wilton lyons / Comments

  • I'm really happy. Like...I'm thinking straight again. Kinda weird that people that I've never met can make me feel better, but they can. And I'm forever grateful lol

    You sound like a busy person lol I have a soccer game to go to, and that's about it for me. Haha. But I need to relax, so that's probably for the best. Phew.
    April 19th, 2008 at 04:43am
  • :) Stupidhead never calls. I've never [i]actually[/i] talked to him on the phone. Lol but he texted. He's fine, though. His phone just got cut off; that was all.

    The morning wasn't as bad as I was afraid of. My dad woke me up because my mom's gone to Washington DC for her work, and he is a lot more understanding of my nightowl nature (since I probably got it from him). So, I was tired for the first couple of hours, but overall I was fine.

    So how're you? Anything good happen today?
    April 19th, 2008 at 04:34am
  • Just another mood swing, I suppose. I have really bad mood swings, but only the people that know me are really aware of them...I've gotten to the point where I bottle everything up. When I'm in an irritable mood it's the worst; people just keep annoying me and annoying me until I snap at someone who hasn't done a thing to me.

    I just watched Atonement...I liked it a lot. Lol I'm so specific. But I'm really tired now. And tomorrow morning's gonna suck. Gah. Lol I finally heard from David. He's such a stupidhead. Hahaha.

    I think I might have cyclothymia O.o oh well. Hahaha. Ha.
    April 18th, 2008 at 06:26am
  • That's good. I'm a lot happier now, too. Is there any particular reason you're happy?
    April 18th, 2008 at 04:03am
  • I'm kinda apathetic right now, which is weird. Usually, I feel whatever the person I'm talking to or am around is feeling. But...I'm by myself. So it's like I'm reflecting inward. Which is weird.

    Which makes me think: what does a mirror look like, if nothing's in it?

    How're you feeling today?
    April 18th, 2008 at 01:50am
  • Uh...I guess so. It was alright. He still hasn't talked to me, and my dad said that my neighbor made sure that nothing would happen to Daisy. So I feel better.

    How was your day?
    April 16th, 2008 at 05:06am
  • no problem, you're always welcome and keep on writing
    April 15th, 2008 at 03:59pm
  • I hate it when people yell...even when it's not at me. I'm such a non-confrentational person that...ugh.

    I feel kinda like I'm to blame--if I hadn't been in my room, I probably would've gotten one of the boys to hold Daisy and Rama so I could tell him to go home.

    Surely, it will get better. Everything can only suck for a while, right? What goes....wait. That's what goes up must come down. So...nevermind. Lol
    April 15th, 2008 at 04:38am
  • David is just dumb. He gets up at like, four to run. And his work starts at like, six. But I don't really know why he chooses to text me, other than the fact that I'll most likely answer. Gah.

    Uhm...well, I was babysitting my little brothers, and I was in my room with them in the den. Someone knocked on the front door. My youngest brother, Alex (he's eight), got up and 'looked' out the window, and said it was Mom and Dad. And Jackson, who's twelve, told him to open the door (I only know this part from their story afterward). So Alex opened the door, and it was JD (who was my neighbor's little brother, like from the Big Brother program). Daisy, our English bulldog, attacked the door like she always does, and managed to bite JD a little.
    But I didn't know that Daisy had bitten him; when I walked into the room, Alex had already slammed the door shut and said 'we can't play right now'. So, I told Alex not to open the door again, and then I dropped it.
    Well, my parents got home, and they were sitting on the couch when my neighbor came to the back door with JD. He told Daddy about what happened according to JD, and showed him these four little scratches that were [i]just[/i] bad enough to draw blood.
    My dad came in the living room, and yelled at us for about twenty minutes (which is bad, because my dad like, never yells) about how dangerous it was that Alex opened the door without looking, and how
    *this is not racist. This is just how it is here* since JD lives in the ghetto, his mama's gonna make a big deal out it since some white kid's dog bit her son, and that she's gonna call the police and make them put down Daisy for 'being vicious' (when she was really only trying to protect Alex).
    And I love Daisy...she's been around almost as long as Alex. So I started crying. Really hard. And every time I looked at her, I started crying again.

