling and grammar, too. I hate it when I spell stuff wrong, or when I can't think of the proper verb tense or whatever. It annoys me to no end. Haha.

    I don't have any cats...I used to, but now we have two dogs. One eats everything that she finds on the ground and the other rarely gets off the couch.

    How come it's attacking the screen?
    April 5th, 2008 at 03:52am