    I was really really upset. But apparently, my neighbor and JD's grandmother smoothed it all out. So everything will *hopefully* be okay.

    Sorry to have to make you read all that....:/
    April 15th, 2008 at 04:14am
  • Hi! I cried for about two hours nonstop on Sunday...

    But other than that, it was peachy. I'm kinda mad at David. He hasn't spoken to me since Saturday (where he woke me up at 6:12 in the morning, when I didn't go to sleep until one).

    How're you? How was your weekend?
    April 15th, 2008 at 03:29am
  • Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.

    Lol 'night
    April 12th, 2008 at 05:28am
  • Mmmm. Insomnia does suck...it always seems to happen at the worst times.

    My parents let me drive sometimes, around the neighborhood and junk. I'll probably end up getting my dad's X-terra, but I'm more comfortable driving my mom's van. Hahaha.

    It can be really hard for me to function without sleep, but only if I haven't slept well in weeks, you know? It just kinda wears me down. Haha
    April 12th, 2008 at 05:17am
  • Naw, dude, I'm only fourteen. No license or whatever. If I was able to, I'd probably see him more often lol

    My parents were both in the Army, so they're super strict. Gah. At least they don't yell...hallelujah. I don't think I could handle that...I hate it when people yell. Not even when it's just at me. Just in general.

    Grr. I'm going to see how late I can make myself stay up.
    April 12th, 2008 at 05:08am
  • I actually DID sneak out once...in the seventh grade. Me and my best friend took out her screen, went out the window, and then walked down the street. That was it. No joke. Long story short--

    I got grounded for six months. Starting in April.

    I'll probably end up going home with my friend after school, and we'll pop in on him at work. Hahahaha. She'll never have to know. Mwahahaha.

    No evil laugh here....-whistles-
    April 12th, 2008 at 04:57am
  • Um...yeah. I want to go see him, but yeah. I don't want to tell my mom. I'm not even considering telling my dad...Lord knows how protective they are.

    But it's not my fault that I'm the oldest, and their only daughter. Still...they won't even let me have a Myspace. They don't even know about Mibba. Or AIM or Yahoo or any of that crap that I have.

    All secret. I have too many secrets...and they're not even all mine. Lol
    April 12th, 2008 at 04:49am
  • I wasn't there, and since he dropped out of school to be homeschooled (halfway through his freakin' senior year), I don't even see him unless he comes to school or I go to his work, and I don't have any excuse to go there.

    I haven't seen him in two months. And it makes me sad--I miss him as my friend. You know? I just want to see him and talk to him in person (even though last time it was super awkward until I walked away and he told me that I was pretty lol).

    Argh. Is your dad okay?
    April 12th, 2008 at 04:42am
  • TGIF. Good Lord, I'm so glad.

    David got in a wreck, and hurt his leg, but won't go to the doctor. Is that a guy thing, or it is it just him? Cause I know a lot of guys that hate the doctor...grr. That's about the only exciting thing today...everybody else is bearable lol

    I just kinda got really worried. Because I'm really prone to worrying about people (even when there's nothing to worry about). Whatever.

    How was your day?
    April 12th, 2008 at 04:27am
  • Lol 'night
    April 11th, 2008 at 05:17am
  • I'm the same way. It's really weird. But I mean, I like being able to tell a bunch of stuff about somebody by just watching them. I don't like judging people though...it makes me feel bad. Like, who am I to judge you and your flaws?

    This is weird. Talking to you. Because it's like, you seem so similar to me. O.o
    April 11th, 2008 at 05:00am
  • Wow...no offense, but you seem to know too much for a boy. Haha. I'm just kidding...mostly. But still. How'd you get to be so insightful?
    April 11th, 2008 at 04:51am